[1.201.014] Clang involving three (or two) grids, hinges and armor panels

TBC_x shared this bug 20 months ago

When you put a small grid on large grid armor panels it will inevitably lead to clang after updating the grids.

There is related issue but that doesn't cover this problem. https://support.keenswh.com/spaceengineers/pc/topic/23565-1-200-armor-panels-collisions-broken

Attached video and world

Replies (2)


Update: In my world I have replaced the design using panels with the design labeled as Good in the save. That is not true, even that design exploded, I've simply done little testing on it.


found the reason behind this

<MyObjectBuilder_CubeBlock xsi:type="MyObjectBuilder_MotorAdvancedStator">



<Min x="1" y="3" z="0" />

<BlockOrientation Forward="Right" Up="Backward" />

<ColorMaskHSV x="0.09166667" y="0" z="0.25" />










<TopBlockId xsi:nil="true" />



<RotorEntityId xsi:nil="true" />

<WeldedEntityId xsi:nil="true" />











<CurrentAngle>NaN</CurrentAngle> this is the cause

its an issue with that specific hinge and this effect carries over between copies of the device

you managed to somehow make the angle NaN with the panels and that just broke the game


Let me remind you that also happened after I have replaced the panels with standard armor blocks one block size lower. Not in the save nor video.


Hello, TBC_x,

I am sorry you are experiencing this issue. Thank you for the save, I was able to reproduce the clang and I reported it internally.

Kind regards,

Keen Software House: QA Department

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