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[1.187] Random sounds looping constantly - Coming from nowhere - Can be fixed by rejoining game

Wonkatoad shared this bug 6 years ago

From time to time, a random sound will begin to play, and will not stop looping until you rejoin the game. This can be anything from the sound of wheels on the ground, a ship's engine, the idle sound of a medical room, etc.

The sound will come from nowhere, and will continue to play, even when there is no source of the sound nearby. I've run into this issue at least 5 or 6 times since the update was released a few days ago.

Thank you for reading!

Replies (62)


Same problem. Looping sound of working thrusters.


I had this issue in the MPTEST, had an assembler I could hear even when floating in space nowhere near a ship.


It started a few seconds ago. This is the log file.


Sometimes it's looping sound of working thrusters, sometimes it is an assembler, often it is a distant sound of stuff clanging, regardless of player position


This is REALLY annoying. Sounds of thrusters/jetpack everywhere! I build a primitive box with just control station and O2\H2 generator, but sounds follow me....


Confirmed.I was able to reproduce the issue of multiple sounds of jet-pack thrusters, however I do not yet have the definite reproduction steps. I will create a ticket for it once I do.


Hello guys! SE dev here.

Do you have any idea how to reproduce this issue? It's really not easy to reproduce apparently, it's just not happening to me at all:(

If you will have any idea let me know please! We are anyway looking into this issue and trying to solve it.



Hmm its actually intermittent, which is the fun type of bug to find I'm sure :D

The time I noticed it is when playing multiplayer and drilling, the drilling sound just never went away. It doesn't happen every time though. I'll explain the exact circumstances as I remember them, it was a couple of weeks ago.

1.) Built a base on KSH official server

2.) Built a basic miner with two drills

3.) Flew a miner to a deposit approx. 2 kms away, mined some resources

4.) Flew back to base, left miner

5.) Drilling sound was still there when I left cockpit (not sure if it was there while flying back - I can't recall sorry, I have a vague recollection that it was)

6.) Left server and re-join, mining sound gone

I do know in another MP game on my own DS I had the same thing happen and it was drills again. I haven't had it happen with anything else so far.

Hope that helps!


I usually get ion thruster sounds after sitting in a ship for a bit. small and large grid ships. the only thing in common so far is sitting in a seat. I use a small grid cockpit for one and a flight seat for the large grid. It's pretty consistent for me. sit in large mining ship, mine out asteroid, hear thruster sounds constantly forever after, or until restart of my world.


This seems to happen often to me after flying a large ship a significant distance. Perhaps it is related to the amount of time I'm engaging the thrusters, or maybe something else entirely. I would not exclude small ships, but only mentioned large ones because I tend not to go on expeditions in my small ships.


I am noticing a few cases of sync disrepencies myself specifically with cockpits. These manifest as wierd sounds or visual discrepencies with hotbars status, or engines appear to be off when on in k menu etc. or sound on but are not, or sound off but are on etc. Sometimes getting out and in cockpit will fix it, sometimes not. I;ve also noticed it on ships with a cockpit, and a control seat. System status show on in the cockpit and off in the control chair etc. I also see similar discrepencies when using the mouse and triggering an event with keyboard. Example, if you are using mouse to run a drill and open the K or I menu if you release the mouse the drill will keep going etc. I dont mind this, but its an example of an unexpected event path. I frequently have sounds "stacking" around earth bases where i am using cockpits or K/I menus frequently. The issue seems to vary in occurance if realistic sound is on or off but I switch between so many servers with the setting on or off so I cant say which is worse. If too many sounds"stack" which can happen under prolonged session gamplay your sounds may cut out entirly which seems to suggest to me the issue is a sound event missing an end sound loop somewhere and overflowing under a particular set of events such as a sound starting at the same time someone enters a cockpit and/or opens the K menu and/or hits escape to the main menu and/or alt-tabs etc. Short of a dirty hack where you alter all your sound trigger events to add to a list somewhere, and randomly check the list for non-terminated sound loops every now and again and kill them off, I doubt this will be easy to track down short of tracking every possible combination of events that trigger a sound loop and then tracking every possible combination of events after a sound is triggered until you find a seet of events that accidentally miss an end sound. If the end sound is in an out of context scenario you might not even notice since in the code it may appear to trigger the end event.. but it might not see the sound .. etc.. good luck with fixing this one...


