roof building bugged?
the ME server crashed 2 times, because of people tried to build some roofs
2019-03-04 09:52:10.013|Main Thread> =============================== FATAL EXCEPTION ================================
2019-03-04 09:52:10.028|Main Thread> Exception occurred: System.NullReferenceException: Object reference not set to an instance of an object.
at VRage.Components.Entity.CubeGrid.MyGridConnectivityComponent.GetBlockAdjacency(MyBlock block)
at VRage.Components.Entity.CubeGrid.MyGridConnectivityComponent.ConnectBlocks(MyBlock block1, MyBlock block2, BoundingBox& connectionBB)
at Medieval.Entities.Components.Grid.MyAdditionalBlocksGeneratorComponent.RegenerateModels(MyBlock block, Dictionary`2 genBlocksChanges, MyGridDataComponent gridData, List`1 tempBlocks)
at Medieval.Entities.Components.Grid.MyAdditionalBlocksGeneratorComponent.GenerateAdditionalBlocks(MyGridDataComponent gridData, List`1 blocks, Boolean blockAdded, MyBlock ignoreBlock)
at Medieval.GameSystems.Tools.MyBuilderToolBehavior.UpdateBlockIntegrity(MyPlayer buildingPlayer, GridBlockTuple block, Int32 integrityChange, Dictionary`2 items)
at Medieval.GameSystems.Tools.MyBuilderToolBehavior.PrimaryAction(MyBuilderToolBehaviorDefinition def, MyPlayer player)
at Medieval.GameSystems.Tools.MyBuilderToolBehavior.Hit()
at Sandbox.Game.EntityComponents.Character.MyToolBehaviorBase.ActionHit(Int64 deltaFrames)
at VRage.Components.MyUpdateScheduler.RunTimedUpdates()
at VRage.Components.MyUpdateScheduler.RunUpdates(TimeSpan currentTime)
at Sandbox.Game.World.MySession.UpdateComponents()
at Sandbox.Game.World.MySession.Update(MyTimeSpan updateTime)
at Sandbox.MySandboxGame.Update()
at Sandbox.Engine.Platform.Game.UpdateInternal()
at Sandbox.Engine.Platform.Game.RunSingleFrame()
at VRage.Components.MyUpdateScheduler.RunFixedUpdates()
at VRage.Components.MyUpdateScheduler.RunUpdates(TimeSpan currentTime)
at Sandbox.Engine.Platform.MySandboxUpdate.<RunLoop>b__18_0()
at VRage.Utils.FixedLoop.Run(Action tickCallback)
at Sandbox.Engine.Platform.MySandboxUpdate.RunLoop()
at VRage.Dedicated.DedicatedServer`1.RunInternal()
at VRage.Dedicated.DedicatedServer`1.RunMain(String instanceName, String customPath, Boolean isService, Boolean showConsole)
2019-03-04 09:52:10.028|Main Thread> =============================== FATAL EXCEPTION ================================
2019-03-04 04:03:04.166|Main Thread> =============================== FATAL EXCEPTION ================================
2019-03-04 04:03:04.181|Main Thread> Exception occurred: System.NullReferenceException: Object reference not set to an instance of an object.
at VRage.Components.Entity.CubeGrid.MyGridConnectivityComponent.GetBlockAdjacency(MyBlock block)
at VRage.Components.Entity.CubeGrid.MyGridConnectivityComponent.ConnectBlocks(MyBlock block1, MyBlock block2, BoundingBox& connectionBB)
at Medieval.Entities.Components.Grid.MyAdditionalBlocksGeneratorComponent.RegenerateModels(MyBlock block, Dictionary`2 genBlocksChanges, MyGridDataComponent gridData, List`1 tempBlocks)
at Medieval.Entities.Components.Grid.MyAdditionalBlocksGeneratorComponent.GenerateAdditionalBlocks(MyGridDataComponent gridData, List`1 blocks, Boolean blockAdded, MyBlock ignoreBlock)
at Medieval.GameSystems.Tools.MyBuilderToolBehavior.UpdateBlockIntegrity(MyPlayer buildingPlayer, GridBlockTuple block, Int32 integrityChange, Dictionary`2 items)
at Medieval.GameSystems.Tools.MyBuilderToolBehavior.PrimaryAction(MyBuilderToolBehaviorDefinition def, MyPlayer player)
at Medieval.GameSystems.Tools.MyBuilderToolBehavior.Hit()
at Sandbox.Game.EntityComponents.Character.MyToolBehaviorBase.ActionHit(Int64 deltaFrames)
at VRage.Components.MyUpdateScheduler.RunTimedUpdates()
at VRage.Components.MyUpdateScheduler.RunUpdates(TimeSpan currentTime)
at Sandbox.Game.World.MySession.UpdateComponents()
at Sandbox.Game.World.MySession.Update(MyTimeSpan updateTime)
at Sandbox.MySandboxGame.Update()
at Sandbox.Engine.Platform.Game.UpdateInternal()
at Sandbox.Engine.Platform.Game.RunSingleFrame()
at VRage.Components.MyUpdateScheduler.RunFixedUpdates()
at VRage.Components.MyUpdateScheduler.RunUpdates(TimeSpan currentTime)
at Sandbox.Engine.Platform.MySandboxUpdate.<RunLoop>b__18_0()
at VRage.Utils.FixedLoop.Run(Action tickCallback)
at Sandbox.Engine.Platform.MySandboxUpdate.RunLoop()
at VRage.Dedicated.DedicatedServer`1.RunInternal()
at VRage.Dedicated.DedicatedServer`1.RunMain(String instanceName, String customPath, Boolean isService, Boolean showConsole)
2019-03-04 04:03:04.181|Main Thread> =============================== FATAL EXCEPTION ================================
possible but not sure, thatched roof bugged?
possible but not sure, thatched roof bugged?
I have the same bug when I place roof on my house and try to construct it game crashes with the last hit. But when I place roof on ground and do not attach it to house it can be constructed.
I have the same bug when I place roof on my house and try to construct it game crashes with the last hit. But when I place roof on ground and do not attach it to house it can be constructed.
2019-03-06 03:27:33.783|Main Thread> =============================== FATAL EXCEPTION ================================
2019-03-06 03:27:33.800|Main Thread> Exception occurred: System.NullReferenceException: Object reference not set to an instance of an object.
at Medieval.Entities.Components.Mechanical.MyHingeConstraint.CalculateWorldAngle()
at Medieval.Entities.Components.Mechanical.MyHingeConstraint.get_Angle()
at Medieval.Entities.Components.Mechanical.MyHingeConstraint.OnDeactivate()
at VRage.Components.Physics.MyPhysicsConstraintGroup.HandleParentDeactivated(MyEntity obj)
at VRage.Game.Entity.MyEntity.RaiseDeactivated()
at VRage.Game.Entity.MyEntity.OnRemovedFromScene(MyScene scene)
at VRage.Scene.MyScene.DeactivateEntity(MyEntity entity)
at VRage.Scene.MyScene.RemoveEntity(MyEntity entity)
at VRage.Scene.MyScene.DestroyInternal(MyEntity entity)
at VRage.Scene.MyScene.CloseQueued()
at Sandbox.Game.Entities.MyEntities.UpdateAfterSimulation()
at Sandbox.Game.World.MySector.UpdateAfterSimulation()
at Sandbox.Game.SessionComponents.MySessionComponentLegacyUpdateScheduler.DoUpdateAfterSimulation()
at VRage.Components.MyUpdateScheduler.RunFixedUpdates()
at VRage.Components.MyUpdateScheduler.RunUpdates(TimeSpan currentTime)
at Sandbox.Game.World.MySession.UpdateComponents()
at Sandbox.Game.World.MySession.Update(MyTimeSpan updateTime)
at Sandbox.MySandboxGame.Update()
at Sandbox.Engine.Platform.Game.UpdateInternal()
at Sandbox.Engine.Platform.Game.RunSingleFrame()
at VRage.Components.MyUpdateScheduler.RunFixedUpdates()
at VRage.Components.MyUpdateScheduler.RunUpdates(TimeSpan currentTime)
at Sandbox.Engine.Platform.MySandboxUpdate.<RunLoop>b__18_0()
at VRage.Utils.FixedLoop.Run(Action tickCallback)
at Sandbox.Engine.Platform.MySandboxUpdate.RunLoop()
at VRage.Dedicated.DedicatedServer`1.RunInternal()
at VRage.Dedicated.DedicatedServer`1.RunMain(String instanceName, String customPath, Boolean isService, Boolean showConsole)
2019-03-06 03:27:33.800|Main Thread> =============================== FATAL EXCEPTION ================================
2019-03-06 03:27:33.783|Main Thread> =============================== FATAL EXCEPTION ================================
2019-03-06 03:27:33.800|Main Thread> Exception occurred: System.NullReferenceException: Object reference not set to an instance of an object.
at Medieval.Entities.Components.Mechanical.MyHingeConstraint.CalculateWorldAngle()
at Medieval.Entities.Components.Mechanical.MyHingeConstraint.get_Angle()
at Medieval.Entities.Components.Mechanical.MyHingeConstraint.OnDeactivate()
at VRage.Components.Physics.MyPhysicsConstraintGroup.HandleParentDeactivated(MyEntity obj)
at VRage.Game.Entity.MyEntity.RaiseDeactivated()
at VRage.Game.Entity.MyEntity.OnRemovedFromScene(MyScene scene)
at VRage.Scene.MyScene.DeactivateEntity(MyEntity entity)
at VRage.Scene.MyScene.RemoveEntity(MyEntity entity)
at VRage.Scene.MyScene.DestroyInternal(MyEntity entity)
at VRage.Scene.MyScene.CloseQueued()
at Sandbox.Game.Entities.MyEntities.UpdateAfterSimulation()
at Sandbox.Game.World.MySector.UpdateAfterSimulation()
at Sandbox.Game.SessionComponents.MySessionComponentLegacyUpdateScheduler.DoUpdateAfterSimulation()
at VRage.Components.MyUpdateScheduler.RunFixedUpdates()
at VRage.Components.MyUpdateScheduler.RunUpdates(TimeSpan currentTime)
at Sandbox.Game.World.MySession.UpdateComponents()
at Sandbox.Game.World.MySession.Update(MyTimeSpan updateTime)
at Sandbox.MySandboxGame.Update()
at Sandbox.Engine.Platform.Game.UpdateInternal()
at Sandbox.Engine.Platform.Game.RunSingleFrame()
at VRage.Components.MyUpdateScheduler.RunFixedUpdates()
at VRage.Components.MyUpdateScheduler.RunUpdates(TimeSpan currentTime)
at Sandbox.Engine.Platform.MySandboxUpdate.<RunLoop>b__18_0()
at VRage.Utils.FixedLoop.Run(Action tickCallback)
at Sandbox.Engine.Platform.MySandboxUpdate.RunLoop()
at VRage.Dedicated.DedicatedServer`1.RunInternal()
at VRage.Dedicated.DedicatedServer`1.RunMain(String instanceName, String customPath, Boolean isService, Boolean showConsole)
2019-03-06 03:27:33.800|Main Thread> =============================== FATAL EXCEPTION ================================
Looks like the thachet roof is causing the issue, Looks like the thatchet roof is causing this issue, when more than 1 row is build, in my oberservation
/ <- this is bug/fatal crash issue
Looks like the thachet roof is causing the issue, Looks like the thatchet roof is causing this issue, when more than 1 row is build, in my oberservation
/ <- this is bug/fatal crash issue
Same thing, my problem is it corrupts my save and that world is no longer playable and I got to start over from scratch. The thing is this didnt start being a problem tell after the update. I never had this problem before the update happened. I was upgrading my simple house to a better house. No Mods this time. I go to deconstruct a slanted thatch roof piece and my game crashes. Not only does it crash but it corrupts the save and I have to start all over from scratch. Normally I wouldn't care but this has happened 5 times in a row. Until I find a way to fix this the game is unplayable.
I dont know how to drop it from just a link sorry but thats the log
2019-03-12 03:54:41.487|Main Thread> Log Started
2019-03-12 03:54:41.487|Main Thread> Timezone (local - UTC): -7h
2019-03-12 03:54:41.487|Main Thread> VRage Engine v2.7
2019-03-12 03:54:41.487|Main Thread> Medieval Engineers v0.7.1.4B2465
2019-03-12 03:54:41.487|Main Thread> Loading...
2019-03-12 03:54:41.659|Main Thread> Performing start-up memory test...
2019-03-12 03:54:41.659|Main Thread> Physical memory is 16,050,585,600 bytes.
2019-03-12 03:54:41.659|Main Thread> Minimum requirement is 8,000,000,000 bytes.
2019-03-12 03:54:41.659|Main Thread> System meets minimum memory requirements.
