infinite falling animation

Ctirad Horkel shared this bug 37 hours ago


Durign the scenario lost colony there is issue after you jump the animation do not end after you fall back to ground. And you cannot recover from it becuase at the begining the jetpack is disabled making it unplayable...

Replies (1)


Hello Engineer,

thank you for reaching our forum with this problem that you are experiencing.

From your text, and since you are specifically mentioning the Lost Colony scenario, that also (among others) has the jet-pack Off by default in the world settings, I strongly believe that the problem here is the same as described here:

As you can see, that thread is in "Reported" state. Kindly keep any eye on it for any new comments, information and possible fix coming in the future.

Will close this one now as "Duplicate."

If you would be still experiencing this problem even after the shared thread is solved, please open new thread here on the forum and describe the current situation.

Thank you for your understanding.

Kind Regards

Keen Software House: QA Department

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