Just drive around a while in a Car , Stop / break etc. and get out.


I'm not sure how helpful that is but the last occurence on our server was:

- Friend added a passenger seat on top of their small grid atmospheric ship with bonus wheels

- Friend attempted to tokyo drift on ice, vehicle rolled over and exploded, killing me in the process

- When I respawned at my medbay a good 10km away from the crash site, the sound of the atmo thrusters was still playing and kept playing until I logged out and back in.

The sound had a fixed distance, volume and position in 3d space as well, corresponding to the last time I heard it before dying.

Moving around didn't affect it in the slightest, it just seemed to maintain the last values it had.

It's really hard to pinpoint a specific set of actions that cause it, it just seems to Happen Sometimes(tm).


For my part it happend the other night when i was alone on my dedicated server, drilling some ore. Suddenly the drilling sound wouldnt stop. But yes, its the kind of bug which is really not easy to find!I assume it is a combination of events happening at the same time but not beeing related to eachother. Like autosave or something.


Mine usually starts when I grind something on a grid that doesn't contain an assembler. Assembler is on a mobile base. I don't know how jetpack and thruster sounds start.

Also sometimes the light when I drill blocks doesnt disappear(I play without block damage). The place that I do it constantly produce light, even if I remove the drilled block. It may be the same bug.

Unfortunately, I couldn't reproduce it consistently. It just sometimes happen(at least once if I drilled blocks multiple times). I found it while cleaning voxels near blocks.


Hey guys,

is this issue only in Multiplayer?


No. I have it in offline world.


Nope, single player, offline world here.


Also turning realistic sound on makes it worse


It also happens to me when playing in Offline mode.


On our server, we get a looping sound of choking (as if we were running out of O2) when we leave the cryochamber we added to our lander. This happens if one of us logs out while inside, and then logs back in. The moment we exit the cryo chamber, the O2 reading on the bottom of our screen says None, but we are in the earth-type atmosphere, and the lander is exposed to it having multiple missing armour blocks. When we move away from the lander, the looping sound of choking stops about 100m out, but then begins again if we move back toward the lander. I found that by removing one armour block from the lander, O2 reading returns to high and the looping sound stops.

Could this be a symptom of the same thing? Perhaps it's not simply a looping sound, perhaps it's a misreporting somewhere that a jetpack is on when it's not, that a medbay is nearby when it isn't, that O2 doent exist when it does.


I've been getting this with wheels and a friend of mine has been getting it with other sounds. We did find that when we started spawning massive amounts of warheads and exploding them we caused the sound to actually cut out and the server kept running (but was running around 0.2 to 0.1 sim speed). My friend then had no in-game sound but I was actually getting sound popping from the game (like connecting your sound jack while wearing the headset). My sound bug isn't limited to distance from the object making the sound. Once it starts it stays wherever I go.


yes, integrity testing... ;) But seriously, I'm experiencing this issue constantly occurring throughout a gaming session we have :C


I have experinced the same thing on diffrent servers with and without mods :/


I have found this bug occurs most frequently when using drill bits on a ship. The sound of the bits mining stone tends to get stuck in a never ending sound loop, and doesn't go away unless you reconnect to the server. I'm finding this to be consistently reproducible, so that may be a good place to start as far as finding and fixing the problem. It does however occasionally occur with other sounds as well. Most notably any sound that happens as a result of you doing something that requires you to hold down a key i.e. Movement while flying a vehicle (Engine movement sound loops), Using Drill bits on a ship, etc.


It's my impression or it's fixed now? I've played many hours today after the last update and had no problem for now

before it was happening all the time ( at least every hour I had to reload the game because of it )


Just happened now hehe, just took more time

It's weird that the repeating sound started when I was destroying one tile and I don't know exactly what sound it is

is not the Drill


Not fixed yet(


Same problem. And I hear the sounds of placing blocks by other players literally from everywhere. Ifeven a player for a couple of thousand kilometers will place any block, then I'll hear it. Full reinstallation did not help. Are you the host or not - does not affect. MP only. How to solve this, please help.


