[Modding Bug] projectile type ammo ignores custom particle if using explosive damage

Constantine Carlos shared this bug 2 years ago

When i add explosive damage to my projectile type ammo, it ignores designated particles and instead uses default explosion

ammo properties:

				<ProjectileTrailColor x="1" y="0.3" z="0.225"/>
attached are videos which demonstrate particles

also as an added info;

missile type ammo ignores any custom particles and just uses default particles when lifetime ends/max trajectory is reached (ie; not hitting anything)

Replies (1)


Hello, Constantine Carlos!

Sorry to hear you're experiencing this issue. Could you please supply a mod in which you are experiencing the issue for us to take a look at? Please supply any reliable steps to help us reproduce the issue too :) Is this something that has started happening after the most recent update?

Kind Regards

Laura, QA Department


hi, as far as i know, explosive damage overriding assigned projectile properties has happened even before this latest update (Most Wanted). not sure if MaterialProperties was introduced this patch, or earlier, but i did try explosive damage before and got the same results.

In any case, here is the mod, and a test world including grids pre-placed for easier testing. just get in the cockpit and fire the 20mm rotary cannon into the target grid. Left side has explosive damage enabled, right side is the intended particle, but has mass+health damage only



Test World:


ammo definition for both ammo types in test world is located in \[modID]\Data\20mm Ammo Def.sbc

They should be the first 2 entries in the file.

on a related note; i have another ticket (in feedback since i don't know if it was a bug or not since there is no related MaterialProperties entry for missile lifespan end, but missile type projectiles also ignore custom particles and use default explosions when they hit nothing and they reach max trajectory. This can be tested by firing Hydra Rockets into the air and looking at when they expire) link to ticket here: https://support.keenswh.com/spaceengineers/pc/topic/24775-modding-materialproperties-missile-deathlife-end-tag


Hello, Constantine Carlos!

Thank you for this. I'm just looking at this now and just want to clarify what is happening.

Is the issue with both left and right? Could you clarify on both ships what is happening with what you actually expect to happen?

I appreciate this is a bit of a silly question but I want to make sure I am looking at the same thing as you with what is happening, the expected result, and the issue. I need to reliably recreate the issue and report this so need to understand it a little more :)

Kind Regards

Laura, QA Department


the ship marked as "High Explosive" is the one with the bug (where adding explosive damage to the projectile disregards the assigned particle on hit in MaterialProperties)

the ship on the right marked "Armor Piercing" is only there to show the intended/expected particle ONLY. it does not have the damage types I want to have.

Essentially, the left is the bugged projectile using the 20mm rotary cannon


Hello, Constantine Carlos!

Thank you so much for the explanation, videos, and files. I have reproduced the issue and reported this internally :)

Kind Regards

Laura, QA Department

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