2019-03-12 03:54:41.674|Main Thread> Info: Official
2019-03-12 03:54:41.674|Main Thread> Info: Non Obfuscated
2019-03-12 03:54:41.674|Main Thread> Info: Installed in Steam Directory
2019-03-12 03:54:41.674|Main Thread> Info: Manifest Not Present
2019-03-12 03:54:41.674|Main Thread> Environment.ProcessorCount: 2
2019-03-12 03:54:41.674|Main Thread> Environment.OSVersion: Microsoft Windows NT 10.0.17763.0
2019-03-12 03:54:41.674|Main Thread> Environment.CommandLine: "C:\Program Files (x86)\Steam\steamapps\common\MedievalEngineers\Bin64\MedievalEngineers.exe"
2019-03-12 03:54:41.674|Main Thread> Environment.Version: 4.6.2 or later (461814)
2019-03-12 03:54:41.674|Main Thread> Environment.CurrentDirectory: C:\Program Files (x86)\Steam\steamapps\common\MedievalEngineers\Bin64
2019-03-12 03:54:41.674|Main Thread> Default Culture:
2019-03-12 03:54:41.674|Main Thread> Default UI Culture:
2019-03-12 03:54:41.674|Main Thread> IsAdmin: False
2019-03-12 03:54:41.690|Main Thread> MyConfig.Load() - START
2019-03-12 03:54:41.690|Main Thread> Path: C:\Users\TheGilberts\AppData\Roaming\MedievalEngineers\MedievalEngineers.cfg
2019-03-12 03:54:41.737|Main Thread> RotationHints: False
2019-03-12 03:54:41.737|Main Thread> GraphicsRenderer: DirectX 11
2019-03-12 03:54:41.737|Main Thread> DebugInputs: Sandbox.Engine.Utils.ConfigDictionary`2[System.String,Sandbox.Engine.Utils.MyConfig+MyDebugInputData]
2019-03-12 03:54:41.737|Main Thread> Language: 0
2019-03-12 03:54:41.737|Main Thread> ControlsJoystickName: Disabled
2019-03-12 03:54:41.737|Main Thread> GameVersion:
2019-03-12 03:54:41.737|Main Thread> FirstTimeRun: False
2019-03-12 03:54:41.737|Main Thread> MinimalHud: False
2019-03-12 03:54:41.737|Main Thread> ControlsMouseInvertX: False
2019-03-12 03:54:41.737|Main Thread> ControlsMouseInvertY: False
2019-03-12 03:54:41.737|Main Thread> ControlsMouseSensitivity: 1.655
2019-03-12 03:54:41.737|Main Thread> ControlsJoystickSensitivity: 0.2
2019-03-12 03:54:41.737|Main Thread> CubeBuilderBuildingMode: 1
2019-03-12 03:54:41.737|Main Thread> AnimatedRotation: True
2019-03-12 03:54:41.737|Main Thread> BuildingSizeHint: True
2019-03-12 03:54:41.737|Main Thread> ShowCrosshair: True
2019-03-12 03:54:41.737|Main Thread> InteractionHints: True
2019-03-12 03:54:41.737|Main Thread> CompressSaveGames: False
2019-03-12 03:54:41.737|Main Thread> ShowPlayerNamesOnHud: True
2019-03-12 03:54:41.737|Main Thread> ReleasingAltResetsCamera: False
2019-03-12 03:54:41.737|Main Thread> WorkerThreads: 1
2019-03-12 03:54:41.737|Main Thread> GameVolume: 1
2019-03-12 03:54:41.737|Main Thread> MusicVolume: 0
2019-03-12 03:54:41.737|Main Thread> VoiceChatVolume: 1
2019-03-12 03:54:41.737|Main Thread> HudWarnings: True
2019-03-12 03:54:41.737|Main Thread> VoiceChat: True
2019-03-12 03:54:41.737|Main Thread> EnableMuteWhenNotInFocus: True
2019-03-12 03:54:41.737|Main Thread> EnableDynamicMusic: True
2019-03-12 03:54:41.737|Main Thread> MutedPlayers:
2019-03-12 03:54:41.737|Main Thread> Tutorial: 2
2019-03-12 03:54:41.737|Main Thread> GDPRConsent: True
2019-03-12 03:54:41.737|Main Thread> GDPRConsent_Sent: True
2019-03-12 03:54:41.737|Main Thread> ScreenshotSizeMultiplier: 1
2019-03-12 03:54:41.737|Main Thread> VideoAdapter: 0
2019-03-12 03:54:41.737|Main Thread> ScreenWidth: 1360
2019-03-12 03:54:41.737|Main Thread> ScreenHeight: 768
2019-03-12 03:54:41.737|Main Thread> RefreshRate: 60000
2019-03-12 03:54:41.737|Main Thread> WindowMode: 1
2019-03-12 03:54:41.737|Main Thread> VerticalSync: False
2019-03-12 03:54:41.737|Main Thread> FieldOfView: 90
2019-03-12 03:54:41.737|Main Thread> VegetationViewDistance: 160
2019-03-12 03:54:41.737|Main Thread> GrassDensity: 0.5
2019-03-12 03:54:41.737|Main Thread> GrassDistance: 150
2019-03-12 03:54:41.737|Main Thread> TerrainLodQuality: 1
2019-03-12 03:54:41.737|Main Thread> ShadingQuality: 1
2019-03-12 03:54:41.737|Main Thread> ModelQuality: 1
2019-03-12 03:54:41.737|Main Thread> LowMemSwitchToLow: 0
2019-03-12 03:54:41.737|Main Thread> ShadowMapResolution: 1
2019-03-12 03:54:41.737|Main Thread> AmbientOcclusion: 1
2019-03-12 03:54:41.737|Main Thread> MyConfig.Load() - END
2019-03-12 03:54:42.040|Main Thread> Loading Metadata...
2019-03-12 03:54:44.525|Main Thread> Metadata Loaded is 2.4761512 seconds.
2019-03-12 03:54:44.525|Main Thread> Initializing...
2019-03-12 03:54:44.775|Main Thread>Steam Game Services> Info: Steam.IsActive: True
2019-03-12 03:54:44.775|Main Thread>Steam Game Services> Info: Steam.IsOnline: True
2019-03-12 03:54:44.775|Main Thread>Steam Game Services> Info: Steam.OwnsGame: False
2019-03-12 03:54:44.775|Main Thread>Steam Game Services> Info: Steam.UserId: 76561198029005841
2019-03-12 03:54:44.775|Main Thread>Steam Game Services> Info: Steam.UserName: slyphr15
2019-03-12 03:54:44.775|Main Thread>Steam Game Services> Info: Steam.Branch: default
2019-03-12 03:54:44.790|Main Thread>Havok> Physics.Init
2019-03-12 03:54:44.790|Main Thread>Havok> Version: Release(0), 1800, [S]
2019-03-12 03:54:44.790|Main Thread>Havok> Info: HkGameName: MedievalEngineers Release
2019-03-12 03:54:48.797|Worker Default 1>AccessListBatch> Warning: System.Collections.Generic.* already exists in access list, this entry is redundant
2019-03-12 03:54:48.797|Worker Default 1>AccessListBatch> Warning: System.Collections.Generic.* already exists in access list, this entry is redundant
2019-03-12 03:54:48.797|Worker Default 1>AccessListBatch> Warning: System.Collections.Concurrent.* already exists in access list, this entry is redundant
2019-03-12 03:54:49.282|Worker Default 1>AccessListBatch> Warning: System.Collections.Generic.* already exists in access list, this entry is redundant
2019-03-12 03:54:49.297|Worker Default 1>AccessListBatch> Warning: VRage.* already exists in access list, this entry is redundant
2019-03-12 03:54:49.313|Worker Default 1>AccessListBatch> Warning: VRage.Components.* already exists in access list, this entry is redundant
2019-03-12 03:54:49.329|Worker Default 1>AccessListBatch> Warning: VRage.Components.Session.* already exists in access list, this entry is redundant
2019-03-12 03:54:57.399|Main Thread> AdapterInfo = {
2019-03-12 03:54:57.399|Main Thread> Name = AMD Radeon(TM) R5 Graphics + DISPLAY1
2019-03-12 03:54:57.399|Main Thread> Description = dev id: 4885, mem: 1039466496, shared mem: 8025292800, Luid: 39239, rev: 0, subsys id: -805301160, vendor id: 4098
2019-03-12 03:54:57.399|Main Thread> Driver version = 22.19.677.257
2019-03-12 03:54:57.399|Main Thread> Driver date = 20170922000000.000000-000
2019-03-12 03:54:57.399|Main Thread> DriverUpdateNecessary = False
2019-03-12 03:54:57.399|Main Thread> Adapter id = 0
2019-03-12 03:54:57.399|Main Thread> Supported = True
2019-03-12 03:54:57.399|Main Thread> RAM = 1039466496
2019-03-12 03:54:57.399|Main Thread> Priority = 2
2019-03-12 03:54:57.399|Main Thread> Multithreaded rendering supported = False
2019-03-12 03:54:57.399|Main Thread> Output is attached = True
2019-03-12 03:54:57.399|Main Thread> DesktopBounds = {X:0 Y:0 Width:1360 Height:768}
2019-03-12 03:54:57.399|Main Thread> Display modes = {
2019-03-12 03:54:57.399|Main Thread> DXGIOutput id = 0
2019-03-12 03:54:57.399|Main Thread> 640x480@60Hz
2019-03-12 03:54:57.399|Main Thread> 640x480@75Hz
2019-03-12 03:54:57.399|Main Thread> 640x480@72Hz
2019-03-12 03:54:57.399|Main Thread> 800x600@60Hz
2019-03-12 03:54:57.399|Main Thread> 800x600@75Hz
2019-03-12 03:54:57.399|Main Thread> 800x600@72Hz
2019-03-12 03:54:57.399|Main Thread> 1024x768@60Hz
2019-03-12 03:54:57.399|Main Thread> 1024x768@75Hz
2019-03-12 03:54:57.399|Main Thread> 1024x768@70Hz
2019-03-12 03:54:57.399|Main Thread> 1280x720@60Hz
2019-03-12 03:54:57.399|Main Thread> 1280x800@60Hz
2019-03-12 03:54:57.399|Main Thread> 1280x1024@60Hz
2019-03-12 03:54:57.399|Main Thread> 1360x768@60Hz
2019-03-12 03:54:57.399|Main Thread> 1366x768@60Hz
2019-03-12 03:54:57.399|Main Thread> }
2019-03-12 03:54:57.399|Main Thread> }
2019-03-12 03:54:57.555|Main Thread> MySandboxGame.Constructor() - START
2019-03-12 03:54:57.555|Main Thread> Game dir: C:\Program Files (x86)\Steam\steamapps\common\MedievalEngineers\Bin64
2019-03-12 03:54:57.555|Main Thread> Content dir: C:\Program Files (x86)\Steam\steamapps\common\MedievalEngineers\Content
2019-03-12 03:54:57.555|Main Thread> Info: Detected 2 logical CPU cores, using up to 2 for asynchronous workers.
2019-03-12 03:54:58.618|Main Thread> Info: Worker Configuration {
Total: 3,
Default: Logic
Groups: [
Group Background, BelowNormal, 1 Workers,
Group Logic, Normal, 1 Workers,
Group Render, AboveNormal, 1 Workers
2019-03-12 03:54:58.680|Main Thread> MySandboxGame.Constructor() - END
2019-03-12 03:54:58.680|Main Thread> MyVideoModeManager.LogApplicationInformation - START
2019-03-12 03:54:58.680|Main Thread> Assembly.GetName: Sandbox.Game, Version=0.1.7003.17631, Culture=neutral, PublicKeyToken=null
2019-03-12 03:54:58.680|Main Thread> Assembly.FullName: Sandbox.Game, Version=0.1.7003.17631, Culture=neutral, PublicKeyToken=null
2019-03-12 03:54:58.680|Main Thread> Assembly.Location: C:\Program Files (x86)\Steam\steamapps\common\MedievalEngineers\Bin64\Sandbox.Game.dll
2019-03-12 03:54:58.680|Main Thread> Assembly.ImageRuntimeVersion: v4.0.30319
2019-03-12 03:54:58.680|Main Thread> MyVideoModeManager.LogApplicationInformation - END
2019-03-12 03:54:58.696|Main Thread> MyVideoModeManager.LogEnvironmentInformation - START
2019-03-12 03:54:58.712|Main Thread> Win32_ComputerSystem.Manufacturer: Gigabyte Technology Co., Ltd.
2019-03-12 03:54:58.712|Main Thread> Win32_ComputerSystem.Model: To be filled by O.E.M.
