Autopilot is working barelly and not usable.
Dear SE Team.
I am quite new to the game but reaching it´s limits. I play the game without any mods or changings. I just installed it and played (I acivated experimental mode but never used a script or the programming block. That was planned for later doings but i never got there).
Actually the vanilla autopilot / remote control block is my biggest problem. If it ever worked propperly before, it is not working for me yet.
For example, i reported a problem with my first test drone not long ago.
What i found out was:
Phenomenon 1:
- I created a drone which i could controll remotely fine. It had everything needed on it. (I was on a 1g planet)
- I was able to give the remote controll block / autopilot easy commands like: "Fly to this GPS coordinate and fly back. Dock on the connector... turn off battery and engines and so on." Worked somewhat okay.
- If i started the autopilot manually at the remote controll block during the drone was connected to my base-connector the hole drone turbines stopped working. When i unlock the connector then the drone was doing nothing. Autopilot was on but all turbines had lost the direction setting (Which is shown directly after there name. Left/right/up/down... there was no direction text anymore). After switching the autopilot off i was not able to fly the drone. Turbines were not responding my inputs. Even dismantle and rebuild the turbines did nothing.
- So i build the hole drone new. This time i placed a cockpit (i heared about setting directions for a vehicle is done with placing a cockpit so i hopet that this will solve the problem) and dismantled it. But after switching the autopilot on during connected to my base-connector... same problem occurs.
- So i testet a bit arround and i found out if i manually disconnect my drone from my base-connector and start the auto pilot "after" this it will do it´s tasks. But why is this totally ruin my drone? And totally made it unusable. Even a game restart did not fixed the turbine problem.
For me this is a big issue bug. Actually i thought a game which passed alpha and beta version would not have problems like that.
But second phenomenon/s:
I build a smal grid freighter and did some testings with several remote controll blocks all on the upper side of a conveyor which is directly placed on top of a conveyor. Some timer blocks and some GPS waypoints for testing the docking procedure on the planet.
- Docking only with GPS waypoints and the remote controll block seems impossible... i did a timer block with docking commands and it worked ( worked with every remote control block i placed which is at most 1 block away from the center remote control block). Docking with every rcb worked several times.
I had a plan for it to fly to 0g, dock at a asteroid base, loade cargo, fly back and unloade it. Therefore i manually had flown to each GPS waypoint to create it and then i startet testing from the asteroid base back to surface.
I use the following blocks to controll:
1: remote control block: Fly to and dock at homebase with low speed (8m/s) which starts a timer block after reaching docking position at landing connector and shutt off all systems.
2: remote control block: Fly to and dock at home base with low speed (8m/s) which starts a timer block after reaching docking position at ore removal connector. Start a second timer to start parking manouver to landing connector after some time.
3: remote control block: Fly to and dock at asteroid base with low speed (8m/s). First timer docking procedure. Second timer started flight back.
4: remote contol block: Start from homebase and fly up until 0g with fast speed (100m/s).
5: remote control block: Start from asteroid base and fly back near to home base with fast speed (100m/s). After that switch to Docking manouver with second remote control block.
So i used the blocks to control several way´s seperate with different speed (slow speed for docking is crucial otherwise it flys straight into the ground and explode). The timer blocks switched the drives, the battery and the connectors on and off or started the fly back after loading the cargo.
And now my try´s to start and bring it back from my asteroid base to my home base ore connector.
I had some issues with it bevore but here are the main problems:
- Autopilot switched on. It flys and after reaching the edge at 0g it turned to the base on the surface and fly to it. To spare some energy i shut the engines off and with a timer block after seveal minutes on again. But the engines (hydrogen engines) would do nothing... enough fuel... switched on... but not working. Same with the ion-engines, not that they do much in a atmosphere with 1g but just to check if i did something wrong. Enough energie but no engines worked... and after crash landing i could not bring any engine online again... seemed to be the same probelm as i describet with my drone before. But theres a difference: The direction of the engines were not gone as with the drone. I could see the flames which indicetes he engine is on but nothing happens. This occured 2 times. During the second test i switched the autopilot off bevore the timer should start all engines and tryed to start them manually. it did not work. Same problem.
- After that i tried it again but did not switched off the ion-engines after accellerating from the 0g back to surface. So i saw all the way down the autopilot using the ion engines. After some time i switched on my hydrogen-engines as before and now they worked. The only thing i did different was not to switch off the ion-engines.
