New inventory system

Jan Sabo shared this feedback 6 years ago

The new inventory system looks nice, but if the player is in advanced part of the game scrolling trough the whole quantum of the possible crafting recepies is a bit overwhelming and confusing.

Another thing is that when handling with the inventories there should be button or keyboard key for transfer all content from one to another and button or keyboard key for dropping items from inventory. Dragging selected item to side of the screen is lengthy.

Replies (10)


We agree that the list is long. The only way we can solve it is to redesign the GUI some or to add more crafting stations. In the meantime, at least they are alphabetical.

Dragging items one at a time to drop them is an anti-griefing solution so we won't be changing it. Be sure to share your displeasure with the griefers who ruin games for the rest of us.


"Dragging items one at a time to drop them is an anti-griefing solution so we won't be changing it. Be sure to share your displeasure with the griefers who ruin games for the rest of us."

How very passive aggressive of you.

1. There are no griefers in single player.

2. I don't have the code to do something about the griefers, you do. Here's a clue. If you didn't build it, and the claim is current, you can't touch it. Drop rocks, throw catapults, even opening doors. You can't touch it. The problem here is you guys are griefers so you want to leave that option open. I've called you out on it in the past too, but the video evidence you lot posted was real, so don't bother denying it.

So you say to voice out displeasure at the griefers, and I am doing so now, Griefer. The new UI update blows leprous dog shaft.

3. The way to solve the long list is not to make even less items available on the screen at a time, nor to give us all carpal tunnel syndrome from all the scrolling. The old UI was fine. The old crafting system was fine. They both suck now.

Seriously, why do the modders consistently do such great work and you guys screw the pooch with every update?

If it was up to me I'd fire half the staff at KEEN and hire Wolfgar and friends to save the game.


I couldn't agree with you more. There are some seriously good dedicated mod devs out there like Wolfgar7474, STORI3D, Mirzipan and a few others. They pour lots of dedicated time and perfection in their mods. A total game changer! I really miss the older crafting table where I could over-queue small rock production, then simply shift-click to get my inv and shift click from my inv to bomb it more large stone.

It is so freaking tedious now making 125,000+ small stone. Beforehand, I would have like 8 crafting tables and have them all going to mass produce small stone. Now days I am there for literally hours. Scroll down forever, click bomb small stone. The production is fast so no need having multiple crafting tables. Each full queue makes 30 small stone, a stone cube takes 25. Do the math on something with over 5000+ cubes, not counting walls e.t.c. No fun at all! Also the scrolling listbox is just horrible, absolute horrible. Guess I will make a mod now for stone production as this is just insane.


I think the real deal here is that you guys hired that external GUI "expert" for dear money and put lots of effort into creating it and are now grumpy that the ones who actually play the game are not into this new tedious RSI inducing system.

I personally really love everything about this update EXCEPT for this new crafting system.You may say "They're just complaining because it's new, they'll love it when they get used to it", and some (the ones that don't entirely give up on the game) may cope with it out of pure resignation. But know that it's literally painful to use.

If you are really not going to improve it, I hope you will at least soon release that stone crusher that you are working on, which Deepflame mentioned in a stream. So we can at least easily build nice stone castles (very) late-game.


Thanks Todd, but I think something that basic shouldn't require a mod to work.


Please do not ever make a game development decision based on griefers. imho ME and SE players are the smartest gamers online and should be fed as such... metaphor: one kid cheats on his exam so we decide to never hold exams again, toss the grading system, and not graduate students? Philosophically i have problems saying a griefer is the reason so many good players have to painfully select from their inventory crafting list... i hope no game decisions moving forward are focused on griefers*.

i would replace Griefers with Exploiters in the above Keen statement.

focus on the guys that make ME fun please! the 99%?

(*since last year we have had awesome anti-griefing developments: pvp prot mod, admin logs, etc. that are so successful that i can't remember the last time we saw a griefer. please note most folks call thieves griefers, so really someone stealing is not a griefer imho but rather a griefer is a destroyer, again imho. the guy taking stuff from your castle because you logged off with your doors all open is not a griefer, maybe a thief but not a griefer. when you log back in and your claim block is missing, all but 2 of your walls are gone, and you see nothing in any chest - now that is what it looks like after a griefer). [btw - with a moat and opposite facing drawbridges no castle is griefable or theft-able unless they take a player harness and toss a guy into the courtyard, part of ME is learning from the pain]


I have 2 questions to this

1) i dont understand what griefers did or how they were abusing it

2) Ok and how about the Onebutton transfer between storages ?


There are quite a few modifiers for inventory transfer already. Shift+Click is pretty useful. Click the ? button in-game for more information.


yeah i knew about it but even that button for quick transfer seemed to me more handy


Running modded with tons of items kills that scrolling listbox, even non-modded is overkill. If you guys stick with the non-stop scrolling system could you at least add in a search box query or a custom query where it will match partial names?


Or how about also adding a "favorite"feature to push marked items to the top?

Oops. Did see someone already said that.


It would also be nice if the crafting station inventory system was brought back or have the crafting stations pull from storage containers close by. When I cook in an oven I place things into it, I do not pull them from my pocket as I cook. When I craft, I use items that are around me and are in/at my crafting area.


I think it would be good to be able to mark some recipes as favorites, so they're always on top. You normally just need to access things like timbers or salads. When I want to make a forge or a wardrobe, I'm fine with selecting from a huge list.


it honestly seems like the new inventory system is meant for a console game rather than a pc game. not sure i understand the reasoning on it.


Can we at least filter out the items that are unable to be crafted instead of just graying them out?


Now we at least don't need to scroll anymore. The craft menu now have a search bar. If I hit S I see all that begin with S.

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