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[1.202.066 Automatons] Dedicated Server all players constantly triggering "x was trying to cheat"

Dalten shared this bug 22 months ago

Since the Automatons update yesterday, all players are continuously triggering the anti-cheat system, confirmed all vanilla clients with no plugins. one client is even on same subnet as the server, so no connection latency is applicable. we're running the normal dedicated server software.

see lines in the dedicated server log attached when this occurs:

"x was trying to cheat"

"x's action was blocked"

players experience this as strong simspeed dips and rubberbanding. standing, walking around, normal actions. this bug is severely affecting general gameplay.

Replies (4)


mods we have since suspended include:

- buildinfo

- rendering improved

- camera - over the shoulder

- sound block mod by kaos

this issue is still happening, cannot be attributed to these mods,


also removed "new lighting | Pertam" to test. still happening.


We have the same message on our private server.

Some players and also me (admin) trigger the "x was trying to cheat" message.

As all players are friends of mine (non tech people) it's unlikely they are trying to cheat and i as an admin don't have to...


also removed the following mods, and the problem is still happening:

- projections to assembler

- clear camera - No Camera Overlay

- realistic holographic sights for vanilla rifles

attached is another log file showing the same. come on Keen, please respond already. I know we're not the only ones having this issue. it's a major one.


also removed the following mods, and the problem is still happening. attached is another log file showing the same:

- cleanmodcategories

- easy control button access

@mrmutex, would you please share a mod list or server log? I can try to see if we have something in common.


morning keen, this is still happening as of this morning's hotfix 1.202.067. see attached


Hello, Dalten!

Thank you for writing to us.

After investigating the provided logs, it seems there are plenty of Scripts and MODs active on this Dedicated Server, and the issue may happen because of them.

Just to be assured about that, could you try setting up a vanilla (with no active MOD or script) dedicated server and check if the issue persists over there as well?

If the issue persists, kindly send us the log file of this vanilla dedicated server.

We are looking forward to assisting you with this issue.

Kind Regards,

Keen Software House: QA Department


Hello Support,

Needless to say, it is not feasible to run our active production server completely without MODs, particularly a number of modded blocks disappearing from the world would damage grids irreversibly.

However, attached is a log of the testing/staging clone of our main server using the same world and server configuration settings, minus all the MODs this time. I was not and have not been able to replicate this issue before with only myself logged in on the test world, but hopefully this can give you some useful comparison. I was attempting to overwhelm the test server here with heavy creative-mode activity.

Can your inspection of the earlier logs I attached indicate the most likely MOD source(s) of these cheating messages? As far as I know, none of the mods we use have ever carried a function of that sort, and it's the first time I'm seeing it since we launched our server 4 years ago back during SE beta. Is this a new vanilla function your team added recently to the game?

In the meantime, we will continue to scale back on mods we can remove without damaging the world, but your dev teams clearly changed something major. If you can at least give us a direction to look in, and then I can follow up directly with the MOD developer(s). I'm not going to contact all 50 authors right now without more clues. thank you.


removed the following mods, issue still happening. narrowing it down:

- [QoL] radio Spectrometry

- Definition Extension API

- Seismic Surveying

- Seismic Surveying Landing Gear.

session log attached.


I have this exact same issue on my private server, and looking through the other logs in this thread, it would appear that although the logs posted show "x was trying to cheat" & "x's action was blocked" they do not seem to contain what would appear to be some possibly vital information that my logs appear to show... I've included a small snippet of the log with the relevant information below.. (the player name was anonymized for privacy).. perhaps this information can help track down the problem.

16:09:28.8708 [INFO] Keen: K**** was trying to cheat!

16:09:28.8708 [DEBUG] Keen: Kick, Ownership MyTurretControlBlock.ChangeSunTrackingEnabled

16:09:30.5198 [INFO] Keen: K**** was trying to cheat!

16:09:30.5198 [DEBUG] Keen: Kick, Ownership MyTurretControlBlock.ChangeSunTrackingEnabled

16:09:32.2038 [INFO] Keen: K**** was trying to cheat!