I keep getting the "cruising rover" sound when testing stuff on the earth planet. A block or grid piece would fall on the ground, maybe get destroyed or something, and then it's that constant sound like I'm driving in a car. Never goes away (unless, of course, reloading the save).


I get this Two i find opening my helmet make the sound go away


to, two, and too. Know the diff.

Also, opening/closing the helmet fixes it? I didn't know that. Are you using realistic sounds setting?


Mine was assembler going on a loop very annoying as it drowns out meteor warning sometimes. Will try the helmet trick next time i'm playing. Thanks


yes i am using the realistic sounds.


Ah. I'm not a fan of realistic sounds so I don't use that. The helmet trick didn't work for me with arcade sounds it turns out.


I'll gladly use realistic sounds if it gives me a way out of looping refinery start/stopping. I prefer realistic anyway but yea its definitely something to do with getting in/out of cockpits and open/closing helmet. Once it starts though I cant get rid of it sometimes. Even with the helmet.


Arcade sound setting.

Blue Ship speed up to 30m/s turn off all ion engines = ship go silent (only that metal / seat cracking sounds). When encounter spawn starting to hear again the speedo sound (moving sound with engines turn on)

Had this with hydrogen ship too. Cargo box on connector flying with it. (ship-connector-connector-cargobox)

When i unconnected the cargo box i hear the looping speedup impulse of hydrogen engines.

I think is related to connectors / spawning grids (encounter).


I've experienced this too on a planet with the drilling sound. I was in multiplayer on AU3 and I thought there was someone drilling under my base.


Any news on this issue? It's driving me crazy having to relaunch every 30 minutes


I experienced this as well multiple times, with multiple sounds.


Today in a single player world on a planet, survival, I first drilled in a small ship for a few minutes and flew back. Then I placed a modded block on a big station grid, grinded the block down and after that the drillling sound started an infinite loop.


Similar sequence happened to me too, yesterday, except that I was drilling in a large ship. I do not recall exactly if the grinded block afterwards was a modded one or not, but I think that it was a vanilla one.


I have this pretty often when drilling with my drillship, the drillsounds keep playing until i rejoin.

But also happend for me when i damaged a thruster and repaired it, it did not stopped to make this sparkle like sounds


The sound looping not stoped after 10 minutes of playing in a single survival mode, I have several large buildings on the planet and the sound not stoped on an assembler, wheels, etc.


Yea i have had this bug since last patch and also on new patch. Engines, Drills, refinery, assembler all can have constant sounds that wont stop unless you exit game. But it seems within 5 mins of turning them back on or going near, they wont stop.

Could we get a command line function to reset sounds or something?

Thanks, Updates are awesome!


I rent a DS and play in survival with mods. I forget to open my visor on easy start earth and start to suffocate. The sound persists when I open the visor and heal at the medical terminal. Respawning at the medical terminal sometimes will resolve the issue for me. Unable to recreate. It seems to be random but will test further.


I don't want email notification from this site. I clicked on "remove these notification" at the bottom of the email and it brought me here with no option to remove them so I'm saying this here. Now i have to move every email from here to auto spam soon as i figure out how. So much for getting anything else from here.


As soon as you click the "Don't recieve notifications from this bug" Hyperlink it will take you to this said, however, if you look at the very top there should be a green bar that says "You have stopped following this bug".


If that's true then how come im still recieving notifications? Just got a new one from someone else, then saw your comment.


The system seems to be powered by UseRespons. Maybe you could contact them and ask about the feature. Maybe something is wrong with it :-)


same problem 1.188 with wolves


On single player I always get the ship thruster sound effects stuck in a loop, I believe its usually caused by powering off the ship with the dampeners enabled. I have to reload the game to fix. It is very annoying as it is very loud and follows you everywhere. Please release a hotfix for this and the gattling turrets damaging own grids bug aswell.


for me it is usually the assembler working sound, when it is making something, i can hear it when the assembler was doing something when i fly far away, and the sound starts while i am still far away,and does not stop when i return to the assembler


yea, seems to also definitely happen with the assembler, also get from either the large atmospheric thruster or the jetpack, not sure which. once it starts happening, it doesn't stop so the jetpack is best case scenario imo (although dangerous).