2019-03-12 03:54:58.712|Main Thread> Virtualized: False
2019-03-12 03:54:58.727|Main Thread> Environment.ProcessorName: AMD A6-7400K Radeon R5, 6 Compute Cores 2C+4G
2019-03-12 03:54:58.727|Main Thread> ComputerInfo.TotalPhysicalMemory: 16,050,585,600 bytes
2019-03-12 03:54:58.727|Main Thread> ComputerInfo.TotalVirtualMemory: 140,737,488,224,256 bytes
2019-03-12 03:54:58.727|Main Thread> ComputerInfo.AvailablePhysicalMemory: 12,644,671,488 bytes
2019-03-12 03:54:58.727|Main Thread> ComputerInfo.AvailableVirtualMemory: 140,732,138,901,504 bytes
2019-03-12 03:54:58.758|Main Thread> Drive C: | Capacity: 999,519,416,320 bytes | Free space: 215,248,494,592 bytes
2019-03-12 03:54:58.758|Main Thread> MyVideoModeManager.LogEnvironmentInformation - END
2019-03-12 03:54:59.520|Main Thread> MySandboxGame.Initialize() - START
2019-03-12 03:55:00.551|Main Thread> MySandboxGame.LoadData() - START
2019-03-12 03:55:00.551|Worker Logic 0>Definitions> Info: MyDefinitionManager.PrepareBaseDefinitions() - START
2019-03-12 03:55:00.551|Worker Logic 0>Definitions> Info: MyDefinitionManager.PrepareBaseDefinitions() - END
2019-03-12 03:55:00.567|Main Thread>Definitions> Info: MyDefinitionManager.PreloadDefinitions() - START
2019-03-12 03:55:02.801|Main Thread>Definitions> Info: MyDefinitionManager.LoadScenarios() - START
2019-03-12 03:55:03.301|Main Thread>Definitions> Info: MyDefinitionManager.LoadScenarios() - END
2019-03-12 03:55:03.301|Main Thread>Definitions> Info: MyDefinitionManager.PreloadDefinitions() - END
2019-03-12 03:55:03.317|Main Thread> MyAudio.LoadData - START
2019-03-12 03:55:03.518|Main Thread> MyAudio.CreateX3DAudio - Device: Speakers (Realtek High Definition Audio) - Channel #: 2
2019-03-12 03:55:03.603|Main Thread> MyAudio.LoadData - END
2019-03-12 03:55:03.623|Main Thread> Warning: Could not find any sound for 'HudUse'
2019-03-12 03:55:03.623|Main Thread> Warning: Could not find any sound for 'HudRotateBlock'
2019-03-12 03:55:03.623|Main Thread> Warning: Could not find any sound for 'HudPlaceBlock'
2019-03-12 03:55:03.623|Main Thread> Warning: Could not find any sound for 'HudDeleteBlock'
2019-03-12 03:55:03.623|Main Thread> Warning: Could not find any sound for 'HudColorBlock'
2019-03-12 03:55:03.623|Main Thread> Warning: Could not find any sound for 'PlayDropItem'
2019-03-12 03:55:03.623|Main Thread> Warning: Could not find any sound for 'HudVocInventoryFull'
2019-03-12 03:55:03.623|Main Thread> Warning: Could not find any sound for 'HudVocMeteorInbound'
2019-03-12 03:55:03.623|Main Thread> Warning: Could not find any sound for 'HudVocHealthLow'
2019-03-12 03:55:03.624|Main Thread> Warning: Could not find any sound for 'HudVocHealthCritical'
2019-03-12 03:55:03.624|Main Thread> Warning: Could not find any sound for 'None'
2019-03-12 03:55:03.624|Main Thread> Warning: Could not find any sound for 'HudVocEnergyLow'
2019-03-12 03:55:03.624|Main Thread> Warning: Could not find any sound for 'HudVocStationFuelLow'
2019-03-12 03:55:03.624|Main Thread> Warning: Could not find any sound for 'HudVocShipFuelLow'
2019-03-12 03:55:03.624|Main Thread> Warning: Could not find any sound for 'HudVocEnergyCrit'
2019-03-12 03:55:03.624|Main Thread> Warning: Could not find any sound for 'HudVocStationFuelCrit'
2019-03-12 03:55:03.624|Main Thread> Warning: Could not find any sound for 'HudVocShipFuelCrit'
2019-03-12 03:55:03.624|Main Thread> Warning: Could not find any sound for 'HudVocEnergyNo'
2019-03-12 03:55:03.624|Main Thread> Warning: Could not find any sound for 'HudVocStationFuelNo'
2019-03-12 03:55:03.624|Main Thread> Warning: Could not find any sound for 'HudVocShipFuelNo'
2019-03-12 03:55:03.624|Main Thread> Warning: Could not find any sound for 'HudCraftBarProgressLoop'
2019-03-12 03:55:03.624|Main Thread> Warning: Could not find any sound for 'HudOpenCraftWin'
2019-03-12 03:55:03.624|Main Thread> Warning: Could not find any sound for 'HudOpenInventory'
2019-03-12 03:55:03.624|Main Thread> Warning: Could not find any sound for 'PlayTakeItem'
2019-03-12 03:55:03.624|Main Thread> Warning: Could not find any sound for 'HudPlaceItem'
2019-03-12 03:55:03.624|Main Thread> Warning: Could not find any sound for 'QuestCompleted'
2019-03-12 03:55:03.624|Main Thread> Warning: Could not find any sound for 'QuestStepCompleted'
2019-03-12 03:55:03.631|Main Thread> MyGuiManager()
2019-03-12 03:55:03.788|Main Thread> MyScreenManager()
2019-03-12 03:55:04.026|Main Thread> MyGuiManager.LoadContent() - START
2019-03-12 03:55:08.617|Main Thread> MyGuiManager.LoadContent() - START
2019-03-12 03:55:08.618|Main Thread> MyGuiManager.LoadContent() - END
2019-03-12 03:55:08.618|Main Thread> MyGuiManager.LoadContent() - END
2019-03-12 03:55:08.838|Main Thread> MySandboxGame.LoadData() - END
2019-03-12 03:55:09.032|Worker Logic 0> Loading available saves - START
2019-03-12 03:55:09.035|Worker Logic 0> Info: GetWorldInfoFromDirectory (Exists: True) 'C:\Users\TheGilberts\AppData\Roaming\MedievalEngineers\Saves\76561198029005841'
2019-03-12 03:55:09.488|Worker Logic 0> Loading available saves - END
2019-03-12 03:55:09.489|Worker Logic 0> Corrupted worlds:
Better House Started
2019-03-12 03:55:10.384|Main Thread> Analytics helper process start reported
2019-03-12 03:55:10.401|Main Thread> MySandboxGame.Initialize() - END
2019-03-12 03:55:10.420|Main Thread> All systems initialized in 25.8898948 seconds.
2019-03-12 03:55:10.435|Main Thread> Timer Frequency: 10000000
2019-03-12 03:55:10.435|Main Thread> Ticks per frame: 167364
2019-03-12 03:55:10.502|Worker Logic 0> Loading available saves - START
2019-03-12 03:55:10.502|Worker Logic 0> Info: GetWorldInfoFromDirectory (Exists: True) 'C:\Users\TheGilberts\AppData\Roaming\MedievalEngineers\Saves\76561198029005841'
2019-03-12 03:55:10.530|Worker Logic 0> Loading available saves - END
2019-03-12 03:55:10.530|Worker Logic 0> Corrupted worlds:
Better House Started
2019-03-12 03:56:04.352|Worker Logic 0> Loading available saves - START
2019-03-12 03:56:04.353|Worker Logic 0> Info: GetWorldInfoFromDirectory (Exists: True) 'C:\Users\TheGilberts\AppData\Roaming\MedievalEngineers\Saves\76561198029005841'
2019-03-12 03:56:04.383|Worker Logic 0> Loading available saves - END
2019-03-12 03:56:04.383|Worker Logic 0> Corrupted worlds:
Better House Started
2019-03-12 03:56:40.020|Main Thread> LoadSandbox() - Start
2019-03-12 03:56:40.036|Main Thread>
2019-03-12 03:56:40.036|Main Thread> LoadSession() - Start
2019-03-12 03:56:40.036|Main Thread> C:\Users\TheGilberts\AppData\Roaming\MedievalEngineers\Saves\76561198029005841\Simple House Finished
2019-03-12 03:56:40.270|Main Thread> LoadSession() - End
2019-03-12 03:56:40.270|Main Thread> LoadSandbox() - End
2019-03-12 03:56:40.527|Main Thread> Loading session: C:\Users\TheGilberts\AppData\Roaming\MedievalEngineers\Saves\76561198029005841\Simple House Finished
2019-03-12 03:56:40.528|Main Thread> Save version:
2019-03-12 03:56:40.796|Main Thread>ModManager> Loading mods
2019-03-12 03:56:40.836|Main Thread>ModManager> Done.
2019-03-12 03:56:40.841|Main Thread> Finished loading stage Initializing session, elapsed time: 0.1160006 seconds
2019-03-12 03:56:41.560|Main Thread>Definitions> Info: MyDefinitionManager.LoadData() - START
2019-03-12 03:56:57.429|Main Thread>Definitions> Info: List of used mods (0) - START
2019-03-12 03:56:57.429|Main Thread>Definitions> Info: List of used mods - END
2019-03-12 03:57:00.213|Main Thread> Warning: Either model 'Models\Cubes\large\StoneBlocks\LedgeStoneRound_V1.mwm' or Buildable block definition 'Block:LedgeStoneRound' does not contain Mountpoints. Creating default.
2019-03-12 03:57:00.413|Main Thread> Warning: Either model 'Models\Cubes\Small\Timber1.mwm' or Buildable block definition 'Block:Timber1' does not contain Mountpoints. Creating default.
2019-03-12 03:57:00.415|Main Thread> Warning: Either model 'Models\Cubes\Small\Timber2.mwm' or Buildable block definition 'Block:Timber2' does not contain Mountpoints. Creating default.
2019-03-12 03:57:00.417|Main Thread> Warning: Either model 'Models\Cubes\Small\Timber3.mwm' or Buildable block definition 'Block:Timber3' does not contain Mountpoints. Creating default.
2019-03-12 03:57:00.420|Main Thread> Warning: Either model 'Models\Cubes\Small\Timber4.mwm' or Buildable block definition 'Block:Timber4' does not contain Mountpoints. Creating default.
2019-03-12 03:57:00.422|Main Thread> Warning: Either model 'Models\Cubes\Small\Timber5.mwm' or Buildable block definition 'Block:Timber5' does not contain Mountpoints. Creating default.
2019-03-12 03:57:00.424|Main Thread> Warning: Either model 'Models\Cubes\Small\Timber6.mwm' or Buildable block definition 'Block:Timber6' does not contain Mountpoints. Creating default.
2019-03-12 03:57:00.431|Main Thread> Warning: Either model 'Models\Cubes\Small\Timber7.mwm' or Buildable block definition 'Block:Timber7' does not contain Mountpoints. Creating default.
2019-03-12 03:57:00.433|Main Thread> Warning: Either model 'Models\Cubes\Small\Timber8.mwm' or Buildable block definition 'Block:Timber8' does not contain Mountpoints. Creating default.
2019-03-12 03:57:00.435|Main Thread> Warning: Either model 'Models\Cubes\Small\Timber9.mwm' or Buildable block definition 'Block:Timber9' does not contain Mountpoints. Creating default.
2019-03-12 03:57:00.510|Main Thread> Warning: Either model 'Models\Cubes\Small\WeightBlock.mwm' or Buildable block definition 'Block:Weight' does not contain Mountpoints. Creating default.
2019-03-12 03:57:00.539|Main Thread> Warning: Either model 'Models\Cubes\Small\WoodChair.mwm' or Buildable block definition 'Block:ChairWood' does not contain Mountpoints. Creating default.
2019-03-12 03:57:01.582|Main Thread> Warning: Either model 'Models\Cubes\small\dead_astronaut.mwm' or Buildable block definition 'Block:DeadExplorer' does not contain Mountpoints. Creating default.
2019-03-12 03:57:01.595|Main Thread> Warning: Either model 'Models\Cubes\small\CatapultProjectile_large.mwm' or Buildable block definition 'Block:MagicCatapultProjectile' does not contain Mountpoints. Creating default.
2019-03-12 03:57:01.607|Main Thread> Warning: Either model 'Models\Cubes\Small\Wardrobe.mwm' or Buildable block definition 'Block:Wardrobe' does not contain Mountpoints. Creating default.
2019-03-12 03:57:01.612|Main Thread> Warning: Either model 'Models\Cubes\Small\WoodBed.mwm' or Buildable block definition 'Block:BedWood' does not contain Mountpoints. Creating default.
2019-03-12 03:57:01.746|Main Thread> Warning: Either model 'Models\Cubes\Large\BannerWorkstation.mwm' or Buildable block definition 'Block:Loom' does not contain Mountpoints. Creating default.
2019-03-12 03:57:02.279|Main Thread> Warning: Either model 'Models\Cubes\Small\WoodBarrel.mwm' or Buildable block definition 'Block:BarrelWood' does not contain Mountpoints. Creating default.
2019-03-12 03:57:02.324|Main Thread> Warning: Either model 'Models\Cubes\Small\Chests\ChestWood_V1.mwm' or Buildable block definition 'Block:ChestWood' does not contain Mountpoints. Creating default.
2019-03-12 03:57:02.336|Main Thread> Warning: Either model 'Models\Cubes\Small\Chests\ChestWoodLarge_V1.mwm' or Buildable block definition 'Block:ChestWoodLarge' does not contain Mountpoints. Creating default.
2019-03-12 03:57:17.079|Worker Logic 0> Model Models\Cubes\large\Generated\GeneratedStoneEdge_TopSmall_V1.mwm - Unable to load collision geometry
2019-03-12 03:57:17.079|Worker Logic 0> Model Models\Cubes\large\Generated\GeneratedStoneEdge_TopSmall_V1.mwm - Unable to load collision geometry from file, default collision will be used !
2019-03-12 03:57:17.092|Worker Logic 0> Model Models\Cubes\large\Generated\GeneratedStoneEdge_TopSmall_V2.mwm - Unable to load collision geometry
2019-03-12 03:57:17.092|Worker Logic 0> Model Models\Cubes\large\Generated\GeneratedStoneEdge_TopSmall_V2.mwm - Unable to load collision geometry from file, default collision will be used !
2019-03-12 03:57:17.107|Worker Logic 0> Model Models\Cubes\large\Generated\GeneratedStoneEdge_BottomSmall_V1.mwm - Unable to load collision geometry
2019-03-12 03:57:17.107|Worker Logic 0> Model Models\Cubes\large\Generated\GeneratedStoneEdge_BottomSmall_V1.mwm - Unable to load collision geometry from file, default collision will be used !
2019-03-12 03:57:17.123|Worker Logic 0> Model Models\Cubes\large\Generated\GeneratedStoneEdge_BottomSmall_V2.mwm - Unable to load collision geometry
2019-03-12 03:57:17.123|Worker Logic 0> Model Models\Cubes\large\Generated\GeneratedStoneEdge_BottomSmall_V2.mwm - Unable to load collision geometry from file, default collision will be used !
2019-03-12 03:57:23.234|Main Thread> MyAudio.UnloadData - START
2019-03-12 03:57:23.274|Main Thread> MyAudio.UnloadData - END
2019-03-12 03:57:23.274|Main Thread> MyAudio.LoadData - START
2019-03-12 03:57:23.423|Main Thread> MyAudio.CreateX3DAudio - Device: Speakers (Realtek High Definition Audio) - Channel #: 2
2019-03-12 03:57:25.916|Main Thread> MyAudio.LoadData - END
2019-03-12 03:57:25.916|Main Thread>Definitions> Info: MyDefinitionManager.LoadScenarios() - START
2019-03-12 03:57:26.039|Main Thread>Definitions> Info: MyDefinitionManager.LoadScenarios() - END
2019-03-12 03:57:26.039|Main Thread>Definitions> Info: MyDefinitionManager.LoadData() - END
2019-03-12 03:57:26.049|Main Thread> Finished loading stage Loading definitions, elapsed time: 44.510025 seconds
2019-03-12 03:57:26.052|Main Thread> Info: Game Definition: SessionDefinition:Medieval.Planets
2019-03-12 03:57:36.205|Main Thread> MyTransparentGeometry.LoadData - START
2019-03-12 03:57:36.294|External Debugging Listener> External debugger: listening...
2019-03-12 03:57:36.298|Main Thread> MyLights.LoadData() - START
2019-03-12 03:57:36.302|Main Thread> MyLights.LoadData() - END
2019-03-12 03:57:37.173|Main Thread> Finished loading stage Loading session components, elapsed time: 11.1240017 seconds
2019-03-12 03:57:40.347|Main Thread> Model Models\Cubes\Small\LogOakHalf250cm.mwm - Unable to load collision geometry
2019-03-12 03:57:40.347|Main Thread> Model Models\Cubes\Small\LogOakHalf250cm.mwm - Unable to load collision geometry from file, default collision will be used !
2019-03-12 03:57:40.435|Main Thread> Model Models\Components\GoldIngot.mwm - Unable to load collision geometry
2019-03-12 03:57:40.435|Main Thread> Model Models\Components\GoldIngot.mwm - Unable to load collision geometry from file, default collision will be used !