16:09:32.2038 [DEBUG] Keen: Kick, Ownership MyTurretControlBlock.ChangeSunTrackingEnabled

16:09:34.0048 [INFO] Keen: K**** was trying to cheat!

16:09:34.0048 [DEBUG] Keen: Kick, Ownership MyTurretControlBlock.ChangeSunTrackingEnabled

16:09:35.7038 [INFO] Keen: K**** was trying to cheat!

16:09:35.7038 [DEBUG] Keen: Kick, Ownership MyTurretControlBlock.ChangeSunTrackingEnabled

16:09:37.3698 [INFO] Keen: K**** was trying to cheat!

16:09:37.3698 [DEBUG] Keen: Kick, Ownership MyTurretControlBlock.ChangeSunTrackingEnabled

16:09:39.0538 [INFO] Keen: K**** was trying to cheat!

16:09:39.0578 [DEBUG] Keen: Kick, Ownership MyTurretControlBlock.ChangeSunTrackingEnabled

16:09:40.6958 [DEBUG] Keen: GC Memory: 3064.359 / 3064.359 MB

16:09:40.7538 [INFO] Keen: K**** was trying to cheat!

16:09:40.7538 [DEBUG] Keen: Kick, Ownership MyTurretControlBlock.ChangeSunTrackingEnabled

16:09:42.4368 [INFO] Keen: K**** was trying to cheat!

16:09:42.4368 [DEBUG] Keen: Kick, Ownership MyTurretControlBlock.ChangeSunTrackingEnabled

16:09:44.1208 [INFO] Keen: K**** was trying to cheat!

16:09:44.1208 [DEBUG] Keen: Kick, Ownership MyTurretControlBlock.ChangeSunTrackingEnabled

16:09:45.7868 [INFO] Keen: K**** was trying to cheat!

16:09:45.7868 [DEBUG] Keen: Kick, Ownership MyTurretControlBlock.ChangeSunTrackingEnabled

16:09:47.4868 [INFO] Keen: K**** was trying to cheat!

16:09:47.4868 [DEBUG] Keen: Kick, Ownership MyTurretControlBlock.ChangeSunTrackingEnabled

16:09:49.1702 [INFO] Keen: K**** was trying to cheat!

16:09:49.1702 [DEBUG] Keen: Kick, Ownership MyTurretControlBlock.ChangeSunTrackingEnabled

16:09:50.8529 [INFO] Keen: K**** was trying to cheat!

16:09:50.8529 [DEBUG] Keen: Kick, Ownership MyTurretControlBlock.ChangeSunTrackingEnabled

16:09:52.5369 [INFO] Keen: K**** was trying to cheat!

16:09:52.5369 [DEBUG] Keen: Kick, Ownership MyTurretControlBlock.ChangeSunTrackingEnabled

16:09:54.2039 [INFO] Keen: K**** was trying to cheat!

16:09:54.2039 [DEBUG] Keen: Kick, Ownership MyTurretControlBlock.ChangeSunTrackingEnabled

16:09:55.9039 [INFO] Keen: K**** was trying to cheat!

16:09:55.9039 [DEBUG] Keen: Kick, Ownership MyTurretControlBlock.ChangeSunTrackingEnabled

16:09:57.5869 [INFO] Keen: K**** was trying to cheat!

16:09:57.5869 [DEBUG] Keen: Kick, Ownership MyTurretControlBlock.ChangeSunTrackingEnabled

16:09:59.2699 [INFO] Keen: K**** was trying to cheat!

16:09:59.2699 [DEBUG] Keen: Kick, Ownership MyTurretControlBlock.ChangeSunTrackingEnabled

16:10:00.9539 [INFO] Keen: K**** was trying to cheat!

16:10:00.9539 [DEBUG] Keen: Kick, Ownership MyTurretControlBlock.ChangeSunTrackingEnabled

16:10:02.6369 [INFO] Keen: K**** was trying to cheat!

