[1.199.025] Wheel friction fails to change

Slushtrap Gamer shared this bug 3 years ago

When a wheel is in constant contact with another surface, another grid in particular, changing the friction value will not instantly change the wheel's friction. Sometimes the wheel has to lose contact with the surface for the new friction values to be reapplied.

Replies (2)


Hello, Slushtrap Gamer!

Sorry to hear you're experiencing this issue. I have been testing this on a few blueprints I have and find that the friction is updating immediately. I have tried the range from 0 and then setting to 100 and there is a huge difference straight away. Could you please share a blueprint that you're experiencing the issue with? Is this happening on one specific blueprint or multiple? Are you testing the vehicle in an unmodded world? Any further information would be a big help :)

Kind Regards

Laura, QA Department


I managed to get footage of the bug being present: https://youtu.be/BvzplSLFZb4 As you can see in the footage, the wheels are running but changing the friction value doesnt seem to give effect until after i alter the suspension height. Also tried this with different rovers and surfaces (grid / voxel). It seems like so long as the settings/input on the wheels are not altered except for the friction value, and the wheels dont impact with anything else, the new friction value will not come into effect.


Hello, Slushtrap Gamer!

Thank you for the video. Could you please supply an affected blueprint?

You can access your blueprints files by typing %appdata% into your Windows search bar and you will be redirected to the hidden Roaming folder. After that just follow: \Roaming\SpaceEngineers\Blueprints. Select the correct folder where your blueprint is saved (local or cloud), zip the file and attach it here.

Kind Regards

Laura, QA Department


Heres the rover seen in the video. However i have found that the bug can be recreated using any rover in particular not just this one; if done exactly as the video shows regardless of what rover or surface is being tested the result seems to be the same: the friction doesnt change unless outside parameters also do.


Hello, Slushtrap Gamer!

Thank you for the file. I've been trying to reproduce your exact steps and I can see that simply moving the friction slider does not make the friction look like it is updating. The small bit I am confused on is how your vehicle is setup to not move in your example. You have the tires moving with propulsion override but my vehicle then moves which means that changing the friction updates the vehicle as it is actually moving. Do you have this on a block or something? I can see that the vehicle is not in parking mode so just trying to copy exactly how you have it set up to test your theory. I must be missing something quite simple with your settings :)

Kind Regards

Laura, QA Department


I have set my wheels friction to be 0. Then i placed my rover on a plane of large blocks and started the propultion override; this as expected gets the wheels spinning but the vehicle does not move hence no friction is being applied. However when i move the friction sliders the vehicle should start moving but it doesn't, not until i modify some other part of the wheels settings.


I have also found that the friction values get applied as soon as the rover starts moving in any direction; pushing the rover or having it already on the move will cause the friction values get applied much more consistently.


Hello, Slushtrap Gamer!

Thank you for the information. It appears I'm missing something quite obvious from your steps because the vehicle shoots off as soon as I put on propulsion override. As mentioned before, are you testing this with something to stop this from happening at all? I see the parking brake is off but something I assume is stopping the vehicle from moving as all my other settings are the same as yours as far as I can see :)

Kind Regards

Laura, QA Department


A step by step recreation would look like this:

1. Spawn a rover and disable its handbrake

2. Change the wheels friction to 0.

3. Create a plane of blocks

4. Put the rover into clipboard and paste it on the grid.

5. Set propultion override to maximum. The wheels should be spinning but the rover shouldnt move because theres no friction applied.

6. Dont modify anything, change only the friction values of the wheels.


Hello, Slushtrap Gamer!

Thank you for the steps. It seemed I had to copy and paste the vehicle or the propulsion overdrive would set the vehicle moving rather than just load the blueprint. I have successfully reproduced the issue and reported it internally :)

Kind Regards

Laura, QA Department

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