Hangar pressurization breaks when docking small ships

Ras Abdoellah shared this bug 3 years ago

Found a bug that causes all air vents to error out and the entire ship can't be pressurized. Happens when I dock ships to the hangar connectors, close the hangar doors, then pressurize the room. Once the hangar is pressurized, opening the doors to the main deck causes the entire ship to lose pressure and the air vents won't pressurize if I turn them off and on again. The only way to fix it is to reload the world.

I also noticed strange behaviour when I dock ships and the hangar doors are open. Sometimes the air vent lights will turn blue, even though the hangar is open and the ship is in space. Pressurizing the hangar works fine then, but depressurizing and pressurizing the hangar again causes the bug above to pop up again.

I think it may have something to do with the connectors and conveyors. I've tested on other large ships and it seems to only break the grid and any vents connected to it. The bug is most often triggered when a ship connects to one of the connectors in the main hangar. However the bug isn't reliably triggered by this action, so it might be something else. It can't be the airtightness of the rooms themselves though, since exiting out of the world fixes it.

Video of the bug here

Best Answer

I'm not understanding it is taking so long to fix this bug unless systematic show-stopper bugs just aren't a priority for KSH. This is worse than a crash because it can render an unattended multiplayer (DS) game unplayable until the admin returns (FYI for those using Torch, !fixship is a stopgap bandaid). At least we have auto-restart for crashes.

You can easily see what the problem is in the save... -1 air block calculation turns all airblocks in the room -1 (I'm assuming this is the "space" airblock but unhandled in rooms).

How is this hard?

if ( $airBlock < 0 ) { $airBlock = 0 }
(yeah it's perl, case in point on difficulty)

As for any TorchServer Devs: You can find this by running Cheat Engine on the SpaceEngineers.exe process. The air blocks are always 0 or positive floats until this issue happens and then they turn -1. If you could hook into the oxygen system through an API somehow and block (or overwrite with the simple perl script above) this in a mod on both the client and server side, this should fix the issue.

I'm still befuddled to how a single line of code takes in excesses of two years to write.

Replies (12)


Hello, Ras Absoellah!

I'm sorry you're experiencing this issue. I appreciate the video you have attached which is always a great help. Could I please also ask for your save file? Is this in offline or online? If it is online, we have had a number of reports here of this sort of thing here Sadly, we have been unable to reproduce the issue so if your file is reliable, this would be a big help. If this is offline, please ignore this part but we will of course look at it either way :)

  • You can access your save files by typing %appdata% into your Windows search bar and you will be redirected to the hidden Roaming folder. After that just follow: \Roaming\SpaceEngineers\Saves. There should be a folder with your SteamID and your saves.

Please zip the file and attach it here. If you are having difficulty attaching files you can optionally use Google Drive. When sharing a google drive link please make sure it is set to be downloadable by anyone with the link.

Kind Regards

Laura, QA Department


Hi Laura,

Thanks for responding. It's an offline creative world. After investigating a bit further, it seems the issue only occurs when the hangar doors' go from closed to open. After opening the hangar, connecting a ship while the doors are still open will trigger this bug. Closing the hangar doors before connecting a ship does not trigger break the air vents.

Here is a link to the save file

Here is another video showing my steps for reproducing the bug.

Hope this helps!


Hello, Ras Absoellah!

Thank you very much for the save file and reproduction steps - These were a huge help! :)

I have successfully reproduced and reported the issue internally.

Kind Regards

Laura, QA Department


Any update to when this can be fixed?


Yearly bump... This bug still exits any update on a fix?


the mods here probably dont have any direct communication with the dev team, they just pass on issues. besides, they marked an older thread as a duplicate to a newer thread, so obviously they dont even know whats going on here.

unless you go to one of their SE2 events theyve been doing and ask them directly, you probably wont get an answer.

considering how long its been, i dont think well be getting a fix at all.


So will this issue be fixed soon or no? From what I can tell this pressurization bug has been going on for 2 long years, but keen has yet to fix the issue. I’ve had this happen to me on a daily basis now, each time I open my hangar disconnect my miner, go mine some ore, come back, reconnect the miner and close the hangar doors then boom, no pressurization, and it’s not only in the hangar either, it will completely wipe pressurization from my whole ship. Every now and then the hangar will pressurize correctly but as soon as I open my “dumb” airlock to go into my ship then boom, the whole ship depressurizes.


My workaround is to have a sensor that closes the hangar doors when small ships leaves the sensor field. My ship design has enough space between the hangar door and connector that lining up to dock closes the doors. By the time I've got my small ship ready to connect the hangar is already closed.


Thanks so much for give me a workaround on this bug! This will definitely help me while they continue to try and fix the issue, so is it mainly the docking of the ship that breaks the pressurization? So all I would really have to do is get out of the miner, hit the timer block to close my hangar doors and start pressurization, then dock? Again thanks for the reply!


Basically, yeah. On my ship closing the hangar before connecting never triggers the bug. A bit of a hassle to hop out every time you want to connect but its better than having to reload the world.


I just tried it and still would loose pressurization after opening the hangar then re closing it, even went through all of my conveyor lines and made sure all of the air vents, 02/h2 gens and oxygen tanks were on there own line and not interconnected with anything else, but the bug still shows itself, unless I restart the server then it all goes back to normal, so I just cut the ship and am starting on a new one hoping the bug doesn’t happen to this ship 🙏 I think the other ship is just stuck with it 🤦‍♂


I would be more then happy to load my saved files up here so you can replicate the issue, I am playing on Xbox one x and it’s happening to me on my gtx server, please let me know how to upload my saved file so I can help this Bug get fixed!