Not sure if this is related, but also get 2 placement sounds sometimes until it starts (larger things like assemblers and conveyor junctions on large grid)


When i close to spiders (sabiroids), i hear their sound of movement. But if i stay where i stay for long period of time, that sound loops. And it sounds like someone shuffle Coca-Cola.


I have this bug everyday. It's driving me crazy. After few hours I wanna just shoot myself to get peace.


I particularly love my drill doing it for 10 mins I currently have the game on 1% till this is fixed :D


Hi i am new and just Registerd. I have the same bug sounds keep looping with ANY Random sound. i experianced it with running Wolf sounds, Reffinary working sounds, Assembler working sounds, Thrusters sounds. I play solo in survival if thats matter.


I removed all soundblock mods and the bug still keeps comming after about 1 hour playing. I used the Realasitic sounds and now i try the Arcade setting.


Ok after 2 hours of playing in sound mode: Arcade, this bug seems not to happen anymore.


I have the same bug sounds keep looping with ANY Random sound. I experianced it with running Wolf sounds, Refinary working sounds, Assembler working sounds, Thrusters sounds. I play solo in survival if thats matter.

I removed all soundblock mods and the bug still keeps comming after about 1 hour playing. I used the Realasitic sounds and now i try the Arcade setting. Ok after 2 hours of playing in sound mode: Arcade, this bug seems not to happen anymore. I went back to play in Sound mode: Realisic and after 1 hour i have the looped sound bug again but this time with the sound of the Oxigen/Hydrogen generator.


I get this bug too, generally from assemblers, refinerys, engines, and drills, restarting fixes it.

Im playing in singleplayer with and without mods, it also happens in muiltiplayer, and somtimes i can hear other player sounds.


Yuupp... Annoying as all hell!

Even mining sounds are looping for some reason... Quitting to main menu solves let's you play for a few minutes until it happens again.

No mods. Happens in Arcade AND Realistic sound.


For what it's worth I seem to notice this bug when I have used a merge block. I am trying to nail down the sequence so I can submit a video of what is happening. At the moment if I merge two grids one with wheels the other with hydro thrusters, I seem to hear the thruster revving up like you were pulsing the "w" key. I haven't quite got the sequence nailed down but I can reproduce the bug on a regular basis.


I get it without using merge blocks.


I do as well, just more often when I am using a vehicle with merge blocks.


Me I get that looping sound whenever I play for long periods of time... And the sound source can be random. Right now I was designing a large mining ship for my survival game and upon testing its mining capabilities, the mining sound effects started to stick >_<


I pretty much have the same problem; I use an assembler to make components for a few blocks, and next thing I know, the sound loop is still looping no mater how long after the assembler finished the order, no matter how far away from the assembler I was.


I get this same bug. Though mine is always the sound of the refining process. Once i start the refining that sound is looped until i restart. Then it will be fine until i switch something up in the refinement bay. IE switch gold to refine instead of silver for instance. Edit: Also use realistic sound setting.


I have this issue too. Seems to happen with refineries and assemblers more than anything else for me. It's interesting to note that after standing near an assembler or refinery to trigger the loop for long periods of time, it can begin starting multiple instances of the loop. You'll be playing and all of a sudden notice that the assembler production sound is echoing itself. Almost maddening, really.


Oftentimes, It's a looping sabiroid sound, or the assembler building sound. It often happens as well shortly after loading up the world, causing me to constantly have to reload over and over. A possible solution to this until a proper fix is figured out would be to allow us to reload the audio system in-game in the options menu and clear all currently played/looped sounds. If it's supposed to continue looping, it should automatically resume afterwards, i think.


I haven't played SE for a while. Today, I opened again. I have the 3rd comment on this thread.