- So allready progress... but beware... bevore the vessel reached the gps waypoint ... ... .. 100m abouve my docking connector it started rotating and flying just 10m/s and slower 1000m abouve the point (settings were at 100m/s and the engines were way strong enough). So it spinned and flew very slow but it reached it destination. So okay until then...
- It started the manouvering to dock at my connector. The same docking manouver as i testet bevore i left the planet. With one difference. Now it will park and switch off the autopilot way higher so that it could not dock at the connectior. It falls down and partly explodes.
I feel like i tryed longer to make the autopilot run as i played the actuall game yet...
I have attached my savegame (compressed with win rar) and my log as on your troubleshooting website describet. It starts with my vessel docked on my asteroid base.
I hope this helps out and i would really like to hear from you if this was allways like that in the game and if you will work and improve / solve the problem.
For me it takes much posibillities away and if i had known about that before i purchased the game... i would not have considered to buy it in a state like this.
Dont get me wrong, the game has potential. I saw much videos about space engineers and was highly interested. Unfortunately much in the automation functionalities... which seems to now work if you not use mods from the community and leave the original state of the game... (Which then you do not support).
I hope you can excuse my tone but after much testing and seeing that somewhat main functions do not work i got a bit upset.
So again, i hope my examples helps out a bit, if you have further questions feel free to write me back. I would like to help you out if i am able.
So for now, last thing to do is to wish you a nice weekend.
With best regard
Hello, Stefan!
Sorry to hear you're experiencing issues.
We do have a number of threads regarding the autopilot and issues that are all currently awaiting a fix. These may mean that what you are facing is a duplicate.
I appreciate the lengthy post and save file but could you please condense this for reproducing the issue? Can you please supply reliable reproduction steps of the issue you are facing? I need to be able to reliably reproduce the issue to report this internally. If I reproduce the issue and it is a duplicate, it will be marked as so. If I am able tor reproduce it and it is not a duplicate, I can report this internally. Unfortunately, although you have provided quite a lot of information, it does not give me the full steps and what I am expected to see. A video would also be a great help to show how it is failing for you as it's hard to imagine this via text.
If you can please provide this, that would be a great help.
Kind Regards
Laura, QA Department
Hello, Stefan!
Sorry to hear you're experiencing issues.
We do have a number of threads regarding the autopilot and issues that are all currently awaiting a fix. These may mean that what you are facing is a duplicate.
I appreciate the lengthy post and save file but could you please condense this for reproducing the issue? Can you please supply reliable reproduction steps of the issue you are facing? I need to be able to reliably reproduce the issue to report this internally. If I reproduce the issue and it is a duplicate, it will be marked as so. If I am able tor reproduce it and it is not a duplicate, I can report this internally. Unfortunately, although you have provided quite a lot of information, it does not give me the full steps and what I am expected to see. A video would also be a great help to show how it is failing for you as it's hard to imagine this via text.
If you can please provide this, that would be a great help.
Kind Regards
Laura, QA Department
Dear Laura.
At first i woult thank you for your really quick respont.
Yeah i can imagine how reading through this is not really easy. So here i try to give you a quick overview about my first drone problem.
I will attach the save game "Testfile Testdrohne 1.rar" where you stand right bevore the "Testdrohne 1" which is parket at my Station "Funk und Drohnen-turm". I renamed the remote control block and the timer blocks from the testdrone into englisch so i hope this is a bit easyer for you then.
Also i attached some pictures and hope this wil give you a perfect imagination ( I will reffer to them with there starting numers 0 to 5)
The phenomenom was that i did something that will disable all thrusters at the "Testdrohne 1". The autopilot and myself via direct remote control can not use the thrusters anymore. I have not found a way to activate the thursters in any way.
To get to this you have to do the following steps, it works every time for me:
- Open the remote control overview with "shivt + k"
- Enter the "Funk und Drohnen-turm" terminal to get access to the drone remote control block as seen in picture 1 and 2. (Or you just can open the terminal on the lower side of the drone itself)
- Search there for "rem" to find the only installed remote control block at the drone. (like picture 2 again)
- Switch on auto pilot -> The thrusters are unusable now. At this point i could not get em repaired. Assembling new thusters will get just more not usable trhusters...
