Flat maps instead of spherical planets

Pescatore shared this feedback 6 years ago

In my opinion ME does not need a spherical planet.

I belive, that flat maps are much easier to handle.

- Possiblity to build big structures without problems with the curved terrain

Actually building a roman legion castle with 450 x 300 m is quite not possible.

- In earlier versions with a flat map we have NPC peasants

- Water should be easier to implement

Replies (5)


Better for performance and singleplayer. I don't mind planets but I do not know why keen actively removed flat maps instead of just giving players the option.


this should be options under server admin creation - if one wants to one should be able to choose a world size, water or no water, etc. there should be flexible drop down options, apologies for ignorance on what flat v round means in the programming sense but from the play side having these options expands the joy imho!! i for one do not want to customize a whole massive world but i could see having fun doing one region...


I like the idea of a choice to use round or flat at world setup. Would make modding easier too.


planets makes building larger castles difficult, as the walls farther back appear to be slanted due to the gravity pulling somewhat sideways


Planets I think mostly came because of the parallel development with space engineers. It shouldn't be difficult to bring back flatland to ME. I think water is a must for this game, and flatland would make that easier to implement as well. I'm starting to think that Keen don't see the potential that this game can have. It could be bigger than SE.

  • Planets I think mostly came because of the parallel development with space engineers.


  • It shouldn't be difficult to bring back flatland to ME.

Not true. The old code wouldn't work anymore.

  • I think water is a must for this game, and flatland would make that easier to implement as well.

Not really. We can't fund the development to do proper water. We decided years ago not to do cheap water. Yes, the mod is cool, but it has a lot of issues that people overlook because it's a mod.

  • I'm starting to think that Keen don't see the potential that this game can have. It could be bigger than SE.

The ME team doesn't think Keen sees the potential either. SE makes more money, a lot more. That is what they see.


I would like to see an actual reason to build castles, and AI that does my chores for me so I can focus on being a lord and building; I really liked the porters and servants from the flatland times and would love to see it done for the current version. I wanna repel dirty invaders from my walls. Think like this:

1) Player wealth is summed by valuables in owned chests

2) This triggers barbarians (which should be made smarter) to attack castle.

3) Depending on player wealth, they can spawn simple catapults which are automated by a script until destroyed.

As it is though, I generally only have the heart to build the basic walls and roofs of a castle before moving on to somewhere else because there's no real point (kind of like in space engineers too).

Mods like trading post and AI defenders do add some life but the game still lacks a compelling singleplayer scene. I would play multiplayer if I didn't have to sit through 5 or 10 minutes everytime I log on of mods loading to flesh out the game. :/

Keep up the good work guys, but I hope we can see some improvements like this.

Edit: They could also do ladders more commonly than a whole catapult, it would get obnoxious if you constantly had to repair your walls all the time because they don't stop spawning or something.

  • The ME team doesn't think Keen sees the potential either. SE makes more money, a lot more. That is what they see.

That's just sad, but understandable. Just think about how popular minecraft was and still is. They don't have spaceships in minecraft.

I think the secret to making ME popular is trying to figure out why people stop playing. I only play singleplayer, because I don't like MP, and the reason I stop playing is because at some point there's nothing to do, and that point comes pretty fast for me. I unlock everything fast. I only build 1 copper pickaxe, and that is so that I can mine iron, after which I only use steel and iron tools. I have everything unlocked and all important functional things built by the time I have a small stone house. There's no reason to dig a neat mine/quarry into the earth, there's no reason to build one more room to my house, because I have nothing to put there. I hope that at least you consider adding peasants back to the game, because then I have reason to build homes and jobs. Survival should become more difficult and labour intensive. Then I would have reason to have a peasant smith, a peasant farmer etc. I like this game, but whenever I return to it, I only play for a couple of days before I'm bored of it, and then I return to it at least months later.

I wish you all the best, and I hope you can better sell the games potential to keen. Perhaps you need a big(ish) patch that adds a lot of neat things that would draw in streamers, then you would have streamers selling the game for you.

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