16:10:02.6369 [DEBUG] Keen: Kick, Ownership MyTurretControlBlock.ChangeSunTrackingEnabled

16:10:04.3199 [INFO] Keen: K**** was trying to cheat!

16:10:04.3199 [DEBUG] Keen: Kick, Ownership MyTurretControlBlock.ChangeSunTrackingEnabled

16:10:05.9871 [INFO] Keen: K**** was trying to cheat!

16:10:05.9871 [DEBUG] Keen: Kick, Ownership MyTurretControlBlock.ChangeSunTrackingEnabled

16:10:07.6871 [INFO] Keen: K**** was trying to cheat!

16:10:07.6871 [DEBUG] Keen: Kick, Ownership MyTurretControlBlock.ChangeSunTrackingEnabled

16:10:09.3704 [INFO] Keen: K**** was trying to cheat!

16:10:09.3704 [DEBUG] Keen: Kick, Ownership MyTurretControlBlock.ChangeSunTrackingEnabled

16:10:10.6964 [DEBUG] Keen: GC Memory: 3225.092 / 3225.092 MB

16:10:11.0534 [INFO] Keen: K**** was trying to cheat!

16:10:11.0534 [DEBUG] Keen: Kick, Ownership MyTurretControlBlock.ChangeSunTrackingEnabled

16:10:12.7364 [INFO] Keen: K**** was trying to cheat!

16:10:12.7364 [DEBUG] Keen: Kick, Ownership MyTurretControlBlock.ChangeSunTrackingEnabled

16:10:13.4704 [DEBUG] Keen: STATISTICS LEGEND,time,ReceivedPerSecond,SentPerSecond,PeakReceivedPerSecond,PeakSentPerSecond,OverallReceived,OverallSent,CPULoadSmooth,ThreadLoadSmooth,GetOnlinePlayerCount,Ping,GCMemoryUsed,ProcessMemory,PCUBuilt,PCU,GridsCount,RenderCPULoadSmooth,RenderGPULoadSmooth,HardwareCPULoad,HardwareAvailableMemory,FrameTime,LowSimQuality,FrameTimeLimit,FrameTimeCPU,FrameTimeGPU,CPULoadLimit,TrackedMemory,GCMemoryAllocated,PersistedEncounters,EncounterEntities

16:10:13.4704 [DEBUG] Keen: STATISTICS,240.0666667,0.007926941,0.04113293,0.02454948,4.860617,0.6202431,21.2903,59.17163,13.19002,2,0,3235.782,9256.582,585944,313624,469,0,0,0.08017253,17588,0,0,16.66667,0,0,100,4686854984,3235.782,0,0

16:10:13.4704 [DEBUG] Keen: MEMORY LEGEND,Srv,Uav,Read,Debug,Index,Audio,SrvUav,Vertex,Buffers,Physics,Planets,Systems,Textures,Indirect,Constant,RwTextures,Dx11Render,MeshBuffers,FileTextures,DepthStencil,TileTextures,Voxels-Native,CustomTextures,HeightmapFaces,Mesh GPU Buffers,BitStreamBuffers,GeneratedTextures,FileArrayTextures,NativeDictionaries,CubemapDataBuffers,HeightDetailTexture,MyDeviceWriteBuffers,ShadowCascadesStatsBuffers,AI_PathFinding,EpicOnlineServices,EpicOnlineServicesWrapper

16:10:13.4704 [DEBUG] Keen: MEMORY VALUES,0,0,0,0,0,0,0,0,0,324,2258,4469,0,0,0,0,0,0,0,0,0,0,0,961,0,28,0,0,1858,1274,22,0,0,0,0,0

16:10:14.4204 [INFO] Keen: K**** was trying to cheat!

16:10:14.4204 [DEBUG] Keen: Kick, Ownership MyTurretControlBlock.ChangeSunTrackingEnabled

16:10:16.1034 [INFO] Keen: K**** was trying to cheat!

