Sound block audio only plays in one ear

Jeffry Daniels shared this bug 3 months ago

Title really says it all. All other game sounds work perfectly fine for me but the sound block only works in the left ear. I've spent the past hour or so troubleshooting but haven't managed to fix it. The only thing I've figured out is for some reason "Aye" and everything below it in the menu work fine in both ears, while all others only play in the left ear.

Replies (4)



Thank you for contacting us. Since this is a bug report, I'm moving your ticket to our support page, where our QA team will take care of you.

Kind Regards

Keen Software House


Hello, Jeffry,

thank you for reaching our forum with this problem.

In the past, we had a similar problem with sounds/music in general. Please see:

As you can see that is now closed as "Solved". While also one player wrote there that it is still happening to him, he didn't provide any further information.

I have tried with the sound block, but can not really tell that I would hear anything broken/wrong. Tried on arcade and realistic sound settings.

Are you sure your game is fully updated on the current version (1.204018 b2)? If you are playing on any different (older) it is possible that it is the same problem that is already fixed in the current version.

Can you please share me a video where I would see (and hear) what is exactly wrong there, if possible?

You have this problem in one specific game or in all the worlds that you play on (loading old ones, starting new ones)?

Are there any mods active on the affected save(s)? If yes, please try to reproduce the same on completely new vanilla (no mods) game).

If this problem still would be observable for you, please share me the affected save file where this problem can be observed.

You can access your save files by typing %appdata% into your Windows search bar and you will be redirected to the hidden Roaming folder. After that just follow: \Roaming\SpaceEngineers\Saves. There should be a folder with your SteamID and your saves.

Please zip the file and attach it here. If you are having difficulty attaching files you can optionally use Google Drive. When sharing a google drive link please make sure it is set to be downloadable by anyone with the link.

Also please make sure you share me a log file from the game session where you observed/experienced this problem.

You can access your log files by typing %appdata% into your Windows search bar and you will be redirected to the hidden Roaming folder. After that just follow: \Roaming\SpaceEngineers.

Thank you in advance.

Kind Regards

Keen Software House: QA Department


I'm currently on the latest version, and I'm have this problem in all of my saves, regardless of mods


Ondrej, ja uz niekedy nemam silu vam vyvetlovat niektore veci do okola, preto to poviem ako mi huba narastla:

pozri si moj nedavny prispevok, ktory bol oznaceny ako duplicitny a nasmerovany sem. problem trva v aktualnej a nemodovanej verzii hry.

napadlo ma, ze zalezi kedy sme si hru nainstalovali, pretoze update nemenili originalne zvukove subory, ktore mohli byt v novych cistych instalaciach uz zmenene vo formate.

okrem iného je nad slnko jasnejsie, ze problem je vo zvukovych formatoch suborov, ktore sme si povodne nainstalovali povodnou instalaciou a pre ktore uz novsie updaty hry, nemaju podporu tak ako pred tym. preto hraju len do jedneho ucha a nie je moznost urcit polohu zvuku v priestore.


see my recent post that was flagged as duplicate and directed here. the problem persists in the current and unmodded version of the game. I thought that it depends on when we installed the game, because the update did not change the original audio files, which could have already been changed in format in new clean installations. among other things, it is clearer than ever that the problem is in the audio formats of the files that we installed with the flood installation and for which the newer game updates do not have support as before. that's why I only play in one ear and it is not possible to determine the position of the sound in space.


have the same bug. i tried some thing but the sound on only left ear is just unbearable.

i experience this bug since june when i decided to play the game again, the last time when i played the game was 7 months ago. there i even posted pictures of a Subway Train on reddit that has a lot of sounds (especially modded ones) and it still worked well. now my left ear rings every time since not just almost all music and sfx from the sound block are buggy, but also some active sfx like jet pack in 3rd person, hydrogen thrusters when in use, and so on.

i would hope for a fix but considering the many bug reports here that lets me believe that keens seems to unable - or absolutely uninterested, like how they uninterestingly closed all my bug reports i made like:

- ships sink through objects and voxel for no goddamn reason, except i use subgrids as landing gears

- Wheels randomly stops working after a long play time in a world and it kinda becomes ''corrupted'' so that every time i restart the world or even the game the wheels start to block again regardless of what i do

no matter if with mods or vanilla, bugs still exists and keen didnt care to help me to fix it. i am sure this here will be also untouched.

you know what? screw it. i uninstall this program. if bugs like these persists because keen seems to be lazy or incompetent to fix it, i can only see this program as junkware. i had my fun indeed, but its gone now, as well as my patience considering these atrocious bugs you devs did to me.


Ah sure, now, aren’t ya a rare gem of insight and wisdom! Ye posted pictures of a Subway Train on Reddit *seven months ago* and now your left ear’s been cursed ever since. Sounds like divine retribution for whatever sins you committed against the mods! Now, let me get this straight—ya think the devs are sittin' around in their cozy wee chairs, twiddlin’ their thumbs, laughin’ maniacally about how they’ve broken the laws of physics just to torment *you* and yer wheels? Ah, bless yer heart.

And I’m sure that postin’ bug reports in the same rage-filled tone as yer granny shoutin' at a pigeon did wonders for gettin' things fixed. Ships sinkin' through voxels, wheels freezin' up after a long day… sounds more like you’re tryna sail the Titanic on a potato. But sure, uninstall the game, lad! That’ll show 'em. I’m sure the devs are shakin' in their boots right now, weepin' at the thought of losin' the critical feedback from the man who *once* got his sound to work perfectly with a modded Subway Train.

Good luck with yer next adventure. Maybe give Pong a try—it’s much less taxing on the ol’ eardrums.


Hello Engineers,

thank you for all the provided information.

We have managed to reproduce this problem on our side as well. Issue was put into our internal system.

Kind regards,

Keen Software House: QA Department

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