Incedents that dammage integrity- spreadable fire/ earthquakes

Copycat80 shared this feedback 6 years ago

It would be neat to have a fire mechanic in game that allowed players to (both accidentally and pourposely) set wooden and straw structures alight. The fire can spread, damaging the structural integrity of the building untill it collapses. The fire seems like it would be murder on the game simspeed however, but it would be a nice addition to the game.

Of a similar note you could make earthquakes, which lower the structural intergity of all buildings in an area for a biref moment. This can force players to build smaller structures and therefore prevent massive buildups of Giant buildings on a server. Or simply as a toy for admins. Certain areas can have a greater risk than others.

Replies (2)


No to earthquakes but the fire would be a good addition and a nice balance between all wood and all stone structures or hybrids as it was incredibly common during sieges to shoot fire arrows over the walls of a castle to burn there outbuildings to starve them out rather than damaging the castle.

The only thing that does worry me is how would we deal with the fire there is no water in the game (and the suggestion was recently declined) so how would we put said fire out once it started?


You can put out small fires by hitting that with a piece of cloth. It might be working for larger fires as well, since it is a game and not necessarily has to be over-realistic. If it were over-realistic, cooking wouldn't be a max 2 step process, you would need nails for the wooden walls and you would most likely die in disease by getting hit with a rusty sword. I could totally agree with a cloth that acts like extinguisher.

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