Small grid advanced rotor part glitched stuck

Rick shared this bug 14 months ago

Hey Keen support,

I'm having an issue with a small grid advanced rotor part glitching stuck to the advanced rotor. I'm using the advanced rotor to attach a semi trailer to a tractor, but as soon as I attach them they can't be separated by detaching them. This happens with the advanced rotor, not the regular variant. This issue has been reported before here and here but was closed because the reporting users didn't provide any further comments.

I've tried several things to try and solve this issue, like removing the few mods I was using and by removing any other blocks that could glitch into each other. I've attached a save file where you can easily replicate this issue with the following steps:

  • raise the vehicle by setting the height offset on the wheels to -50cm
  • click Attach on Advanced Rotor yaw
  • click Detach on Advanced Rotor yaw
  • move the tractor or change height offset

The only way's I've found the separate the two grids are:

  • exiting/reloading the save file
  • cutting/pasting either truck or trailer to a different location
  • removing Advanced Rotor yaw, the rotor part on Advanced Rotor roll and the curved conveyor between them
  • detaching the rotor part on Advanced Rotor roll, this will still separate the truck from the trailer, but the Advanced Rotor yaw will remain stuck.

If you need any more info I'd be happy to provide it.

Replies (1)


Hello, Rick!

Thank you for letting us know about this.

Issue was successfully reproduced on our side and put into our internal system.

Kind Regards

Keen Software House: QA Department


That's great! I did some more testing and have a bit more to add. I said this doesn't happen with regular rotors, but it turns out it's not that simple. If any of the rotors in the setup is an advanced rotor and/or there are conveyor tubes in the rotor setup they will get stuck, if there are only regular rotors and no conveyor tubes they won't get stuck. Which rotor part is on the trailer doesn't seem to matter.

  • Regular rotors, no conveyors: attaches/detaches normally
  • Regular rotors with conveyor: stuck
  • Advanced rotors, no conveyors: stuck
  • Advanced rotors with conveyors: stuck
  • Advanced and regular rotors, no conveyors: stuck
  • Advanced and regular rotors with conveyors: stuck

I've attached another save file with the combinations listed above. I hope this helps narrow down the problem.

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