[1.189.040] Player mass gets added to total ship mass but has no effect on thrusters!
A player has a certain mass when its inventory is not empty. When entering the cockpit of a ship, this mass is added to the total ships mass (visible in the bottom right and Info panel under Grid mass).
However, it does NOT have an effect on the thrust of the ship!
- New Game => Earth Planet (Creative, rest default settings)
- Atmospheric_Miner_mk.2 ship has a default mass of 58,629 kg.
- Spawn 900,000 kg of ore and pick it up with your character => The character now has a mass of 900,097.50 kg
- Enther the ships cockpit =>The ships mass now is 958,826.00 kg
- Look at this, the ship flies! (Although with 4 Large atmospheric thrusters it should only be able to carry at most 234,862.39 kg with 100% thruster efficiency.
Solution: Either don't add the players mass to the total ship mass or make it affect the thrust of the ship.
- I assume the same problem exists in Survival (although more difficult to test because the player only has a small mass because of small inventory).
- I assume the bug is unrelated to whatever character or blocks inventory setting is chosen.
Also see my other bug: https://support.keenswh.com/spaceengineers/general/topic/1-189-040-a-ships-mass-is-not-correctly-updated-when-manually-adding-mass-to-its-container
This bug is outdated? But it still exists! If it is a bug... and not intentional.
I was in my miner, and I have an LCD which displays mass limit (because if I hit 100%, its going to be slow lifting on moon gravity). I reached 101%, and slowly began to sink. So I jumped out and pulled a pile of useless rock from the connector into my inventory. Forgot to drop it, and got back into the cockpit.
Much to my surprise, the ship was able to lift up ok, however the LCD panel still showed I was overweight at 101% (because the LCD was accounting for "total ship mass" from "controller.CalculateShipMass().TotalMass" and "controller.CalculateShipMass().BaseMass").
So, the game does calculate the mass of a players inventory with the ship in scripting (program block), but for some reason the player inventory mass actually isn't being accounted for when determining if the ship can lift/fly.
Intentional? Bug?
This bug is outdated? But it still exists! If it is a bug... and not intentional.
I was in my miner, and I have an LCD which displays mass limit (because if I hit 100%, its going to be slow lifting on moon gravity). I reached 101%, and slowly began to sink. So I jumped out and pulled a pile of useless rock from the connector into my inventory. Forgot to drop it, and got back into the cockpit.
Much to my surprise, the ship was able to lift up ok, however the LCD panel still showed I was overweight at 101% (because the LCD was accounting for "total ship mass" from "controller.CalculateShipMass().TotalMass" and "controller.CalculateShipMass().BaseMass").
So, the game does calculate the mass of a players inventory with the ship in scripting (program block), but for some reason the player inventory mass actually isn't being accounted for when determining if the ship can lift/fly.
Intentional? Bug?
Thank you for your report. I reproduced this issue and put it into our internal system. It will be addressed as soon as possible.
Thank you.
Kind Regards
Keen Software House: QA Department
Thank you for your report. I reproduced this issue and put it into our internal system. It will be addressed as soon as possible.
Thank you.
Kind Regards
Keen Software House: QA Department
I'm currently implementing my own mod using Mod Api.
I compute ship mass and liftoff thrusts of a grid without problem. However I just found out that bug when doing some tests (in Creative Mode & Survival Mode).
I'm using v1.199 and at least pilot's inventory mass is still not taken into account to liftoff.
Example above still applies. Just moving mass from character's inventory to a cargo container's inventory behaves differently.
- can liftoff when in character's inventory : should not liftoff according to Newton's laws.
- cannot liftoff when in cargo container's inventory : Newton is happy.
Do you have an idea when it will be addressed? Or if it will be addressed at all?
While character's inventory in Survival Mode is limited, it could still be considered as cheat which kind of defeat the purpose of survival and engineering...
Thank you very much!
An engineer passing by :)
I'm currently implementing my own mod using Mod Api.
I compute ship mass and liftoff thrusts of a grid without problem. However I just found out that bug when doing some tests (in Creative Mode & Survival Mode).
I'm using v1.199 and at least pilot's inventory mass is still not taken into account to liftoff.
Example above still applies. Just moving mass from character's inventory to a cargo container's inventory behaves differently.
- can liftoff when in character's inventory : should not liftoff according to Newton's laws.
- cannot liftoff when in cargo container's inventory : Newton is happy.
Do you have an idea when it will be addressed? Or if it will be addressed at all?
While character's inventory in Survival Mode is limited, it could still be considered as cheat which kind of defeat the purpose of survival and engineering...
Thank you very much!
An engineer passing by :)
Hello Engineer,
We’re pleased to inform you that this issue has been resolved in version 205.
As such, we’ll be closing this thread.
If you encounter any other issues with the game, please don’t hesitate to start a new thread here on the forum—we’re always happy to assist!
Happy engineering!
Kind regards,
Keen Software House - QA Department
Hello Engineer,
We’re pleased to inform you that this issue has been resolved in version 205.
As such, we’ll be closing this thread.
If you encounter any other issues with the game, please don’t hesitate to start a new thread here on the forum—we’re always happy to assist!
Happy engineering!
Kind regards,
Keen Software House - QA Department
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