2019-03-12 03:57:40.827|Main Thread> Model Models\Consumables\Bread.mwm - Unable to load collision geometry
2019-03-12 03:57:40.827|Main Thread> Model Models\Consumables\Bread.mwm - Unable to load collision geometry from file, default collision will be used !
2019-03-12 03:57:40.845|Main Thread> Model Models\Consumables\MeatRoasted.mwm - Unable to load collision geometry
2019-03-12 03:57:40.845|Main Thread> Model Models\Consumables\MeatRoasted.mwm - Unable to load collision geometry from file, default collision will be used !
2019-03-12 03:57:40.978|Main Thread> Model Models\Consumables\Herbs.mwm - Unable to load collision geometry
2019-03-12 03:57:40.978|Main Thread> Model Models\Consumables\Herbs.mwm - Unable to load collision geometry from file, default collision will be used !
2019-03-12 03:57:41.005|Main Thread> Model Models\Consumables\WoodenRoot.mwm - Unable to load collision geometry
2019-03-12 03:57:41.005|Main Thread> Model Models\Consumables\WoodenRoot.mwm - Unable to load collision geometry from file, default collision will be used !
2019-03-12 03:57:41.008|Main Thread> Model Models\Consumables\Meat.mwm - Unable to load collision geometry
2019-03-12 03:57:41.008|Main Thread> Model Models\Consumables\Meat.mwm - Unable to load collision geometry from file, default collision will be used !
2019-03-12 03:57:41.273|Main Thread> Finished loading stage Loading models, elapsed time: 4.0959993 seconds
2019-03-12 03:57:41.273|Main Thread> Finished loading stage Loading data, elapsed time: 60.4310266 seconds
2019-03-12 03:57:41.295|Main Thread> Finished loading stage Loading character data, elapsed time: 0.0160008 seconds
2019-03-12 03:57:41.404|Worker Logic 0> Loading voxel storage from file 'C:\Users\TheGilberts\AppData\Roaming\MedievalEngineers\Saves\76561198029005841\Simple House Finished\EarthSecond-1251102759r5000.vx2'
2019-03-12 03:57:43.530|Worker Logic 0> Could not load voxel material Rock_moss
2019-03-12 03:57:43.530|Worker Logic 0> Could not load voxel material Rock_moss
2019-03-12 03:57:44.998|Main Thread> RespawnInPlayerControlledEntity: Finding free place for slyphr15
2019-03-12 03:57:45.071|Main Thread> RespawnInPlayerControlledEntity: slyphr15 has entity: False
2019-03-12 03:57:45.071|Main Thread> RespawnInPlayerControlledEntity: Creating new entity for slyphr15
2019-03-12 03:58:05.992|Main Thread> RespawnInPlayerControlledEntity: Setting position for slyphr15
2019-03-12 03:58:06.442|Main Thread> RespawnInPlayerControlledEntity: Informing everyone slyphr15 is spawning.
2019-03-12 03:58:06.444|Main Thread> RespawnInPlayerControlledEntity: Replicating entity components for slyphr15
2019-03-12 03:58:06.444|Main Thread> RespawnInPlayerControlledEntity: Setting control for slyphr15
2019-03-12 03:58:06.444|Main Thread> RespawnInPlayerControlledEntity: Reviving slyphr15 if necessary.
2019-03-12 03:58:06.449|Main Thread> Checkpoint.CameraAttach success: entity id135878212963839193, camera subtype DefaultFirstPerson
2019-03-12 03:58:06.452|Main Thread> Finished loading stage Loading final details, elapsed time: 22.0279671 seconds
2019-03-12 03:58:06.455|Main Thread> MySession.Static.LogSettings - START
2019-03-12 03:58:06.456|Main Thread> Name = Simple House Finished
2019-03-12 03:58:06.456|Main Thread> Description =
2019-03-12 03:58:06.456|Main Thread> InGameTime = 01/01/0001 00:00:00
2019-03-12 03:58:06.456|Main Thread> Password =
2019-03-12 03:58:06.456|Main Thread> CurrentPath = C:\Users\TheGilberts\AppData\Roaming\MedievalEngineers\Saves\76561198029005841\Simple House Finished
2019-03-12 03:58:06.456|Main Thread> WorkshopId =
2019-03-12 03:58:06.459|Main Thread> CameraController = EntityBase:Medieval_female {01E2BC83C86CACD9}/Camera 1st - DefaultFirstPerson
2019-03-12 03:58:06.459|Main Thread> ThumbPath = C:\Users\TheGilberts\AppData\Roaming\MedievalEngineers\Saves\76561198029005841\Simple House Finished\thumb.jpg
2019-03-12 03:58:06.460|Main Thread> Settings:
2019-03-12 03:58:06.463|Main Thread> AI - Hostile AI Enabled = True
2019-03-12 03:58:06.463|Main Thread> AI - Maximum = 3
2019-03-12 03:58:06.463|Main Thread> Decay - Ruin = True
2019-03-12 03:58:06.463|Main Thread> Fast Travel - Enabled = True
2019-03-12 03:58:06.463|Main Thread> Fast Travel - Limitations = True
2019-03-12 03:58:06.463|Main Thread> Maximum Fracture Pieces = 50
2019-03-12 03:58:06.467|Main Thread> Auto-Save Time (Minutes) = 5
2019-03-12 03:58:06.467|Main Thread> Cut, Copy and Paste = True
2019-03-12 03:58:06.467|Main Thread> Days per season = 31
2019-03-12 03:58:06.467|Main Thread> Destructible blocks = True
2019-03-12 03:58:06.467|Main Thread> Enable 3rd person view = True
2019-03-12 03:58:06.467|Main Thread> Enable Sun Rotation = True
2019-03-12 03:58:06.467|Main Thread> Enable voxel destruction = True
2019-03-12 03:58:06.467|Main Thread> Game Mode = Survival
2019-03-12 03:58:06.467|Main Thread> Inventory size multiplier = 10
2019-03-12 03:58:06.467|Main Thread> Maximum Backup Saves = 5
2019-03-12 03:58:06.467|Main Thread> Maximum Floating Objects = 120
2019-03-12 03:58:06.467|Main Thread> Maximum Players = 4
2019-03-12 03:58:06.467|Main Thread> Maximum Solar Altitude = 0.4101524
2019-03-12 03:58:06.467|Main Thread> Serverside Chat Logging = True
2019-03-12 03:58:06.467|Main Thread> Show player names on HUD = True
2019-03-12 03:58:06.467|Main Thread> Spectator = False
2019-03-12 03:58:06.467|Main Thread> Structural Integrity = True
2019-03-12 03:58:06.467|Main Thread> Sun rotation interval = 124
2019-03-12 03:58:06.467|Main Thread> View distance = 2600
2019-03-12 03:58:06.467|Main Thread> MySession.Static.LogSettings - END
2019-03-12 03:58:06.468|Main Thread> Finished loading stage Loading planet, elapsed time: 25.1949708 seconds
2019-03-12 03:58:09.768|Main Thread> Warning: MyPhysicsBody (PhysicsBodyComponent:InteractableProxyBase): CollisionModel does not exist. Using Model collision from model: Models\Cubes\large\PlankGate_V1.mwm
2019-03-12 03:58:10.190|Main Thread> Finished loading stage Starting Components, elapsed time: 3.7179987 seconds
2019-03-12 03:58:10.204|Main Thread>
2019-03-12 03:58:10.204|Main Thread> Session loaded
2019-03-12 03:58:10.204|Main Thread> Finished loading stage Finished loading, elapsed time: 89.4869971 seconds
2019-03-12 03:58:10.274|Main Thread> Process information Periodic Check:
2019-03-12 03:58:10.285|Main Thread> Managed Memory: 2,724,545,624 B
2019-03-12 03:58:10.294|Main Thread> Private Memory: 3,560,271,872 B
2019-03-12 03:58:10.294|Main Thread> Nr of Threads: 37
2019-03-12 03:58:10.294|Main Thread> Simulation Speed: 0.01
2019-03-12 03:58:10.294|Main Thread> Entity count: 129
2019-03-12 03:58:10.294|Main Thread> Player count: 1
2019-03-12 03:58:10.294|Main Thread> Current:
2019-03-12 03:58:10.295|Main Thread> Paged Memory: 3,560,271,872 B
2019-03-12 03:58:10.295|Main Thread> Working Set: 3,091,951,616 B
2019-03-12 03:58:10.295|Main Thread> Virtual Memory: 8,929,472,512 B
2019-03-12 03:58:10.295|Main Thread> Peak:
2019-03-12 03:58:10.296|Main Thread> Paged Memory: 3,560,271,872 B
2019-03-12 03:58:10.296|Main Thread> Working Set: 3,091,955,712 B
2019-03-12 03:58:10.296|Main Thread> Virtual Memory: 8,931,151,872 B
2019-03-12 03:58:10.301|Main Thread> Number of Worlds: 1
2019-03-12 03:58:10.302|Main Thread> 0) RigidBodies: 26, ActiveRigidBodies: 7, CharacterRigidBodies: 4
2019-03-12 03:58:10.305|Main Thread> 0) Constraints: 0
2019-03-12 03:58:11.427|Main Thread> Loading progress: 99%, IsUpdateReady: True, MySessionLoading: False
2019-03-12 03:58:11.429|Main Thread> MySessionLoading status:
2019-03-12 03:58:11.431|Main Thread> 0: TerrainWaitStep: 0/1
2019-03-12 03:58:12.805|Main Thread> Loading progress: 99%, IsUpdateReady: True, MySessionLoading: False
2019-03-12 03:58:12.805|Main Thread> MySessionLoading status:
2019-03-12 03:58:12.806|Main Thread> 0: TerrainWaitStep: 0/1
2019-03-12 03:58:13.859|Main Thread> Loading progress: 99%, IsUpdateReady: True, MySessionLoading: False
2019-03-12 03:58:13.859|Main Thread> MySessionLoading status:
2019-03-12 03:58:13.860|Main Thread> 0: TerrainWaitStep: 0/1
2019-03-12 03:58:14.914|Main Thread> Loading progress: 99%, IsUpdateReady: True, MySessionLoading: False
2019-03-12 03:58:14.914|Main Thread> MySessionLoading status:
2019-03-12 03:58:14.915|Main Thread> 0: TerrainWaitStep: 0/1
2019-03-12 03:58:15.968|Main Thread> Loading progress: 99%, IsUpdateReady: True, MySessionLoading: False
2019-03-12 03:58:15.968|Main Thread> MySessionLoading status:
2019-03-12 03:58:15.969|Main Thread> 0: TerrainWaitStep: 0/1
2019-03-12 03:58:17.023|Main Thread> Loading progress: 99%, IsUpdateReady: True, MySessionLoading: False
2019-03-12 03:58:17.023|Main Thread> MySessionLoading status:
2019-03-12 03:58:17.024|Main Thread> 0: TerrainWaitStep: 0/1
2019-03-12 03:58:18.077|Main Thread> Loading progress: 99%, IsUpdateReady: True, MySessionLoading: False
2019-03-12 03:58:18.077|Main Thread> MySessionLoading status:
2019-03-12 03:58:18.078|Main Thread> 0: TerrainWaitStep: 0/1
2019-03-12 03:58:19.131|Main Thread> Loading progress: 99%, IsUpdateReady: True, MySessionLoading: False
2019-03-12 03:58:19.131|Main Thread> MySessionLoading status:
2019-03-12 03:58:19.132|Main Thread> 0: TerrainWaitStep: 0/1
2019-03-12 03:58:20.186|Main Thread> Loading progress: 99%, IsUpdateReady: True, MySessionLoading: False
2019-03-12 03:58:20.186|Main Thread> MySessionLoading status:
2019-03-12 03:58:20.186|Main Thread> 0: TerrainWaitStep: 0/1
2019-03-12 03:58:21.209|Main Thread> All voxels loaded, cleaning up hooks.
2019-03-12 03:58:21.537|Main Thread> Loading finished: 99%, IsUpdateReady: True, MySessionLoading: True
2019-03-12 03:58:21.749|Main Thread> Loading completed, starting session.
2019-03-12 03:58:23.602|Main Thread> Warning: MyPhysicsBody (HandItem:HammerIron): CollisionModel does not exist. Using Model collision from model: Models\Weapons\Hammer_OneHand.mwm
2019-03-12 03:58:35.183|Main Thread> Warning: Component EntityBase:BarbarianForestBlack {013B08ED18A6EEAE}/MyBarbarianBehavior redefines event AttackShout, that was already defined for component EntityBase:BarbarianForestBlack {013B08ED18A6EEAE}/MyCombatComponent.
2019-03-12 03:58:35.208|Main Thread> Warning: MyPhysicsBody (HandItem:Torch): CollisionModel does not exist. Using Model collision from model: Models\Weapons\Torch.mwm
2019-03-12 03:58:35.210|Main Thread> Warning: MyPhysicsBody (HandItem:SwordRusted): CollisionModel does not exist. Using Model collision from model: Models\Weapons\SwordRusted.mwm
2019-03-12 03:58:35.311|Main Thread> Warning: Component EntityBase:BarbarianForestBlack {018060759D522BA1}/MyBarbarianBehavior redefines event AttackShout, that was already defined for component EntityBase:BarbarianForestBlack {018060759D522BA1}/MyCombatComponent.
2019-03-12 03:58:35.314|Main Thread> Warning: MyPhysicsBody (HandItem:Torch): CollisionModel does not exist. Using Model collision from model: Models\Weapons\Torch.mwm
2019-03-12 03:58:35.314|Main Thread> Warning: MyPhysicsBody (HandItem:SwordRusted): CollisionModel does not exist. Using Model collision from model: Models\Weapons\SwordRusted.mwm
2019-03-12 03:58:35.389|Main Thread> Warning: Component EntityBase:BarbarianForestBlack {01C2491210B45872}/MyBarbarianBehavior redefines event AttackShout, that was already defined for component EntityBase:BarbarianForestBlack {01C2491210B45872}/MyCombatComponent.