Nice job closing the "duplicate" thread that was providing multiple ways of reproducing the bug.

Apparently this will definitely never be fixed.


Since the older thread was marked as a duplicate for some reason, I'll repost my recording of the bug here:


And my original comments working through the issue here:




It's been an issue for years, and on my main save, my asteroid base has almost completely stopped being pressurize-able, so I can't live in space anymore. I hope with the supposed engine updates coming we'll see things like this finally get fixed.


Odd addition to this bug in my case where I have several individually pressurized rooms on my station that are linked by depressurized walkways acting as airlocks:

It seems the airtightness in the larger rooms of the station is completely gone, whereas the airtightness in smaller rooms is simply frozen? After connecting my drill ship via merge blocks, my smaller refinery room remains airtight even if I open the doors out into space, any rooms that were already depressurized remain that way, and my large main room loses all pressure and will not pressurize until a server restart. Also tried checking it out with BuildInfo mod and there are no detected leaks, so it's pretty clear O2 is the thing that broke. Fingers crossed those engine changes give us a fix for this!


I'm not understanding it is taking so long to fix this bug unless systematic show-stopper bugs just aren't a priority for KSH. This is worse than a crash because it can render an unattended multiplayer (DS) game unplayable until the admin returns (FYI for those using Torch, !fixship is a stopgap bandaid). At least we have auto-restart for crashes.

You can easily see what the problem is in the save... -1 air block calculation turns all airblocks in the room -1 (I'm assuming this is the "space" airblock but unhandled in rooms).

How is this hard?

if ( $airBlock < 0 ) { $airBlock = 0 }
(yeah it's perl, case in point on difficulty)

As for any TorchServer Devs: You can find this by running Cheat Engine on the SpaceEngineers.exe process. The air blocks are always 0 or positive floats until this issue happens and then they turn -1. If you could hook into the oxygen system through an API somehow and block (or overwrite with the simple perl script above) this in a mod on both the client and server side, this should fix the issue.

I'm still befuddled to how a single line of code takes in excesses of two years to write.


Yea the only think I can think of is that they already fixed it in newer versions of the engine and are just gonna push it out when the engine updates come out, but who knows when that'll be. They have no trouble throwing in hotfixes for other stuff, why not this? On the old thread, one of the mods said the issue had been reported, so it's incomprehensible as to why such a small fix hasn't made it in one of the hotfixes.

They play their own game, so you'd think theyd've noticed it themselves at some point.


I don't know why they haven't been able to fix the issue. They've been handed saves and could even have more saves if they would be willing to look at modded games. I get modded stuff would cause more possible issues but it would definitely help them find common denominators.

What you suggest would be a dream even for modders to just quickly find such an issue. I don't know if this solves the overall issue since it doesn't find the cause but its at least a stop-gap until they figure out why their air tight system isn't working.


I did some debugging


  1. Large grid Station with Connector, Airlock (two doors with air vent) and room behind it with air vent too
  2. Small grid ship
  3. Large grid ship

To be short:

  • Airlock closed - external door closed, internal door opened, airlock and room are pressurized
  • Airlock opened - external door opened, internal door closed, airlock is depressurized, room is pressurized


Bug NOT appears if:

  1. Small grid docking to Station if Airlock closed
  2. Large grid docking to Station if Airlock opened
  3. Any grid undocking from Station with any Airlock state

Bug appears if:

  1. Small grid docking to Station if Airlock opened (room lose all oxygen and slow down pressurizing)
  2. Undocking and docking again with opened Airlock causes negative pressure in all Air Vents
  3. Undocking and docking again with closed Airlock causes "room not pressurized" in all Air Vents
  4. Large grid docking to Station if Airloc closed (room and airlock loses all oxygen, pressurizing is normal)

This bug applies if you attach subgrids via connectors, rotors, pistons and merge blocks.

Landing Gear is not affected


  1. Disable connector to prevent accidentally docking
  2. Add sensors to landing pad
  3. Add timer blocks for some logic:
  • Close Airlock if detecting Small grid and after that enable connector
  • Open Airlock if detecting Large grid and after that enable connector


Have similar problems on a nitrado server. It works sometimes, sometimes it doesn’t.

To check, I have built a simple, square, 100% airtight room with an air vent and directly attached to a fully loaded tank. Same issue. I’ll try the solution above with connected ships and stuff, maybe that works. If I restart the server, it works sometimes, but just 1-2 times…

Why don’t we get a fix or at least some HONEST answer about this very important topic?

Dear devs, you are welcome to join my server and have a look!


I have been looking for leaks for the past hour to unfortunately come to the conclusion that this bug is still not solved. Working with large pressurized rooms on larger grids seems impossible now, since there are numerous smaller ships docking and undocking at any given moment. Can we please get a fix?


Hi, same here. I had this issue in MP first and tested on single player creative and still the same issue. When a small ship connecting to my ship hangar (i tested with and without air vent in the hangar itself with the same result) it cause the entire grid getting not pressurized anymore. Once getting this issue the only way to get the air flowing again is to restart the server or leave and come back in single player mode.

What's the ETA on solving this issue, i saw a message from a Laura from Keen in another post saying that she were able to reproduce this exact issue a long time ago so I don't understand why this have not been patched yet.


Yea you and me both.

The other thread got marked as "Duplicate" to this one, even though its much older, and this one hasn't been 'confirmed' yet, so it's probably gonna be a while.

It's been, what, 4 years now? Are all the bugfixing staff busy working on the new engine?

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