AI Recorder / AI Move not able to find first waypoint when rotor attached

Ihateregisteringforthis shared this bug 17 months ago

In this test world are two identical drones except one has a rotor attached to it. Observe how the one without rotor flawlessly finds the way points and docks. Observe how the other drone is not able to fly to the first way point, keeps rotating around it.

Start the sequence by enable Move AI on drones and start RTB timer block.

Replies (3)


Hello. engineer!

Thank you for letting us know.

We have successfully reproduced the issue and have reported it internally.

Kind Regards,

Keen Software House: QA Department


I have done some more testing:

- same problem with any type of sub grid, e.g. it happens too with piston and hinge. (EDIT: Connector too.)

- same problem when the way points are set after the sub grid was added

- It **seems** to make a difference where the sub grid is positioned relative to the main grid, and i managed to get it to the way point after meddling with the setting, but I'm unable to reproduce the working version.

- Various weird issues: The drone is moving in the opposite direction instead of turning around the way point sometimes, it turned off the task block on its own (is there a max retry limit or something), attaching a defense AI block to the sub grid originally made it behave correctly (e.g. RTB on no enemy detected) besides the movement bug, but during testing it didn't start the timer it should have.


This has not been updates in the last 6 months, and I expect that AI is still effectively broken besides super simple -- useless -- concepts. What a shame.


Hello, Engineer,

happy to inform you that this problem is now fixed in v204.

Will close this thread now.

If you are experiencing any other problem with the game, please let us know by opening new thread here on the forum.

Happy Engineering!

Kind Regards

Keen Software House: QA Department

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