2019-03-12 03:58:35.391|Main Thread> Warning: MyPhysicsBody (HandItem:Torch): CollisionModel does not exist. Using Model collision from model: Models\Weapons\Torch.mwm
2019-03-12 03:58:35.392|Main Thread> Warning: MyPhysicsBody (HandItem:SwordRusted): CollisionModel does not exist. Using Model collision from model: Models\Weapons\SwordRusted.mwm
2019-03-12 03:59:11.056|Main Thread> Saving world - START
2019-03-12 03:59:11.059|Main Thread> Making world state snapshot.
2019-03-12 03:59:11.835|Worker Logic 0>Session>Backup> Info: Backing up session 'C:\Users\TheGilberts\AppData\Roaming\MedievalEngineers\Saves\76561198029005841\Better House Started'
2019-03-12 03:59:13.038|Main Thread> Process information Periodic Check:
2019-03-12 03:59:13.039|Main Thread> Managed Memory: 2,583,233,080 B
2019-03-12 03:59:13.043|Main Thread> Private Memory: 6,007,279,616 B
2019-03-12 03:59:13.043|Main Thread> Nr of Threads: 35
2019-03-12 03:59:13.044|Main Thread> Simulation Speed: 0.02
2019-03-12 03:59:13.044|Main Thread> Entity count: 146
2019-03-12 03:59:13.044|Main Thread> Player count: 1
2019-03-12 03:59:13.044|Main Thread> Current:
2019-03-12 03:59:13.045|Main Thread> Paged Memory: 6,007,279,616 B
2019-03-12 03:59:13.045|Main Thread> Working Set: 4,964,069,376 B
2019-03-12 03:59:13.045|Main Thread> Virtual Memory: 11,349,553,152 B
2019-03-12 03:59:13.045|Main Thread> Peak:
2019-03-12 03:59:13.046|Main Thread> Paged Memory: 7,640,989,696 B
2019-03-12 03:59:13.046|Main Thread> Working Set: 6,540,877,824 B
2019-03-12 03:59:13.046|Main Thread> Virtual Memory: 13,006,958,592 B
2019-03-12 03:59:13.046|Main Thread> Number of Worlds: 1
2019-03-12 03:59:13.047|Main Thread> 0) RigidBodies: 43, ActiveRigidBodies: 1, CharacterRigidBodies: 7
2019-03-12 03:59:13.047|Main Thread> 0) Constraints: 0
2019-03-12 03:59:33.378|Main Thread> Error: Generated block definition:(null):(null) does not exist. Check sbc.
=============================== FATAL EXCEPTION ================================
Exception occurred: System.NullReferenceException: Object reference not set to an instance of an object.
at VRage.Components.Entity.CubeGrid.MyGridConnectivityComponent.GetBlockAdjacency(MyBlock block)
at VRage.Components.Entity.CubeGrid.MyGridConnectivityComponent.ConnectBlocks(MyBlock block1, MyBlock block2, BoundingBox& connectionBB)
at Medieval.Entities.Components.Grid.MyAdditionalBlocksGeneratorComponent.RegenerateModels(Dictionary`2 genBlocksModified, MyGridDataComponent gridData, List`1 tempBlocks)
at Medieval.Entities.Components.Grid.MyAdditionalBlocksGeneratorComponent.GenerateAdditionalBlocks(MyGridDataComponent gridData, List`1 blocks, Boolean blockAdded, MyBlock ignoreBlock)
at Medieval.Entities.Components.Grid.MyAdditionalBlocksGeneratorComponent.GridOnBlockRemoved(MyBlock myBlock, MyGridDataComponent gridData)
at VRage.Components.Entity.CubeGrid.MyGridDataComponent.RemoveBlock(MyBlock block, Boolean syncMp)
at Medieval.GameSystems.Tools.MyBuilderToolBehavior.UpdateBlockIntegrity(MyPlayer buildingPlayer, GridBlockTuple block, Int32 integrityChange, Dictionary`2 items)
at Medieval.GameSystems.Tools.MyBuilderToolBehavior.SecondaryAction(MyBuilderToolBehaviorDefinition builderToolBehaviorDefinition, MyPlayer player)
at Medieval.GameSystems.Tools.MyBuilderToolBehavior.Hit()
at Sandbox.Game.EntityComponents.Character.MyToolBehaviorBase.ActionHit(Int64 deltaFrames)
at VRage.Components.MyUpdateScheduler.RunTimedUpdates()
at VRage.Components.MyUpdateScheduler.RunUpdates(TimeSpan currentTime)
at Sandbox.Game.World.MySession.UpdateComponents()
at Sandbox.Game.World.MySession.Update(MyTimeSpan updateTime)
at Sandbox.MySandboxGame.Update()
at Sandbox.Engine.Platform.Game.UpdateInternal()
at Sandbox.Engine.Platform.Game.RunSingleFrame()
at VRage.Components.MyUpdateScheduler.RunFixedUpdates()
at VRage.Components.MyUpdateScheduler.RunUpdates(TimeSpan currentTime)
at Sandbox.Engine.Platform.MySandboxUpdate.<RunLoop>b__18_0()
at VRage.Utils.FixedLoop.Run(Action tickCallback)
at Sandbox.Engine.Platform.MySandboxUpdate.RunLoop()
at Medieval.MyProgram.Main(String[] args)
=============================== FATAL EXCEPTION ================================
2019-03-12 03:59:33.396|Main Thread> Log Closed
Same thing, my problem is it corrupts my save and that world is no longer playable and I got to start over from scratch. The thing is this didnt start being a problem tell after the update. I never had this problem before the update happened. I was upgrading my simple house to a better house. No Mods this time. I go to deconstruct a slanted thatch roof piece and my game crashes. Not only does it crash but it corrupts the save and I have to start all over from scratch. Normally I wouldn't care but this has happened 5 times in a row. Until I find a way to fix this the game is unplayable.
I dont know how to drop it from just a link sorry but thats the log
2019-03-12 03:54:41.487|Main Thread> Log Started
2019-03-12 03:54:41.487|Main Thread> Timezone (local - UTC): -7h
2019-03-12 03:54:41.487|Main Thread> VRage Engine v2.7
2019-03-12 03:54:41.487|Main Thread> Medieval Engineers v0.7.1.4B2465
2019-03-12 03:54:41.487|Main Thread> Loading...
2019-03-12 03:54:41.659|Main Thread> Performing start-up memory test...
2019-03-12 03:54:41.659|Main Thread> Physical memory is 16,050,585,600 bytes.
2019-03-12 03:54:41.659|Main Thread> Minimum requirement is 8,000,000,000 bytes.
2019-03-12 03:54:41.659|Main Thread> System meets minimum memory requirements.
2019-03-12 03:54:41.674|Main Thread> Info: Official
2019-03-12 03:54:41.674|Main Thread> Info: Non Obfuscated
2019-03-12 03:54:41.674|Main Thread> Info: Installed in Steam Directory
2019-03-12 03:54:41.674|Main Thread> Info: Manifest Not Present
2019-03-12 03:54:41.674|Main Thread> Environment.ProcessorCount: 2
2019-03-12 03:54:41.674|Main Thread> Environment.OSVersion: Microsoft Windows NT 10.0.17763.0
2019-03-12 03:54:41.674|Main Thread> Environment.CommandLine: "C:\Program Files (x86)\Steam\steamapps\common\MedievalEngineers\Bin64\MedievalEngineers.exe"
2019-03-12 03:54:41.674|Main Thread> Environment.Version: 4.6.2 or later (461814)
2019-03-12 03:54:41.674|Main Thread> Environment.CurrentDirectory: C:\Program Files (x86)\Steam\steamapps\common\MedievalEngineers\Bin64
2019-03-12 03:54:41.674|Main Thread> Default Culture:
2019-03-12 03:54:41.674|Main Thread> Default UI Culture:
2019-03-12 03:54:41.674|Main Thread> IsAdmin: False
2019-03-12 03:54:41.690|Main Thread> MyConfig.Load() - START
2019-03-12 03:54:41.690|Main Thread> Path: C:\Users\TheGilberts\AppData\Roaming\MedievalEngineers\MedievalEngineers.cfg
2019-03-12 03:54:41.737|Main Thread> RotationHints: False
2019-03-12 03:54:41.737|Main Thread> GraphicsRenderer: DirectX 11
2019-03-12 03:54:41.737|Main Thread> DebugInputs: Sandbox.Engine.Utils.ConfigDictionary`2[System.String,Sandbox.Engine.Utils.MyConfig+MyDebugInputData]
2019-03-12 03:54:41.737|Main Thread> Language: 0
2019-03-12 03:54:41.737|Main Thread> ControlsJoystickName: Disabled
2019-03-12 03:54:41.737|Main Thread> GameVersion:
2019-03-12 03:54:41.737|Main Thread> FirstTimeRun: False
2019-03-12 03:54:41.737|Main Thread> MinimalHud: False
2019-03-12 03:54:41.737|Main Thread> ControlsMouseInvertX: False
2019-03-12 03:54:41.737|Main Thread> ControlsMouseInvertY: False
2019-03-12 03:54:41.737|Main Thread> ControlsMouseSensitivity: 1.655
2019-03-12 03:54:41.737|Main Thread> ControlsJoystickSensitivity: 0.2
2019-03-12 03:54:41.737|Main Thread> CubeBuilderBuildingMode: 1
2019-03-12 03:54:41.737|Main Thread> AnimatedRotation: True
2019-03-12 03:54:41.737|Main Thread> BuildingSizeHint: True
2019-03-12 03:54:41.737|Main Thread> ShowCrosshair: True
2019-03-12 03:54:41.737|Main Thread> InteractionHints: True
2019-03-12 03:54:41.737|Main Thread> CompressSaveGames: False
2019-03-12 03:54:41.737|Main Thread> ShowPlayerNamesOnHud: True
2019-03-12 03:54:41.737|Main Thread> ReleasingAltResetsCamera: False
2019-03-12 03:54:41.737|Main Thread> WorkerThreads: 1
2019-03-12 03:54:41.737|Main Thread> GameVolume: 1
2019-03-12 03:54:41.737|Main Thread> MusicVolume: 0
2019-03-12 03:54:41.737|Main Thread> VoiceChatVolume: 1
2019-03-12 03:54:41.737|Main Thread> HudWarnings: True
2019-03-12 03:54:41.737|Main Thread> VoiceChat: True
2019-03-12 03:54:41.737|Main Thread> EnableMuteWhenNotInFocus: True
2019-03-12 03:54:41.737|Main Thread> EnableDynamicMusic: True
2019-03-12 03:54:41.737|Main Thread> MutedPlayers:
2019-03-12 03:54:41.737|Main Thread> Tutorial: 2
2019-03-12 03:54:41.737|Main Thread> GDPRConsent: True
2019-03-12 03:54:41.737|Main Thread> GDPRConsent_Sent: True
2019-03-12 03:54:41.737|Main Thread> ScreenshotSizeMultiplier: 1
2019-03-12 03:54:41.737|Main Thread> VideoAdapter: 0
2019-03-12 03:54:41.737|Main Thread> ScreenWidth: 1360
2019-03-12 03:54:41.737|Main Thread> ScreenHeight: 768
2019-03-12 03:54:41.737|Main Thread> RefreshRate: 60000
2019-03-12 03:54:41.737|Main Thread> WindowMode: 1
2019-03-12 03:54:41.737|Main Thread> VerticalSync: False
2019-03-12 03:54:41.737|Main Thread> FieldOfView: 90
2019-03-12 03:54:41.737|Main Thread> VegetationViewDistance: 160
2019-03-12 03:54:41.737|Main Thread> GrassDensity: 0.5
2019-03-12 03:54:41.737|Main Thread> GrassDistance: 150
2019-03-12 03:54:41.737|Main Thread> TerrainLodQuality: 1
2019-03-12 03:54:41.737|Main Thread> ShadingQuality: 1
2019-03-12 03:54:41.737|Main Thread> ModelQuality: 1
2019-03-12 03:54:41.737|Main Thread> LowMemSwitchToLow: 0
2019-03-12 03:54:41.737|Main Thread> ShadowMapResolution: 1
2019-03-12 03:54:41.737|Main Thread> AmbientOcclusion: 1
2019-03-12 03:54:41.737|Main Thread> MyConfig.Load() - END
2019-03-12 03:54:42.040|Main Thread> Loading Metadata...
2019-03-12 03:54:44.525|Main Thread> Metadata Loaded is 2.4761512 seconds.
2019-03-12 03:54:44.525|Main Thread> Initializing...
