What did Early Access get that new customers don't get?

Michael Boughton shared this feedback 4 years ago

In 2015 I paid $20usd for ME.

New customers get ME for $10usd and the Deluxe pack for free.

So, what did I get that new customers don't get for half the price I paid?

Replies (12)


Well common Keen answer the question

What did Early Access customers get as a reward for investing early in the game that new customers don't get today? Considering new customers pay less than half of what we did....


Is no one from keen going to answer?

I'll keep on asking until I get a proper reply about what we got for the extra $10 USD we paid compared to new customers today?

Why did I pay more?


Why does someone from KSH not answer this simple question. Why did I have to pay more for the game in EA than current customers do when the game has just been released from EA as so called 'finished'?


I am not from Keen.

You didn't have to pay more. You could have waited 5 years and saved yourself $10, but you chose not to do so. That $10 let you play the game for 5 years before now.


Yeah, nah, not good enough ShadedMJ. the company need to explain their decision. period.


Come on Keen, answer the question. What did I pay an extra $10 for in EA compared to now.... ?


This is not a rude question. It needs answering. Can you please explain why we as early access customers paid $10 more than current customers for the exact same product?


And again I ask the same thing, yet no one has the internal fortitude to man up and answer the question.


Answer the question Keen, grab some balls and get on with it.


This question needs to be answered. I'm not going away. Answer the question.

The longer the question is left unanswered the more evidence there is that Keen's business practices are unethical, immortal and bordering on criminal. It's also more evidence that Keen use Early Access as crowdfunding for other unrelated projects the company has started.

This list of my asking a reasonable question over a long period of time is going towards documentation to show how Keen conducts it business and how it treats it's customers.



i'm not from KSH either and am a regular gamer like you, but have you considered that games price's vary over time and are subject to discounts during sales?

For example, I bought Space Engineers for £11.99 on the 25th Oct 2013

I then bought it as a gift for a friend for £14.99 on the 14th Apr 2014

It is now listed on steam for £15.49 18th June 2020

The price has varied throughout and has had many discounts,

Now for you, in Dollars (I'm assuming US) at its highest cost (and 5 years ago) you would have paid: $24.99,

It is now listed as $19.99 so a delta of $5.00

The lowest it has been in the past year is $13.99 which was advertised as a discount of -30% off during sales, this has happened 10 times since July 2019.

So given what you have written your problem is with the -30% discounted price during sales events, which is a delta of $11.

This isn't considered unethical, immoral or bordering on criminal, this is called enticing a player base by dropping the cost or sharply increasing revenue from sales by temporarily dropping the price.

Now mate, i'm not a professional in this matter, but a good life lesson is to investigate things you perceive as a problem rather than jumping the gun. If you had found something incriminating then you would have had actual evidence that can be used.

That's my two cents on the matter, perhaps try calling/emailing them if you still feel you deserve an answer on the matter, but don't be surprised if they tell you it was on sale.

You have no idea how many games I've purchased at full price for them then to be reduced by 70% days later!

All the best,



1. https://steamdb.info/app/244850/

2. https://steamcharts.com/app/244850#All


Hi Wiggy,

I'm well aware of price drop and market forces etc... I've been in the workforce over 40 years so I'm not naive about these matters.

But market forces and discounts is not what happened with ME.

Given the past history of Keen with Miner Wars, ME was dumped, ungraciously and then they dumped the price to gouge more out of unsuspecting customers. They left us with a half baked game.

I understand there is some risk with early access, but that was not the case with ME. They just lost interest and dumped it as well as those customers that had contributed to the early development. SE has gone up in price. Both games were the same price when they hit early access.

Keen's past reputation with dumping unfinished games is there for all to see if they want to go through their history. Miner Wars and how customers were treated just about caused a melt down for steam there was so much anger. The dumping of ME has bought all that history back to our minds. So Keen has dumped 2 out of 3 games. Not a good record. And the dumping was nothing to do with funding. The siphoned millions off into other projects and investments. That's their call, but dumping ME was not a financial decision by any stretch of the imagination.

All the best mate,


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