16:10:16.1034 [DEBUG] Keen: Kick, Ownership MyTurretControlBlock.ChangeSunTrackingEnabled

16:10:17.7868 [INFO] Keen: K**** was trying to cheat!

16:10:17.7868 [DEBUG] Keen: Kick, Ownership MyTurretControlBlock.ChangeSunTrackingEnabled

16:10:19.4538 [INFO] Keen: K**** was trying to cheat!

16:10:19.4538 [DEBUG] Keen: Kick, Ownership MyTurretControlBlock.ChangeSunTrackingEnabled

16:10:21.1410 [INFO] Keen: K**** was trying to cheat!

16:10:21.1410 [DEBUG] Keen: Kick, Ownership MyTurretControlBlock.ChangeSunTrackingEnabled

16:10:22.8203 [INFO] Keen: K**** was trying to cheat!

16:10:22.8203 [DEBUG] Keen: Kick, Ownership MyTurretControlBlock.ChangeSunTrackingEnabled

16:10:24.5039 [INFO] Keen: K**** was trying to cheat!

16:10:24.5039 [DEBUG] Keen: Kick, Ownership MyTurretControlBlock.ChangeSunTrackingEnabled

16:10:26.2032 [INFO] Keen: K**** was trying to cheat!


Hi Dalten, I was wondering why I am seeing these logs ("x's action was blocked") on my dedicated server. I am currently preparing a map and developing the space station. Sometimes, when I spawn near it, I see logs in the dedicated app indicating that an action was blocked. I didn't know that these logs were related to cheating.

I am also using some mods, so let's compare and see which ones we have in common. The issue could be related to Keen software, or it could be a problem with one of the mods. Comparing our mod lists could help us find the problem more quickly, I hope! :P

406244471 - Better Stone v7.0.11
2724252237 - Better Deep Scarce Stone
2422592854 - Configurable Parameters
1965654081 - Rich HUD Master
500818376 - Paint Gun realistic painting for survival + special creative features
1136188499 - Space Just Got Real (1.188 Update 4)
305329302 - Small Ship Mega Mod Pack [100% DX-11 Ready]
957664290 - Sickles Signs V2 - 100+ LCD Textures
1596101726 - Sound Block Sounds by --Kaos--
357056042 - Soundblock Female Voice
2879998173 - A Bad - Dead Engineers Decrative
2750042520 - UfoL's Exhausts FX Pack
801185519 - Colorful Icons
2313128249 - UfoL's Particle FX Pack
758597413 - Text HUD API
2215904786 - [Mexpex] Hydrogen Thrusters Visuals [TFX] (11)
2756894170 - Definition Extension API
2844945145 - [Mexpex] Thruster FX - Framework (3)
2174915662 - Font: Mono Color
2963363207 - Custom LCD Textures by coolfarmer
2958984728 - Sound Block Sounds by coolfarmer


The game should at least print the method used to trigger this so we can better narrow down to a mod rather than experiment with all combinations like this :/


Darkstar of weaponcore says this problem is being triggered by many mods. Keen, there is something your team added to the base game which needs addressing.


has anyone else noticed that since the silent update (with no announcement) to version 1.202.68, those messages have stopped showing up in the server logs?


I have noticed since said hotfix (patch notes at the bottom of this post Update 1.202 - Automatons | Space Engineers PC Support) that the messages have disappeared. however the performance degradation continues for our players. I would slowly re-add the mods we took off to see if this message stays away. I'm still concerned about the ongoing performance issues and crashes.


Yeah they only removed the message from the validation failure thing, would need a plugin to re-add it, which can also print a stacktrace to know what triggered it instead of blindly trying all mod combinations =) if can't find a plugin like that you could ask for one in torch or pluginloader discord...


issue not present since 1.202.114, I think you may be able to close this one out Keen.


Hello, Dalten,

I am glad that the hotfixes resolved your issue. I am closing this thread as per your request, but please create another thread if any more problems appear.

Thank you.

Kind regards,

Keen Software House: QA Department

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