- If you switch off the autopilot again and go to direct control you can see the battery and thruster marked as off. if you switch the thrsuters and battery on you can not use the thrusters anymore. The autopilot, too.
At picture 5 in direct remote control i holdet space for going up but you can see there are no thruster "flames" at the outlets. At the tool-bar below at number 8 and 9 you can see that the battery and thrusters are on. So normaly they should work.
Additional information:
- After starting the save game the drone is parked so the battery is on charge and the thrusters are off. I testet it 2 times again and i figured that this occures only when i started the autopilot during the thrusters were off.
- If needed at picture 4 you can see all used gps waypoints i used for this, i deleted all others.
- At picture 3 if you serch for "time" in the drone terminal you can see all used timer blocks (actually just the first 2 the third is unused)
- If you want to see if the drone is actually working: Start the save game and press the butten under the lcd display next to the drone on your right. This will start a Timer block which sends the drone on it´s way to my raffinery 1.6km away and returning after a short period of time.
- With the timer blocks i actually activated the docking and undocking procedures. You can see which actions i did if you enter them. At the waypoints which contains "Docking" a timerblock would be triggered which iniciates the connector docking and switch the drone to passive.
Know it should be reproductible easy.
I hope this is how you have imagined it.
The second phenomenon i will send you here the next time i got time for testings.
Thanks in advance and have a nice day.
Dear Laura.
At first i woult thank you for your really quick respont.
Yeah i can imagine how reading through this is not really easy. So here i try to give you a quick overview about my first drone problem.
I will attach the save game "Testfile Testdrohne 1.rar" where you stand right bevore the "Testdrohne 1" which is parket at my Station "Funk und Drohnen-turm". I renamed the remote control block and the timer blocks from the testdrone into englisch so i hope this is a bit easyer for you then.
Also i attached some pictures and hope this wil give you a perfect imagination ( I will reffer to them with there starting numers 0 to 5)
The phenomenom was that i did something that will disable all thrusters at the "Testdrohne 1". The autopilot and myself via direct remote control can not use the thrusters anymore. I have not found a way to activate the thursters in any way.
To get to this you have to do the following steps, it works every time for me:
- Open the remote control overview with "shivt + k"
- Enter the "Funk und Drohnen-turm" terminal to get access to the drone remote control block as seen in picture 1 and 2. (Or you just can open the terminal on the lower side of the drone itself)
- Search there for "rem" to find the only installed remote control block at the drone. (like picture 2 again)
- Switch on auto pilot -> The thrusters are unusable now. At this point i could not get em repaired. Assembling new thusters will get just more not usable trhusters...
- If you switch off the autopilot again and go to direct control you can see the battery and thruster marked as off. if you switch the thrsuters and battery on you can not use the thrusters anymore. The autopilot, too.
At picture 5 in direct remote control i holdet space for going up but you can see there are no thruster "flames" at the outlets. At the tool-bar below at number 8 and 9 you can see that the battery and thrusters are on. So normaly they should work.
Additional information:
- After starting the save game the drone is parked so the battery is on charge and the thrusters are off. I testet it 2 times again and i figured that this occures only when i started the autopilot during the thrusters were off.
- If needed at picture 4 you can see all used gps waypoints i used for this, i deleted all others.
- At picture 3 if you serch for "time" in the drone terminal you can see all used timer blocks (actually just the first 2 the third is unused)
- If you want to see if the drone is actually working: Start the save game and press the butten under the lcd display next to the drone on your right. This will start a Timer block which sends the drone on it´s way to my raffinery 1.6km away and returning after a short period of time.
- With the timer blocks i actually activated the docking and undocking procedures. You can see which actions i did if you enter them. At the waypoints which contains "Docking" a timerblock would be triggered which iniciates the connector docking and switch the drone to passive.
Know it should be reproductible easy.
I hope this is how you have imagined it.
The second phenomenon i will send you here the next time i got time for testings.
Thanks in advance and have a nice day.
Hello, Stefan!
Thank you very much for the information, save and images - that was a huge help!
I have successfully reproduced the issue and reported this internally :)
Kind Regards
Laura, QA Department
Hello, Stefan!
Thank you very much for the information, save and images - that was a huge help!
I have successfully reproduced the issue and reported this internally :)
Kind Regards
Laura, QA Department
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