Bring back space spiders damaging small grids

Ryukki shared this feedback 6 years ago

I had SE around when it first came out and I got really into it when planets was released. NPCs was released with them too. Not the brightest npcs but you can have some fun with spiders. At the time they had amazing path finding were they can actually follow you through a building. They can even damage grids though I wasn't into repairing my base walls because of it.

However having a small grid dropship landing on Alien and having spiders actually climb aboard and actually start breaking the ship was awesome! Than I found a modded planet were it was like 30 spiders coming out and I had SOOOO much fun with friends because how dangerous spiders are and pretty much a swarm going to make you think twice before landing. Than sadly spiders lost the ability to pathfind decently along with damaging grids. They come at you and dig, you can completely be safe if you sit in a seat...

I just want some Starship Troopers level of fun again. I would love it to see space spiders actually be a threat to engineers and small ships. Just have them leave static and large grids alone or mainly static grids . If people don't like Spiders attacking small grids put it in a hangar or tick them off in the settings its simple. Just don't dumb them down to the point they are harmless. We're talking about a GIANT SPACE SPIDER not a cute puppy.

Another quick idea- Bring back exploding Cyberhounds that run with the wolves but rarely appear? seems like a waste of a good idea or at least put them in the game as a option. I modded a planet and wouldn't mind more NPCs to pick from.

Replies (9)


HELL YES!!! either fix them or remove them, they aren't doing much good in their current state, and they made alien survival more interesting when they did work. I wouldn't recommend adding jihad dogs back tho bc that was a community suggestion to have them removed, making them work as normal tho seems like a good idea, to have them removed does seem like a waste of a good model tho.


Bring life into game, bring life threads to game. My girlfriend is a girl, she has never being into engineering, this is my role in Our relationship, but she has always being into survival. Give her a gun she will shoot, give her machette she will slice, like a kid who sees in minecraft just sword swinging, bow shoiting pleasure - when Minecraft is way more than that. Anyway opponents, life thread would work well for game popularity since lot of people look for simplier than engeenering problems to solve and of course it would work well for your wallets, KSH income.


Someone made a post about fixing the spiders path finding I thought I should share it. Lets make spiders fun again!


Sabiroids could also just be able to break light armor blocks. That would add a bit of "progression" to the game since you would need to build your structures from heavy armor when in alien planet.

Also manual way (spawner block) of spawning sabiroids would be nice.


I miss the kamikaze wolves


Funny you say that about the kamikaze wolves. Someone brought back exploding cyberhounds via modding. I use them on the ME planet import. So now on that planet you get little amount of cyberhounds at day and at night a whole bunch of cyberhounds,exploding cyberhound and spiders! Its a shame they got rid of the exploding cyberhounds instead of keeping it in the code so modders could of use them for planets... I want more various types of npcs other than spiders and wolves and of course spiders to attack small grids and exploding cyberhounds too at least these beep before exploding


Personally, I feel we need, much like a MP update and a survival update, a MAJOR NPC update (better yet... 2 or 3, that's how much I want better life) which includes very easy mod creation tools so we could see a cool influx of creatures with weird habits we could download off of the workshop and assign to areas or planets, or even areas on planets. I would wait another full year for a real living universe. If it was good enough, I would even pay for it as an Expansion.

It wouldn't have to actually eat a roid but wouldn't it be cool to very, very randomly run across a worm coming out of a tube on an asteroid and seeing it disappear. Could even just be an animation.

But yeah, ya see a Sabroid on a planet and as usual, not too overly worried. You know what to expect so you use normal tactics. That is, until you realize it is an ultra rare Super Sabroid with a tail that shoots ammo like an interior turret. (that hints at weaponization capability for Melee and Ranged weapons AND setting Spawn potential)

That little bunny type looking creature that has been following you while you walk around your landing pad is getting closer over time. Maybe it is warming up to me and is becoming tame. It's soo cute, I think I am going to walk up to it... Til it spits acid and melts your helmet on a toxic planet. Oh yeah.Toxic planet. I should have suspected things were unsafe!

And don't get me started on actual NPC Factions. I have seen some cool mods where they seem to interact with you. Just being attacked is ok. However, being threatened, extorted, scouted upon is cool. I think the coolest thing that ever happened to me in space was I decided to go after an NPC thinking they were all like the others. This time it was a real warship and instead of fleeing, pursued me and proceeded to spank me to oblivion. That sure pumped my blood up, and true to form, only encouraged me to keep trying to take it on.

I feed steel plates to the Wild whatever goofy thing creature... They hang out and attack players who venture too near. If I run out of plates they may turn on me!

Time to remove the fillers and fill the need!


Found Keen video of the introduction of spiders. I totally forgot they had a run and attack animation. Now they just dig when they get close or if you get one to attack you it stops and attack which you can avoid by walking backwards . I miss these guys...


Now with the fixes to path finding this would be a great comeback. If you are worried about complaints, make only the Alien planet specific spiders attack grids.


Even better: Cyberhounds can spawn only if there are a bunch of wolves in one place. So you can let them build up outside your base, but you'll need to deal with them in some way.


What about making an engineer capable of constructing these cyberhounds as "guard dogs", protecting against spiders, wolves and players?


I would support that,. I would encourage some sort of kennelling and training time. Something along the line of Rimworld.

Problem here is that there is no real AI in game that I can see, just scripting. SE2 SE3??


Guns are likely to have longer range, lower upkeep, and higher damage. Unless you can think of an upside, it would end up like the spherical gravity generator.

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