Hand Grinder not working on grid & Grid cannot be converted to station. (v1.201)

shiftyshadow shared this bug 2 years ago

Bug occurred on Keen NA #1 server at 12:06 AM, June 10th, 2022.


Most blocks on ship are not effected by hand grinder, and ship cannot be converted to a station. This was noticed upon logging in, everything seemed to be working when I previously logged out.

All blocks on ship are owned by me.

Ship is not in a safe zone while bug is active. However, ship has been connected to a station that was in a safe zone, while being outside the safe zone itself. That safe zone was set to not allow anything (radio boxes unticked) Unsure if this matters.

Ship was never attached to said safe zone while logging in or out.

Link to ship on Workshop:


System info:

Processor: Intel(R) Core(TM) i7-4770K CPU @ 3.50GHz 3.50 GHz

Installed RAM: 16.0 GB

System type: 64-bit operating system, x64-based processor

Edition: Windows 10 Pro

Version: 21H2

OS build: 19044.1706

Replies (7)


Hello, Engineer!

Thank you for your report, unfortunately I wasn't able to reproduce your issue. Can you please retest or provide us with reproduction steps and a video? Thank you!

Kind regards,

Keen Software House, QA Department


Figured out how to reproduce the problem, it was as I postulated above.

1) Create a station with a safe zone and a connector.

2) Set the safe zone to not allow grinding, welding, or whatever. (radio boxes)

3) Make the safe zone barely reach the end of the connector, but not extend past it. (I used rectangular safe zones to make this easy.)

4) Attach any ship (large or small grid) to the connector without entering the safe zone.

While connected, the ship will act as if it is in the safe zone.

5) Disconnect the ship and move it away from the safe zone.

The ship will now act as if it is still in the safe zone, no matter where you take it. (It will have whatever settings you had your safe zone set to with the radio boxes.) This will persist until the server restarts. I didn't test in single player but I assume if you stop and start the world that will also fix it.

I assume what is happening is that when the ship is attached it registers as within the safe zone because it is attached to something that is clearly inside. Then as soon as it detaches it no longer has any part in the safe zone, so it doesn't ever cross the boundary to exit the zone. Thus it never updates its settings accordingly. The trigger to update settings is bypassed.

To resolve this it may be easiest to add a check (to see if the ship is still in a safe zone) to the connector unlock algorithm.

If you still need a video I can do that.


A better title for this bug would probably be: Safe Zone effects can be applied to any grid, without a Safe Zone on that grid.

With this bug you can make ships invincible and still able to fly, shoot, and many other VERY problematic combination. :(


Testing and reproduction video:



You've had the info you asked for for a week and no status change. That's probably normal, but if you do still need more info from me you'll have to update the specifics.


Two weeks.


Three weeks.


One month. (Yup, we've switched to months now.)


Two months.


Made a new report for what is actually happening, hope that's ok. Here's the link:


This topic should be closed if that one is resolved, and vice versa.


Never mind, that report got flagged as a duplicate and probably will never be seen a again. I expected as much, but it would have been nice if this one was marked as a duplicate instead. The other was more concise as the initial post addressed the root issue, not something tangential like this one.


Did some more testing, turns out that this bug causes the ship grinders and welders to also not work.


One month ago you got the information you asked for.

You all still alive over there?

What "more information" do you still need?

I'd love to help, but at this point there's nothing more I can do.


Hello, Engineer!

Unfortunately, we still aren't able to reproduce this issue.

May I ask if you are still experiencing the issue? If yes, have you experienced the issue on another server as well, and were there any MODs used?

We are looking forward to assisting you with this issue.

Kind Regards,

Keen Software House: QA Department


Yeah, still an issue. Repeated it just now on the Keen official server. No mods or anything strange. Follow the steps listed above and it works every time.


Can also be reproduced in single player consistently.


Hello, shiftyshadow,

thanks for all the provided information, blueprint and video.

Issue was successfully reproduced and put into our internal system.

Kind Regards

Keen Software House: QA Department

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