Firstly assembler sound started, as in months ago. While I was doing a continuous grinding of some blocks, it started to make the processing sound of the assembler. It was extremely annoying such that I had to turn sounds off completely.


Keen, I don't know if it will help but as I said, doing continuous grinding of small armor blocks seem to be triggering something.

Also as I commented before, a similar bug is related to drilling. While drilling indestructible blocks, sometimes drilling light effect becomes stuck in the drilling place(the light source becomes permanent). I noticed this while cleaning voxels around blocks by drilling blocks.


I have this often. Random unrelated sounds that played before seem to be triggered by grinding or welding.


I wonder if it could also be related to when sounds are being played during the start of an auto save pause


I'm so happy to see this being in progress. That was probably one of the most annoying bugs.


Without knowing for certain, I feel that this is the result of subgrids. Only my single player games that specifically have subgrids have this bug. Aren't wheels a form of subgrid, kind of? I don't know if it's related, but in one game I had, rotors made this loopy rotory sound, and the sound disappeared once I ticked the checkbox in the rotor's settings shared inertial dampening or whatever it was called.


Happens to me every time i play, when i weld up a random block ar perform some action a sound starts and keeps going, usualy sounds of assemblers, refineries or loud thruster sounds. It doesnt stop until i relog. I usualy just takre my headset off and play without sound, its easier than reloging.

It happened in my first ever hour of gameplay lol, a loud thruster sound started and i was hiding in an asteroid cave for an hour cos it sounded like a massive ship was coming after me :D



I have a feeling its a USB sound thing - i only get the bug when i use my external USB sound card, as soon as i use on board sound it doesn't do it at all...

Hope this helps


It's not USB sound related. I only have 3.5mm and it happens on there.


Good point, I haven't tried this with my on-board sound, always happens when using my USB Headpones


It makes NO SENSE to be related to USB only. Anyway, getting this on 1.189.020 too. The assembler sound never stops, and sometimes it keeps looping, no matter where I go.


how about we provide the developers the information and allow them to decide what makes sense. As a software dev (not on this project) myself, I can say, yes It CAN be related to the audio APIs which could be problematic depending on audio outputs. unless you are a developer perhaps refrain from denouncing additional information from being reported.

However good to know its still working on 1.189.020


well i can change to USB and the bug is there, as soon as i go back to onboard the bug is gone..


Gee Mr Software developer. I work in Game Engines, and what you suggest really doesn't make sense, sorry. I believe it's related to how the manage sounds and they are not stopped on time. Also I am NOT using USB sound so your argument holds no water.


lol, really mature, good to know you know everything about the engine they use. However, I don't disagree with your last point, it is likely that its with their asset management within the game getting stuck in a loop or perhaps an event that is raising an exception causing it to not exit properly. But Yes it can be related to an API problem in the game (I've seen weirder stuff). I'm not going to continue to argue with you on this, if you wish to denounce bug feedback reports feel free to apply for a job at KSH I'm sure they are hiring


happens to me, i use an actual sound card :D


I did a few years ago but went for something way better.

You're talking about maturity when you started the whole "I am a software developer" ad-hominem. Even if i weren't a Game Engine developer I could've seen the USB argument makes no sense because guess what. It didn't happen with a USB sound-card.

Also, what is more likely to be broken: An audio library or a bad game developer that doesn't know how to use it/doesn't stop sounds properly? I rest my case.


Also I am not paid to be their QA, I don't want to spend time seeing how it got there. I just wanted to let them know that it is still happening with their "big" 6 month-long update.


My sound was constant ship drilling sound..


Guys can we keep focus on productive comments. I get the issue in both scenarios - switching between usb, card or on board is more likely simply reinitialising the sounds which clears any non-terminated sound events. Status on this issue is in-progress anyway, so I expect they have a pretty good idea whats going on. Hopefully we see some progress in the next major after the public test.

It probably is simply some audio events "stacking" until they overflow because something interrupts program flow preventing or losing track of the end sound handle for that loop. Easy to cause, not so easy to prevent. Give them time. This has become a pretty complex game coding wise.


