Large Drill Splits Apart, Drill Section 2 blocks above drill housing; ghost graphical glitch

Ecklin Chauvin shared this bug 5 months ago

I ran into what I believe is a graphical glitch and went to Steam to inquire about how to fix it.

Users there provided me with a work around but also said that this glitch is old and hard to recreate and that I should provide Keen with the save file if the glitch is recreatable, which leads me to the point of this post.

I'm trying to attach my save file located on my PC in the "test2" folder but the attach a file keeps telling me the file type is wrong type. I'm at my limit for trying to help right now, so hopefully another solution can be found for getting you this file that has the recreatable bug in it or I'll have more patience at a later date.

Good day to you,


Replies (1)


Hello Ecklin,

We are still working to pinpoint the exact Steps To Reproduce for this issue, especially on less complex grids. We’ve created an internal investigation ticket, and the issue is under review. Thank you for your report!

Have a great day!

Kind regards,

Keen Software House: QA Department

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