2019-03-12 03:54:44.775|Main Thread>Steam Game Services> Info: Steam.IsActive: True
2019-03-12 03:54:44.775|Main Thread>Steam Game Services> Info: Steam.IsOnline: True
2019-03-12 03:54:44.775|Main Thread>Steam Game Services> Info: Steam.OwnsGame: False
2019-03-12 03:54:44.775|Main Thread>Steam Game Services> Info: Steam.UserId: 76561198029005841
2019-03-12 03:54:44.775|Main Thread>Steam Game Services> Info: Steam.UserName: slyphr15
2019-03-12 03:54:44.775|Main Thread>Steam Game Services> Info: Steam.Branch: default
2019-03-12 03:54:44.790|Main Thread>Havok> Physics.Init
2019-03-12 03:54:44.790|Main Thread>Havok> Version: Release(0), 1800, [S]
2019-03-12 03:54:44.790|Main Thread>Havok> Info: HkGameName: MedievalEngineers Release
2019-03-12 03:54:48.797|Worker Default 1>AccessListBatch> Warning: System.Collections.Generic.* already exists in access list, this entry is redundant
2019-03-12 03:54:48.797|Worker Default 1>AccessListBatch> Warning: System.Collections.Generic.* already exists in access list, this entry is redundant
2019-03-12 03:54:48.797|Worker Default 1>AccessListBatch> Warning: System.Collections.Concurrent.* already exists in access list, this entry is redundant
2019-03-12 03:54:49.282|Worker Default 1>AccessListBatch> Warning: System.Collections.Generic.* already exists in access list, this entry is redundant
2019-03-12 03:54:49.297|Worker Default 1>AccessListBatch> Warning: VRage.* already exists in access list, this entry is redundant
2019-03-12 03:54:49.313|Worker Default 1>AccessListBatch> Warning: VRage.Components.* already exists in access list, this entry is redundant
2019-03-12 03:54:49.329|Worker Default 1>AccessListBatch> Warning: VRage.Components.Session.* already exists in access list, this entry is redundant
2019-03-12 03:54:57.399|Main Thread> AdapterInfo = {
2019-03-12 03:54:57.399|Main Thread> Name = AMD Radeon(TM) R5 Graphics + DISPLAY1
2019-03-12 03:54:57.399|Main Thread> Description = dev id: 4885, mem: 1039466496, shared mem: 8025292800, Luid: 39239, rev: 0, subsys id: -805301160, vendor id: 4098
2019-03-12 03:54:57.399|Main Thread> Driver version = 22.19.677.257
2019-03-12 03:54:57.399|Main Thread> Driver date = 20170922000000.000000-000
2019-03-12 03:54:57.399|Main Thread> DriverUpdateNecessary = False
2019-03-12 03:54:57.399|Main Thread> Adapter id = 0
2019-03-12 03:54:57.399|Main Thread> Supported = True
2019-03-12 03:54:57.399|Main Thread> RAM = 1039466496
2019-03-12 03:54:57.399|Main Thread> Priority = 2
2019-03-12 03:54:57.399|Main Thread> Multithreaded rendering supported = False
2019-03-12 03:54:57.399|Main Thread> Output is attached = True
2019-03-12 03:54:57.399|Main Thread> DesktopBounds = {X:0 Y:0 Width:1360 Height:768}
2019-03-12 03:54:57.399|Main Thread> Display modes = {
2019-03-12 03:54:57.399|Main Thread> DXGIOutput id = 0
2019-03-12 03:54:57.399|Main Thread> 640x480@60Hz
2019-03-12 03:54:57.399|Main Thread> 640x480@75Hz
2019-03-12 03:54:57.399|Main Thread> 640x480@72Hz
2019-03-12 03:54:57.399|Main Thread> 800x600@60Hz
2019-03-12 03:54:57.399|Main Thread> 800x600@75Hz
2019-03-12 03:54:57.399|Main Thread> 800x600@72Hz
2019-03-12 03:54:57.399|Main Thread> 1024x768@60Hz
2019-03-12 03:54:57.399|Main Thread> 1024x768@75Hz
2019-03-12 03:54:57.399|Main Thread> 1024x768@70Hz
2019-03-12 03:54:57.399|Main Thread> 1280x720@60Hz
2019-03-12 03:54:57.399|Main Thread> 1280x800@60Hz
2019-03-12 03:54:57.399|Main Thread> 1280x1024@60Hz
2019-03-12 03:54:57.399|Main Thread> 1360x768@60Hz
2019-03-12 03:54:57.399|Main Thread> 1366x768@60Hz
2019-03-12 03:54:57.399|Main Thread> }
2019-03-12 03:54:57.399|Main Thread> }
2019-03-12 03:54:57.555|Main Thread> MySandboxGame.Constructor() - START
2019-03-12 03:54:57.555|Main Thread> Game dir: C:\Program Files (x86)\Steam\steamapps\common\MedievalEngineers\Bin64
2019-03-12 03:54:57.555|Main Thread> Content dir: C:\Program Files (x86)\Steam\steamapps\common\MedievalEngineers\Content
2019-03-12 03:54:57.555|Main Thread> Info: Detected 2 logical CPU cores, using up to 2 for asynchronous workers.
2019-03-12 03:54:58.618|Main Thread> Info: Worker Configuration {
Total: 3,
Default: Logic
Groups: [
Group Background, BelowNormal, 1 Workers,
Group Logic, Normal, 1 Workers,
Group Render, AboveNormal, 1 Workers
2019-03-12 03:54:58.680|Main Thread> MySandboxGame.Constructor() - END
2019-03-12 03:54:58.680|Main Thread> MyVideoModeManager.LogApplicationInformation - START
2019-03-12 03:54:58.680|Main Thread> Assembly.GetName: Sandbox.Game, Version=0.1.7003.17631, Culture=neutral, PublicKeyToken=null
2019-03-12 03:54:58.680|Main Thread> Assembly.FullName: Sandbox.Game, Version=0.1.7003.17631, Culture=neutral, PublicKeyToken=null
2019-03-12 03:54:58.680|Main Thread> Assembly.Location: C:\Program Files (x86)\Steam\steamapps\common\MedievalEngineers\Bin64\Sandbox.Game.dll
2019-03-12 03:54:58.680|Main Thread> Assembly.ImageRuntimeVersion: v4.0.30319
2019-03-12 03:54:58.680|Main Thread> MyVideoModeManager.LogApplicationInformation - END
2019-03-12 03:54:58.696|Main Thread> MyVideoModeManager.LogEnvironmentInformation - START
2019-03-12 03:54:58.712|Main Thread> Win32_ComputerSystem.Manufacturer: Gigabyte Technology Co., Ltd.
2019-03-12 03:54:58.712|Main Thread> Win32_ComputerSystem.Model: To be filled by O.E.M.
2019-03-12 03:54:58.712|Main Thread> Virtualized: False
2019-03-12 03:54:58.727|Main Thread> Environment.ProcessorName: AMD A6-7400K Radeon R5, 6 Compute Cores 2C+4G
2019-03-12 03:54:58.727|Main Thread> ComputerInfo.TotalPhysicalMemory: 16,050,585,600 bytes
2019-03-12 03:54:58.727|Main Thread> ComputerInfo.TotalVirtualMemory: 140,737,488,224,256 bytes
2019-03-12 03:54:58.727|Main Thread> ComputerInfo.AvailablePhysicalMemory: 12,644,671,488 bytes
2019-03-12 03:54:58.727|Main Thread> ComputerInfo.AvailableVirtualMemory: 140,732,138,901,504 bytes
2019-03-12 03:54:58.758|Main Thread> Drive C: | Capacity: 999,519,416,320 bytes | Free space: 215,248,494,592 bytes
2019-03-12 03:54:58.758|Main Thread> MyVideoModeManager.LogEnvironmentInformation - END
2019-03-12 03:54:59.520|Main Thread> MySandboxGame.Initialize() - START
2019-03-12 03:55:00.551|Main Thread> MySandboxGame.LoadData() - START
2019-03-12 03:55:00.551|Worker Logic 0>Definitions> Info: MyDefinitionManager.PrepareBaseDefinitions() - START
2019-03-12 03:55:00.551|Worker Logic 0>Definitions> Info: MyDefinitionManager.PrepareBaseDefinitions() - END
2019-03-12 03:55:00.567|Main Thread>Definitions> Info: MyDefinitionManager.PreloadDefinitions() - START
2019-03-12 03:55:02.801|Main Thread>Definitions> Info: MyDefinitionManager.LoadScenarios() - START
2019-03-12 03:55:03.301|Main Thread>Definitions> Info: MyDefinitionManager.LoadScenarios() - END
2019-03-12 03:55:03.301|Main Thread>Definitions> Info: MyDefinitionManager.PreloadDefinitions() - END
2019-03-12 03:55:03.317|Main Thread> MyAudio.LoadData - START
2019-03-12 03:55:03.518|Main Thread> MyAudio.CreateX3DAudio - Device: Speakers (Realtek High Definition Audio) - Channel #: 2
2019-03-12 03:55:03.603|Main Thread> MyAudio.LoadData - END
2019-03-12 03:55:03.623|Main Thread> Warning: Could not find any sound for 'HudUse'
2019-03-12 03:55:03.623|Main Thread> Warning: Could not find any sound for 'HudRotateBlock'
2019-03-12 03:55:03.623|Main Thread> Warning: Could not find any sound for 'HudPlaceBlock'
2019-03-12 03:55:03.623|Main Thread> Warning: Could not find any sound for 'HudDeleteBlock'
2019-03-12 03:55:03.623|Main Thread> Warning: Could not find any sound for 'HudColorBlock'
2019-03-12 03:55:03.623|Main Thread> Warning: Could not find any sound for 'PlayDropItem'
2019-03-12 03:55:03.623|Main Thread> Warning: Could not find any sound for 'HudVocInventoryFull'
2019-03-12 03:55:03.623|Main Thread> Warning: Could not find any sound for 'HudVocMeteorInbound'
2019-03-12 03:55:03.623|Main Thread> Warning: Could not find any sound for 'HudVocHealthLow'
2019-03-12 03:55:03.624|Main Thread> Warning: Could not find any sound for 'HudVocHealthCritical'
2019-03-12 03:55:03.624|Main Thread> Warning: Could not find any sound for 'None'
2019-03-12 03:55:03.624|Main Thread> Warning: Could not find any sound for 'HudVocEnergyLow'
2019-03-12 03:55:03.624|Main Thread> Warning: Could not find any sound for 'HudVocStationFuelLow'
2019-03-12 03:55:03.624|Main Thread> Warning: Could not find any sound for 'HudVocShipFuelLow'
2019-03-12 03:55:03.624|Main Thread> Warning: Could not find any sound for 'HudVocEnergyCrit'
2019-03-12 03:55:03.624|Main Thread> Warning: Could not find any sound for 'HudVocStationFuelCrit'
2019-03-12 03:55:03.624|Main Thread> Warning: Could not find any sound for 'HudVocShipFuelCrit'
2019-03-12 03:55:03.624|Main Thread> Warning: Could not find any sound for 'HudVocEnergyNo'
2019-03-12 03:55:03.624|Main Thread> Warning: Could not find any sound for 'HudVocStationFuelNo'
2019-03-12 03:55:03.624|Main Thread> Warning: Could not find any sound for 'HudVocShipFuelNo'
2019-03-12 03:55:03.624|Main Thread> Warning: Could not find any sound for 'HudCraftBarProgressLoop'
2019-03-12 03:55:03.624|Main Thread> Warning: Could not find any sound for 'HudOpenCraftWin'
2019-03-12 03:55:03.624|Main Thread> Warning: Could not find any sound for 'HudOpenInventory'
2019-03-12 03:55:03.624|Main Thread> Warning: Could not find any sound for 'PlayTakeItem'
2019-03-12 03:55:03.624|Main Thread> Warning: Could not find any sound for 'HudPlaceItem'
2019-03-12 03:55:03.624|Main Thread> Warning: Could not find any sound for 'QuestCompleted'
2019-03-12 03:55:03.624|Main Thread> Warning: Could not find any sound for 'QuestStepCompleted'
2019-03-12 03:55:03.631|Main Thread> MyGuiManager()
2019-03-12 03:55:03.788|Main Thread> MyScreenManager()
2019-03-12 03:55:04.026|Main Thread> MyGuiManager.LoadContent() - START
2019-03-12 03:55:08.617|Main Thread> MyGuiManager.LoadContent() - START
2019-03-12 03:55:08.618|Main Thread> MyGuiManager.LoadContent() - END
2019-03-12 03:55:08.618|Main Thread> MyGuiManager.LoadContent() - END
2019-03-12 03:55:08.838|Main Thread> MySandboxGame.LoadData() - END
2019-03-12 03:55:09.032|Worker Logic 0> Loading available saves - START
2019-03-12 03:55:09.035|Worker Logic 0> Info: GetWorldInfoFromDirectory (Exists: True) 'C:\Users\TheGilberts\AppData\Roaming\MedievalEngineers\Saves\76561198029005841'
2019-03-12 03:55:09.488|Worker Logic 0> Loading available saves - END
2019-03-12 03:55:09.489|Worker Logic 0> Corrupted worlds:
Better House Started
2019-03-12 03:55:10.384|Main Thread> Analytics helper process start reported
2019-03-12 03:55:10.401|Main Thread> MySandboxGame.Initialize() - END
2019-03-12 03:55:10.420|Main Thread> All systems initialized in 25.8898948 seconds.
2019-03-12 03:55:10.435|Main Thread> Timer Frequency: 10000000
2019-03-12 03:55:10.435|Main Thread> Ticks per frame: 167364
2019-03-12 03:55:10.502|Worker Logic 0> Loading available saves - START
2019-03-12 03:55:10.502|Worker Logic 0> Info: GetWorldInfoFromDirectory (Exists: True) 'C:\Users\TheGilberts\AppData\Roaming\MedievalEngineers\Saves\76561198029005841'
2019-03-12 03:55:10.530|Worker Logic 0> Loading available saves - END
2019-03-12 03:55:10.530|Worker Logic 0> Corrupted worlds:
Better House Started
2019-03-12 03:56:04.352|Worker Logic 0> Loading available saves - START
2019-03-12 03:56:04.353|Worker Logic 0> Info: GetWorldInfoFromDirectory (Exists: True) 'C:\Users\TheGilberts\AppData\Roaming\MedievalEngineers\Saves\76561198029005841'
2019-03-12 03:56:04.383|Worker Logic 0> Loading available saves - END
2019-03-12 03:56:04.383|Worker Logic 0> Corrupted worlds:
Better House Started
2019-03-12 03:56:40.020|Main Thread> LoadSandbox() - Start
2019-03-12 03:56:40.036|Main Thread>
2019-03-12 03:56:40.036|Main Thread> LoadSession() - Start
2019-03-12 03:56:40.036|Main Thread> C:\Users\TheGilberts\AppData\Roaming\MedievalEngineers\Saves\76561198029005841\Simple House Finished
2019-03-12 03:56:40.270|Main Thread> LoadSession() - End
2019-03-12 03:56:40.270|Main Thread> LoadSandbox() - End
2019-03-12 03:56:40.527|Main Thread> Loading session: C:\Users\TheGilberts\AppData\Roaming\MedievalEngineers\Saves\76561198029005841\Simple House Finished
2019-03-12 03:56:40.528|Main Thread> Save version:
2019-03-12 03:56:40.796|Main Thread>ModManager> Loading mods
2019-03-12 03:56:40.836|Main Thread>ModManager> Done.
2019-03-12 03:56:40.841|Main Thread> Finished loading stage Initializing session, elapsed time: 0.1160006 seconds
2019-03-12 03:56:41.560|Main Thread>Definitions> Info: MyDefinitionManager.LoadData() - START
2019-03-12 03:56:57.429|Main Thread>Definitions> Info: List of used mods (0) - START
2019-03-12 03:56:57.429|Main Thread>Definitions> Info: List of used mods - END
2019-03-12 03:57:00.213|Main Thread> Warning: Either model 'Models\Cubes\large\StoneBlocks\LedgeStoneRound_V1.mwm' or Buildable block definition 'Block:LedgeStoneRound' does not contain Mountpoints. Creating default.