I'm playing the beta and it now happens almost with any sound.

Uae the drill once, - stuck in loop.

Use assembler - stuck in loop.

I could go on.

The Survival beta will most likely bot fix this issue.

I've encountered it in the past but far from this often.

It happened so little that I didn't always remember it happen.

Now it happens ecery single game session.

If I reload the game, the loop comes back after a short while again.

It's sure to happen now.

(Almost like it's a feature now -_-)


I could live with this bug way more if I just had a control m or control f10, or whatever, to turn off all sound (like actually unload/terminate all sound code) and then turn it back on, not just muting. Rejoining is a big deal if it's not singleplayer.


I may find the problem why the issue of sound loop that we all are affected is coming from nowhere every now and then

the problem that cause it or at least the biggest that trigger the loop is when I grind or weld a dynamic block e.g. wheel refinery or even a conveyor tube almost all blocks can trigger the sound so I think this is a good start point for the dev.


I confirm that in my case once I grind a block does not matter witch one is, the random loop sound will start. I want to point that this will happen in survival single player, I haven't tested in multiplayer but I will do.


Please Hot fix this Keen its total Torture. If You have to reload Your World every Few minutes while its so big that it needs 10 min to load up.


I see YouTubers, like Splitsie don't have this bug in videos. So wondered if i could fix this by reinstalling the game. I reinstalled but also got the playtest update so I'm not sure if it worked. I don't get the bug in the 189 test, after reinstalling the game.

If someone tested reinstalling or considers doing, please share results here. Preferably only on version 188. If you get the latest version 189 test without reinstalling, it's also ok if you share results.

I previously fixed the particles rendered as purple squares bug by reinstalling the game. It may work again. But it doesn't mean it's ok if it works. Will we reinstall the game after every major update?


I just Completly Deinstalled SE. Delating all remaining Folders. Installed it new, verion 1.188.105 Started a World. Left the Lander get some ore put in the Refinary left the ship aaaaaaand had the Refinary sound still when i already walked 1 kilometer away from the Ship............. so it does NOT help. I just quit the Game. If a Game Sound gives me migraine i call it UNPALYABLE. I will never start this game anymore as long this is not fixed.


Yesterday for the firt time i tryed the public test.. i can not remember to get this problem at all......

i change my mind. i play more the testversioin tonight since my internet needs 7 hours to donload it. Then i share my experiance.


@Carsten Thanks for mentioning that you deleted folders. I forgot to add this.

If you still get the bug, then it really doesn't work.

And I also didn't get the bug in 189 test in about 2 hours of playing. Maybe it's really fixed.


as of the current public test 15/03/2019, i have logged atleast 10 hours with no looping and duplicating sounds, tho i have actually had the opposite for some items like player tools and ship tools (not weapons)


Could you open what you mean by "opposite", please?


sounds just not playing, like you can be welding a large block with a hand tool and you will have sound for a good while and then it will cut out and random points and then start again, similarly with drilling the sounds of the drill sometimes cut out... have tried on a few Computers so i know its not just a Sound card issue or a driver fault




Hey sorry i am late,

1. In the public test 3 (15-18.02.2019) I played about 20 Hours on Sunday and i NEVER got the looping sound.

2. I can confirm some blocks for example the Solarpannels dont have welding sounds by grind them down.

I hoping for a soon patch. And that this looping random sound is finaly gone.


Update is out for an while and i dont have any soundproblems anymore. i gues its fixed.


They added this in the fixes list on the forum. And yes, I think it's really fixed.


Thank god this is fixed! Cheers keen!


New Sound Bug (i want to cry)

I have looping tool sounds on the Moon Reproduce by:

welding in the knees and stand up keeps the tool sound running while the work process finished already.

same by grinding


You should probably raise a new bug as it's likely unrelated to this particular sound issue.


Hello, Engineer!

Please report your issue into separated bug report. I am locking this topic now.

I have tried to reproduce it but without any luck. So please include more information (video and world where is it consistently happening would be best).

Thank you.

Kind Regards

Keen Software House: QA Department

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