2019-03-12 03:57:00.413|Main Thread> Warning: Either model 'Models\Cubes\Small\Timber1.mwm' or Buildable block definition 'Block:Timber1' does not contain Mountpoints. Creating default.
2019-03-12 03:57:00.415|Main Thread> Warning: Either model 'Models\Cubes\Small\Timber2.mwm' or Buildable block definition 'Block:Timber2' does not contain Mountpoints. Creating default.
2019-03-12 03:57:00.417|Main Thread> Warning: Either model 'Models\Cubes\Small\Timber3.mwm' or Buildable block definition 'Block:Timber3' does not contain Mountpoints. Creating default.
2019-03-12 03:57:00.420|Main Thread> Warning: Either model 'Models\Cubes\Small\Timber4.mwm' or Buildable block definition 'Block:Timber4' does not contain Mountpoints. Creating default.
2019-03-12 03:57:00.422|Main Thread> Warning: Either model 'Models\Cubes\Small\Timber5.mwm' or Buildable block definition 'Block:Timber5' does not contain Mountpoints. Creating default.
2019-03-12 03:57:00.424|Main Thread> Warning: Either model 'Models\Cubes\Small\Timber6.mwm' or Buildable block definition 'Block:Timber6' does not contain Mountpoints. Creating default.
2019-03-12 03:57:00.431|Main Thread> Warning: Either model 'Models\Cubes\Small\Timber7.mwm' or Buildable block definition 'Block:Timber7' does not contain Mountpoints. Creating default.
2019-03-12 03:57:00.433|Main Thread> Warning: Either model 'Models\Cubes\Small\Timber8.mwm' or Buildable block definition 'Block:Timber8' does not contain Mountpoints. Creating default.
2019-03-12 03:57:00.435|Main Thread> Warning: Either model 'Models\Cubes\Small\Timber9.mwm' or Buildable block definition 'Block:Timber9' does not contain Mountpoints. Creating default.
2019-03-12 03:57:00.510|Main Thread> Warning: Either model 'Models\Cubes\Small\WeightBlock.mwm' or Buildable block definition 'Block:Weight' does not contain Mountpoints. Creating default.
2019-03-12 03:57:00.539|Main Thread> Warning: Either model 'Models\Cubes\Small\WoodChair.mwm' or Buildable block definition 'Block:ChairWood' does not contain Mountpoints. Creating default.
2019-03-12 03:57:01.582|Main Thread> Warning: Either model 'Models\Cubes\small\dead_astronaut.mwm' or Buildable block definition 'Block:DeadExplorer' does not contain Mountpoints. Creating default.
2019-03-12 03:57:01.595|Main Thread> Warning: Either model 'Models\Cubes\small\CatapultProjectile_large.mwm' or Buildable block definition 'Block:MagicCatapultProjectile' does not contain Mountpoints. Creating default.
2019-03-12 03:57:01.607|Main Thread> Warning: Either model 'Models\Cubes\Small\Wardrobe.mwm' or Buildable block definition 'Block:Wardrobe' does not contain Mountpoints. Creating default.
2019-03-12 03:57:01.612|Main Thread> Warning: Either model 'Models\Cubes\Small\WoodBed.mwm' or Buildable block definition 'Block:BedWood' does not contain Mountpoints. Creating default.
2019-03-12 03:57:01.746|Main Thread> Warning: Either model 'Models\Cubes\Large\BannerWorkstation.mwm' or Buildable block definition 'Block:Loom' does not contain Mountpoints. Creating default.
2019-03-12 03:57:02.279|Main Thread> Warning: Either model 'Models\Cubes\Small\WoodBarrel.mwm' or Buildable block definition 'Block:BarrelWood' does not contain Mountpoints. Creating default.
2019-03-12 03:57:02.324|Main Thread> Warning: Either model 'Models\Cubes\Small\Chests\ChestWood_V1.mwm' or Buildable block definition 'Block:ChestWood' does not contain Mountpoints. Creating default.
2019-03-12 03:57:02.336|Main Thread> Warning: Either model 'Models\Cubes\Small\Chests\ChestWoodLarge_V1.mwm' or Buildable block definition 'Block:ChestWoodLarge' does not contain Mountpoints. Creating default.
2019-03-12 03:57:17.079|Worker Logic 0> Model Models\Cubes\large\Generated\GeneratedStoneEdge_TopSmall_V1.mwm - Unable to load collision geometry
2019-03-12 03:57:17.079|Worker Logic 0> Model Models\Cubes\large\Generated\GeneratedStoneEdge_TopSmall_V1.mwm - Unable to load collision geometry from file, default collision will be used !
2019-03-12 03:57:17.092|Worker Logic 0> Model Models\Cubes\large\Generated\GeneratedStoneEdge_TopSmall_V2.mwm - Unable to load collision geometry
2019-03-12 03:57:17.092|Worker Logic 0> Model Models\Cubes\large\Generated\GeneratedStoneEdge_TopSmall_V2.mwm - Unable to load collision geometry from file, default collision will be used !
2019-03-12 03:57:17.107|Worker Logic 0> Model Models\Cubes\large\Generated\GeneratedStoneEdge_BottomSmall_V1.mwm - Unable to load collision geometry
2019-03-12 03:57:17.107|Worker Logic 0> Model Models\Cubes\large\Generated\GeneratedStoneEdge_BottomSmall_V1.mwm - Unable to load collision geometry from file, default collision will be used !
2019-03-12 03:57:17.123|Worker Logic 0> Model Models\Cubes\large\Generated\GeneratedStoneEdge_BottomSmall_V2.mwm - Unable to load collision geometry
2019-03-12 03:57:17.123|Worker Logic 0> Model Models\Cubes\large\Generated\GeneratedStoneEdge_BottomSmall_V2.mwm - Unable to load collision geometry from file, default collision will be used !
2019-03-12 03:57:23.234|Main Thread> MyAudio.UnloadData - START
2019-03-12 03:57:23.274|Main Thread> MyAudio.UnloadData - END
2019-03-12 03:57:23.274|Main Thread> MyAudio.LoadData - START
2019-03-12 03:57:23.423|Main Thread> MyAudio.CreateX3DAudio - Device: Speakers (Realtek High Definition Audio) - Channel #: 2
2019-03-12 03:57:25.916|Main Thread> MyAudio.LoadData - END
2019-03-12 03:57:25.916|Main Thread>Definitions> Info: MyDefinitionManager.LoadScenarios() - START
2019-03-12 03:57:26.039|Main Thread>Definitions> Info: MyDefinitionManager.LoadScenarios() - END
2019-03-12 03:57:26.039|Main Thread>Definitions> Info: MyDefinitionManager.LoadData() - END
2019-03-12 03:57:26.049|Main Thread> Finished loading stage Loading definitions, elapsed time: 44.510025 seconds
2019-03-12 03:57:26.052|Main Thread> Info: Game Definition: SessionDefinition:Medieval.Planets
2019-03-12 03:57:36.205|Main Thread> MyTransparentGeometry.LoadData - START
2019-03-12 03:57:36.294|External Debugging Listener> External debugger: listening...
2019-03-12 03:57:36.298|Main Thread> MyLights.LoadData() - START
2019-03-12 03:57:36.302|Main Thread> MyLights.LoadData() - END
2019-03-12 03:57:37.173|Main Thread> Finished loading stage Loading session components, elapsed time: 11.1240017 seconds
2019-03-12 03:57:40.347|Main Thread> Model Models\Cubes\Small\LogOakHalf250cm.mwm - Unable to load collision geometry
2019-03-12 03:57:40.347|Main Thread> Model Models\Cubes\Small\LogOakHalf250cm.mwm - Unable to load collision geometry from file, default collision will be used !
2019-03-12 03:57:40.435|Main Thread> Model Models\Components\GoldIngot.mwm - Unable to load collision geometry
2019-03-12 03:57:40.435|Main Thread> Model Models\Components\GoldIngot.mwm - Unable to load collision geometry from file, default collision will be used !
2019-03-12 03:57:40.827|Main Thread> Model Models\Consumables\Bread.mwm - Unable to load collision geometry
2019-03-12 03:57:40.827|Main Thread> Model Models\Consumables\Bread.mwm - Unable to load collision geometry from file, default collision will be used !
2019-03-12 03:57:40.845|Main Thread> Model Models\Consumables\MeatRoasted.mwm - Unable to load collision geometry
2019-03-12 03:57:40.845|Main Thread> Model Models\Consumables\MeatRoasted.mwm - Unable to load collision geometry from file, default collision will be used !
2019-03-12 03:57:40.978|Main Thread> Model Models\Consumables\Herbs.mwm - Unable to load collision geometry
2019-03-12 03:57:40.978|Main Thread> Model Models\Consumables\Herbs.mwm - Unable to load collision geometry from file, default collision will be used !
2019-03-12 03:57:41.005|Main Thread> Model Models\Consumables\WoodenRoot.mwm - Unable to load collision geometry
2019-03-12 03:57:41.005|Main Thread> Model Models\Consumables\WoodenRoot.mwm - Unable to load collision geometry from file, default collision will be used !
2019-03-12 03:57:41.008|Main Thread> Model Models\Consumables\Meat.mwm - Unable to load collision geometry
2019-03-12 03:57:41.008|Main Thread> Model Models\Consumables\Meat.mwm - Unable to load collision geometry from file, default collision will be used !
2019-03-12 03:57:41.273|Main Thread> Finished loading stage Loading models, elapsed time: 4.0959993 seconds
2019-03-12 03:57:41.273|Main Thread> Finished loading stage Loading data, elapsed time: 60.4310266 seconds
2019-03-12 03:57:41.295|Main Thread> Finished loading stage Loading character data, elapsed time: 0.0160008 seconds
2019-03-12 03:57:41.404|Worker Logic 0> Loading voxel storage from file 'C:\Users\TheGilberts\AppData\Roaming\MedievalEngineers\Saves\76561198029005841\Simple House Finished\EarthSecond-1251102759r5000.vx2'
2019-03-12 03:57:43.530|Worker Logic 0> Could not load voxel material Rock_moss
2019-03-12 03:57:43.530|Worker Logic 0> Could not load voxel material Rock_moss
2019-03-12 03:57:44.998|Main Thread> RespawnInPlayerControlledEntity: Finding free place for slyphr15
2019-03-12 03:57:45.071|Main Thread> RespawnInPlayerControlledEntity: slyphr15 has entity: False
2019-03-12 03:57:45.071|Main Thread> RespawnInPlayerControlledEntity: Creating new entity for slyphr15
2019-03-12 03:58:05.992|Main Thread> RespawnInPlayerControlledEntity: Setting position for slyphr15
2019-03-12 03:58:06.442|Main Thread> RespawnInPlayerControlledEntity: Informing everyone slyphr15 is spawning.
2019-03-12 03:58:06.444|Main Thread> RespawnInPlayerControlledEntity: Replicating entity components for slyphr15
2019-03-12 03:58:06.444|Main Thread> RespawnInPlayerControlledEntity: Setting control for slyphr15
2019-03-12 03:58:06.444|Main Thread> RespawnInPlayerControlledEntity: Reviving slyphr15 if necessary.
2019-03-12 03:58:06.449|Main Thread> Checkpoint.CameraAttach success: entity id135878212963839193, camera subtype DefaultFirstPerson
2019-03-12 03:58:06.452|Main Thread> Finished loading stage Loading final details, elapsed time: 22.0279671 seconds
2019-03-12 03:58:06.455|Main Thread> MySession.Static.LogSettings - START
2019-03-12 03:58:06.456|Main Thread> Name = Simple House Finished
2019-03-12 03:58:06.456|Main Thread> Description =
2019-03-12 03:58:06.456|Main Thread> InGameTime = 01/01/0001 00:00:00
2019-03-12 03:58:06.456|Main Thread> Password =
2019-03-12 03:58:06.456|Main Thread> CurrentPath = C:\Users\TheGilberts\AppData\Roaming\MedievalEngineers\Saves\76561198029005841\Simple House Finished
2019-03-12 03:58:06.456|Main Thread> WorkshopId =
2019-03-12 03:58:06.459|Main Thread> CameraController = EntityBase:Medieval_female {01E2BC83C86CACD9}/Camera 1st - DefaultFirstPerson
2019-03-12 03:58:06.459|Main Thread> ThumbPath = C:\Users\TheGilberts\AppData\Roaming\MedievalEngineers\Saves\76561198029005841\Simple House Finished\thumb.jpg
2019-03-12 03:58:06.460|Main Thread> Settings:
2019-03-12 03:58:06.463|Main Thread> AI - Hostile AI Enabled = True
2019-03-12 03:58:06.463|Main Thread> AI - Maximum = 3
2019-03-12 03:58:06.463|Main Thread> Decay - Ruin = True
2019-03-12 03:58:06.463|Main Thread> Fast Travel - Enabled = True
2019-03-12 03:58:06.463|Main Thread> Fast Travel - Limitations = True
2019-03-12 03:58:06.463|Main Thread> Maximum Fracture Pieces = 50
2019-03-12 03:58:06.467|Main Thread> Auto-Save Time (Minutes) = 5
2019-03-12 03:58:06.467|Main Thread> Cut, Copy and Paste = True
2019-03-12 03:58:06.467|Main Thread> Days per season = 31
2019-03-12 03:58:06.467|Main Thread> Destructible blocks = True
2019-03-12 03:58:06.467|Main Thread> Enable 3rd person view = True
2019-03-12 03:58:06.467|Main Thread> Enable Sun Rotation = True
2019-03-12 03:58:06.467|Main Thread> Enable voxel destruction = True
2019-03-12 03:58:06.467|Main Thread> Game Mode = Survival
2019-03-12 03:58:06.467|Main Thread> Inventory size multiplier = 10
2019-03-12 03:58:06.467|Main Thread> Maximum Backup Saves = 5
2019-03-12 03:58:06.467|Main Thread> Maximum Floating Objects = 120
2019-03-12 03:58:06.467|Main Thread> Maximum Players = 4
2019-03-12 03:58:06.467|Main Thread> Maximum Solar Altitude = 0.4101524
2019-03-12 03:58:06.467|Main Thread> Serverside Chat Logging = True
2019-03-12 03:58:06.467|Main Thread> Show player names on HUD = True
2019-03-12 03:58:06.467|Main Thread> Spectator = False
2019-03-12 03:58:06.467|Main Thread> Structural Integrity = True
2019-03-12 03:58:06.467|Main Thread> Sun rotation interval = 124
2019-03-12 03:58:06.467|Main Thread> View distance = 2600
2019-03-12 03:58:06.467|Main Thread> MySession.Static.LogSettings - END
2019-03-12 03:58:06.468|Main Thread> Finished loading stage Loading planet, elapsed time: 25.1949708 seconds
2019-03-12 03:58:09.768|Main Thread> Warning: MyPhysicsBody (PhysicsBodyComponent:InteractableProxyBase): CollisionModel does not exist. Using Model collision from model: Models\Cubes\large\PlankGate_V1.mwm
2019-03-12 03:58:10.190|Main Thread> Finished loading stage Starting Components, elapsed time: 3.7179987 seconds
2019-03-12 03:58:10.204|Main Thread>
2019-03-12 03:58:10.204|Main Thread> Session loaded
2019-03-12 03:58:10.204|Main Thread> Finished loading stage Finished loading, elapsed time: 89.4869971 seconds
2019-03-12 03:58:10.274|Main Thread> Process information Periodic Check:
2019-03-12 03:58:10.285|Main Thread> Managed Memory: 2,724,545,624 B
2019-03-12 03:58:10.294|Main Thread> Private Memory: 3,560,271,872 B
2019-03-12 03:58:10.294|Main Thread> Nr of Threads: 37
2019-03-12 03:58:10.294|Main Thread> Simulation Speed: 0.01
2019-03-12 03:58:10.294|Main Thread> Entity count: 129
2019-03-12 03:58:10.294|Main Thread> Player count: 1
2019-03-12 03:58:10.294|Main Thread> Current:
2019-03-12 03:58:10.295|Main Thread> Paged Memory: 3,560,271,872 B
2019-03-12 03:58:10.295|Main Thread> Working Set: 3,091,951,616 B
2019-03-12 03:58:10.295|Main Thread> Virtual Memory: 8,929,472,512 B
2019-03-12 03:58:10.295|Main Thread> Peak:
2019-03-12 03:58:10.296|Main Thread> Paged Memory: 3,560,271,872 B
2019-03-12 03:58:10.296|Main Thread> Working Set: 3,091,955,712 B
2019-03-12 03:58:10.296|Main Thread> Virtual Memory: 8,931,151,872 B
2019-03-12 03:58:10.301|Main Thread> Number of Worlds: 1
2019-03-12 03:58:10.302|Main Thread> 0) RigidBodies: 26, ActiveRigidBodies: 7, CharacterRigidBodies: 4
2019-03-12 03:58:10.305|Main Thread> 0) Constraints: 0
2019-03-12 03:58:11.427|Main Thread> Loading progress: 99%, IsUpdateReady: True, MySessionLoading: False
2019-03-12 03:58:11.429|Main Thread> MySessionLoading status:
2019-03-12 03:58:11.431|Main Thread> 0: TerrainWaitStep: 0/1
2019-03-12 03:58:12.805|Main Thread> Loading progress: 99%, IsUpdateReady: True, MySessionLoading: False
2019-03-12 03:58:12.805|Main Thread> MySessionLoading status:
2019-03-12 03:58:12.806|Main Thread> 0: TerrainWaitStep: 0/1
2019-03-12 03:58:13.859|Main Thread> Loading progress: 99%, IsUpdateReady: True, MySessionLoading: False
2019-03-12 03:58:13.859|Main Thread> MySessionLoading status:
2019-03-12 03:58:13.860|Main Thread> 0: TerrainWaitStep: 0/1
2019-03-12 03:58:14.914|Main Thread> Loading progress: 99%, IsUpdateReady: True, MySessionLoading: False
2019-03-12 03:58:14.914|Main Thread> MySessionLoading status:
2019-03-12 03:58:14.915|Main Thread> 0: TerrainWaitStep: 0/1
2019-03-12 03:58:15.968|Main Thread> Loading progress: 99%, IsUpdateReady: True, MySessionLoading: False
2019-03-12 03:58:15.968|Main Thread> MySessionLoading status:
2019-03-12 03:58:15.969|Main Thread> 0: TerrainWaitStep: 0/1
2019-03-12 03:58:17.023|Main Thread> Loading progress: 99%, IsUpdateReady: True, MySessionLoading: False
2019-03-12 03:58:17.023|Main Thread> MySessionLoading status:
2019-03-12 03:58:17.024|Main Thread> 0: TerrainWaitStep: 0/1
2019-03-12 03:58:18.077|Main Thread> Loading progress: 99%, IsUpdateReady: True, MySessionLoading: False
2019-03-12 03:58:18.077|Main Thread> MySessionLoading status:
2019-03-12 03:58:18.078|Main Thread> 0: TerrainWaitStep: 0/1
2019-03-12 03:58:19.131|Main Thread> Loading progress: 99%, IsUpdateReady: True, MySessionLoading: False
2019-03-12 03:58:19.131|Main Thread> MySessionLoading status:
2019-03-12 03:58:19.132|Main Thread> 0: TerrainWaitStep: 0/1
2019-03-12 03:58:20.186|Main Thread> Loading progress: 99%, IsUpdateReady: True, MySessionLoading: False
2019-03-12 03:58:20.186|Main Thread> MySessionLoading status:
2019-03-12 03:58:20.186|Main Thread> 0: TerrainWaitStep: 0/1
2019-03-12 03:58:21.209|Main Thread> All voxels loaded, cleaning up hooks.
2019-03-12 03:58:21.537|Main Thread> Loading finished: 99%, IsUpdateReady: True, MySessionLoading: True
2019-03-12 03:58:21.749|Main Thread> Loading completed, starting session.
2019-03-12 03:58:23.602|Main Thread> Warning: MyPhysicsBody (HandItem:HammerIron): CollisionModel does not exist. Using Model collision from model: Models\Weapons\Hammer_OneHand.mwm
2019-03-12 03:58:35.183|Main Thread> Warning: Component EntityBase:BarbarianForestBlack {013B08ED18A6EEAE}/MyBarbarianBehavior redefines event AttackShout, that was already defined for component EntityBase:BarbarianForestBlack {013B08ED18A6EEAE}/MyCombatComponent.
2019-03-12 03:58:35.208|Main Thread> Warning: MyPhysicsBody (HandItem:Torch): CollisionModel does not exist. Using Model collision from model: Models\Weapons\Torch.mwm
2019-03-12 03:58:35.210|Main Thread> Warning: MyPhysicsBody (HandItem:SwordRusted): CollisionModel does not exist. Using Model collision from model: Models\Weapons\SwordRusted.mwm
2019-03-12 03:58:35.311|Main Thread> Warning: Component EntityBase:BarbarianForestBlack {018060759D522BA1}/MyBarbarianBehavior redefines event AttackShout, that was already defined for component EntityBase:BarbarianForestBlack {018060759D522BA1}/MyCombatComponent.
2019-03-12 03:58:35.314|Main Thread> Warning: MyPhysicsBody (HandItem:Torch): CollisionModel does not exist. Using Model collision from model: Models\Weapons\Torch.mwm
2019-03-12 03:58:35.314|Main Thread> Warning: MyPhysicsBody (HandItem:SwordRusted): CollisionModel does not exist. Using Model collision from model: Models\Weapons\SwordRusted.mwm
2019-03-12 03:58:35.389|Main Thread> Warning: Component EntityBase:BarbarianForestBlack {01C2491210B45872}/MyBarbarianBehavior redefines event AttackShout, that was already defined for component EntityBase:BarbarianForestBlack {01C2491210B45872}/MyCombatComponent.
2019-03-12 03:58:35.391|Main Thread> Warning: MyPhysicsBody (HandItem:Torch): CollisionModel does not exist. Using Model collision from model: Models\Weapons\Torch.mwm
2019-03-12 03:58:35.392|Main Thread> Warning: MyPhysicsBody (HandItem:SwordRusted): CollisionModel does not exist. Using Model collision from model: Models\Weapons\SwordRusted.mwm
2019-03-12 03:59:11.056|Main Thread> Saving world - START
2019-03-12 03:59:11.059|Main Thread> Making world state snapshot.
2019-03-12 03:59:11.835|Worker Logic 0>Session>Backup> Info: Backing up session 'C:\Users\TheGilberts\AppData\Roaming\MedievalEngineers\Saves\76561198029005841\Better House Started'
2019-03-12 03:59:13.038|Main Thread> Process information Periodic Check:
2019-03-12 03:59:13.039|Main Thread> Managed Memory: 2,583,233,080 B
2019-03-12 03:59:13.043|Main Thread> Private Memory: 6,007,279,616 B
2019-03-12 03:59:13.043|Main Thread> Nr of Threads: 35
2019-03-12 03:59:13.044|Main Thread> Simulation Speed: 0.02
2019-03-12 03:59:13.044|Main Thread> Entity count: 146
2019-03-12 03:59:13.044|Main Thread> Player count: 1
2019-03-12 03:59:13.044|Main Thread> Current:
2019-03-12 03:59:13.045|Main Thread> Paged Memory: 6,007,279,616 B
2019-03-12 03:59:13.045|Main Thread> Working Set: 4,964,069,376 B
2019-03-12 03:59:13.045|Main Thread> Virtual Memory: 11,349,553,152 B
2019-03-12 03:59:13.045|Main Thread> Peak:
2019-03-12 03:59:13.046|Main Thread> Paged Memory: 7,640,989,696 B
2019-03-12 03:59:13.046|Main Thread> Working Set: 6,540,877,824 B
2019-03-12 03:59:13.046|Main Thread> Virtual Memory: 13,006,958,592 B
2019-03-12 03:59:13.046|Main Thread> Number of Worlds: 1
2019-03-12 03:59:13.047|Main Thread> 0) RigidBodies: 43, ActiveRigidBodies: 1, CharacterRigidBodies: 7
2019-03-12 03:59:13.047|Main Thread> 0) Constraints: 0
2019-03-12 03:59:33.378|Main Thread> Error: Generated block definition:(null):(null) does not exist. Check sbc.
=============================== FATAL EXCEPTION ================================
Exception occurred: System.NullReferenceException: Object reference not set to an instance of an object.
at VRage.Components.Entity.CubeGrid.MyGridConnectivityComponent.GetBlockAdjacency(MyBlock block)
at VRage.Components.Entity.CubeGrid.MyGridConnectivityComponent.ConnectBlocks(MyBlock block1, MyBlock block2, BoundingBox& connectionBB)
at Medieval.Entities.Components.Grid.MyAdditionalBlocksGeneratorComponent.RegenerateModels(Dictionary`2 genBlocksModified, MyGridDataComponent gridData, List`1 tempBlocks)
at Medieval.Entities.Components.Grid.MyAdditionalBlocksGeneratorComponent.GenerateAdditionalBlocks(MyGridDataComponent gridData, List`1 blocks, Boolean blockAdded, MyBlock ignoreBlock)
at Medieval.Entities.Components.Grid.MyAdditionalBlocksGeneratorComponent.GridOnBlockRemoved(MyBlock myBlock, MyGridDataComponent gridData)
at VRage.Components.Entity.CubeGrid.MyGridDataComponent.RemoveBlock(MyBlock block, Boolean syncMp)
at Medieval.GameSystems.Tools.MyBuilderToolBehavior.UpdateBlockIntegrity(MyPlayer buildingPlayer, GridBlockTuple block, Int32 integrityChange, Dictionary`2 items)
at Medieval.GameSystems.Tools.MyBuilderToolBehavior.SecondaryAction(MyBuilderToolBehaviorDefinition builderToolBehaviorDefinition, MyPlayer player)
at Medieval.GameSystems.Tools.MyBuilderToolBehavior.Hit()
at Sandbox.Game.EntityComponents.Character.MyToolBehaviorBase.ActionHit(Int64 deltaFrames)
at VRage.Components.MyUpdateScheduler.RunTimedUpdates()
at VRage.Components.MyUpdateScheduler.RunUpdates(TimeSpan currentTime)
at Sandbox.Game.World.MySession.UpdateComponents()
at Sandbox.Game.World.MySession.Update(MyTimeSpan updateTime)
at Sandbox.MySandboxGame.Update()
at Sandbox.Engine.Platform.Game.UpdateInternal()
at Sandbox.Engine.Platform.Game.RunSingleFrame()
at VRage.Components.MyUpdateScheduler.RunFixedUpdates()
at VRage.Components.MyUpdateScheduler.RunUpdates(TimeSpan currentTime)
at Sandbox.Engine.Platform.MySandboxUpdate.<RunLoop>b__18_0()
at VRage.Utils.FixedLoop.Run(Action tickCallback)
at Sandbox.Engine.Platform.MySandboxUpdate.RunLoop()
at Medieval.MyProgram.Main(String[] args)
=============================== FATAL EXCEPTION ================================
2019-03-12 03:59:33.396|Main Thread> Log Closed
I was having a problem with a server timing out when trying to dismantle a thatch roof.
I was having a problem with a server timing out when trying to dismantle a thatch roof.
yes it is the reason.
the DS has the problem, whenever someone is not only doing the quest, but also build a house, at some point, when 2 rows or more of thatched roof are build, the server has a 99% chance to crash. in the moment the player stays on the roof itself and tries to build or dismantle it.
yes it is the reason.
the DS has the problem, whenever someone is not only doing the quest, but also build a house, at some point, when 2 rows or more of thatched roof are build, the server has a 99% chance to crash. in the moment the player stays on the roof itself and tries to build or dismantle it.
I've submitted at least a dozen crash logs related to construction or destruction of multi-tiered thatch roofing.
I've submitted at least a dozen crash logs related to construction or destruction of multi-tiered thatch roofing.
Now before the latest update I never had the problems of my thatch roof crashing my game and then corrupting the save it was on. And its only the thatch roof. I can put down and dismantle all the other roof types and not a problem.
Now before the latest update I never had the problems of my thatch roof crashing my game and then corrupting the save it was on. And its only the thatch roof. I can put down and dismantle all the other roof types and not a problem.
Replies have been locked on this page!