Official proton support

TinyMouse shared this feedback 34 days ago
Under Consideration

I'm gonna be blunt, and I know it's a lot to ask, but can y'all please add official proton support? I understand it takes time and resources but as buyer of SE1 and a lot of it's dlcs I was saddened by how frustrating it was to get SE1 to run at all under linux, BUT NOW WE HAVE A NEW CHANCE FOR THE FUTURE!!! I'm not gonna harass y'all into making dedicated binaries for each type of base linux distro, but I just want to have piece of mind that I'll be able to enjoy the purchase(s) I made, if that's too much to ask for then I'll just have to take my business elsewhere as there wouldn't be a point in purchasing any upcoming dlcs or anything at all really. I really love space engineers but I and many others cannot stand windows, so I figure official proton support would be an excellent midway point for your community that prefers to waddle on, as well as not being a total drag on updating every time changes are made. May we have an epic space simulator!

Replies (11)


I don't really like wording and statements, but I do support idea.

But I believe something like "guaranty" of not breaking/making harder(significantly) to set up proton (e.g. using some obscure Windows specific API call (as it was with SE1 GPU physics case (I believe))) would be more reasonable.

And TBH, it alredy exist, Keen alredy assists Linux comunity of SE and SE2 and I'm grateful for it. So only think that will change is that this "promise" to be writen down in paper.


Potentially there could be performance gains when using proton, as its system is not engaged in so many unnecessary background tasks.


Not to mention that it could(potentially) make mac support easier since mac is just a private variant of linux :3


No it's not, Marcos is based on bsd


BSD is the half brother of Linux. It may not be the same, but for the most part all the APIs match (although Apple has some exciting and different graphics extensions, and an unfamiliar X alternative). Remember in the same vein you could say Wine and Proton are half siblings of windows, in that they just provide the API part too.


We've seen how the Steam Deck has boosted Proton/Linux gaming and I can only imagine what happens when some version 2 comes out. With SE2 still having a very long development ahead of it, I wholeheartedly agree with the sentiment of not invalidating/discarding platforms, keeping all the options open even if a new (disruptive) platform/console hits te market in the next couple of years.

We already see Intel is knocking on the door to get some piece of the action in the GPU market. By steering clear of locking yourself into a specific ecosystem with some obscure/proprietary calls to specific drivers, future expansion would open up all the possibilities (next Xbox release? PlayStation 6 and 7? some console from the other side of the planet that we haven't heard about yet? any newcomer VR headset?)


Well, I just bought SE2, but because it didn't work on linux, I requested a refund. I've bought all the SE1 DLCs so am clearly inclined to spend money. I'll buy SE2 again, when it sounds like it can run on linux.


As you're totally within your right to do! Here's hoping that we can see you again soon! :3


Please fix it, ASAP, I really want this game.


I play SE2 with no (apparent) issues with Proton and Fedora 41 out of the box.


I use Kubuntu 22.04.4LTS. If you have SE2 working, let me know which version and your spec & X engine is please


xorg-x11-server-Xwayland-24.1.5-1.fc41.x86_64(KDE+wayland) with Radeon RX 6950 XT. Proton version is 9.0-4. I have not tried the GE versions.


OK great thanks, not sure the fc vs ubuntu difference, but I tried wayland and had a few problems, so changed back to xorg based. I have nvidia based GPU too. If anyone else has had success with xorg and nvidia, I'll give SE2 another try (I only had success with proton 7, on SE1)


@Stinky Waffles which kernel are you running?

Also what frequency do we think is reasonable to buy SE2 again, just to see if it works yet, only to request a refund again, if it still doesn't work? Once a month?


@Simon Bazley 6.12.11-200.fc41.x86_64.

I bought SE1 right after planets came out. The game was totally broken for a few years and I just sat on(kept it, no refund) it trying every month or so until it worked. I personally don't see SE2 being broken in proton for too long though, especially as the game gains traction.


OK great, that's what I hoped you'd say. 6.x kernels are on Ubuntu 24 which I don't have yet, I'm still on 5.x as I use 22. I'll try again, when I figure out how to get 24 to see my LSI raid controller :-)


To bring another argument for it on board:

More and more users are unhappy with Windows and how Microsoft treat Win11 users with their more and more broken updates and user paternalism. They show clearly how critical a monopoly is.

And while Win10 support ends this year, some don't want to switch to Win11, they try at least Linux out and some stay on Linux. I will try it later this year out as well and having SE1/SE2 running under Linux would be for me a not so unimportant thing.

So the need for games to run under Proton rises actually, slowly, but it does.


Thank you, that's what I was alluding to without opening up an unnecessary rant as to make this feedback short and concise on why we need official proton support :)


I agree. Please support proton so we can play on our preferred OS and encourage us to support future DLCs!


I would love to spend money on the future dlcs too, only if I can actually play them!!


Would like to see this as well. If not I wont play the game, no game has made me install Windows & this one is no different.


You know Proton is for running Windows games under Linux?


I'm sure they know that Balmung, I think they're saying they'll give up on space engineers if it cant be ran under proton because of their (understandable)attitude against windows. I'm inclined to agree with them


Yeah, you may be right. Especially Linux users should know what Proton is for. And I can fully understand it.


I know proton is running a Windows program, I never said it didn't. I said I'm not running Windows the OS


I love space engineers but installing another OS just to play a game that can't do the bare minimum with proton/wine is not in the cards for me, at least not anymore


tl;dr: A native port may (or may not 🤷) be a more realistic target than proton compatibility

The game and engine binaries are DotNet 8, most dependencies are DotNet 7/8, there are a few native binaries/dlls like nodejs, iirc DotNet can not/should not be run under Proton since DotNet 8 is natively available in many platforms including several flavours of Linux, Intel and ARM Macs and obviously Windows.

(Speculation part) The graphics seems to be rendered to an Avalonia (Avalonia UI) (GitHub - AvaloniaUI/Avalonia: Develop Desktop, Embedded, Mobile and WebAssembly apps with C# and XAML. The most popular .NET UI client technology) app which supports rendering in various flavours of Linux and (Intel? and) ARM Macs

So many of the technical challenges seem to be already resolved, but as we are mere observers we can't know if there are other challenges (like some dependencies to kernell.dll, DX, etc) to overcome in order to bring this game to other platforms.

With that said a native port may (or may not 🤷) be a more realistic target than proton compatibility


But then that leaves us more likely in a state of waiting months at a time for the updates to catch up if at all since its more tedious to keep native builds of the game rather than proton. Which, hasnt flown over my head WOULD be a better option for linux users, but ultimately more timely for the devs. I'd rather them not have the hassle while providing us the same updates when they release than holding out hope that they update the binaries when they get the chance


That's not how DotNet works, DotNet (as used to build this game) uses an intermediate representation of the app code and it's then JIT'ed when executed so the main setback to have an additional platform is not managing or updating the actual app code, but rather implementing the first iteration of native dependencies which are not expected to be updated over long periods of time.

Also, DotNet 8 probably doesn't run or can't run in Proton and since DotNet is already native in most of the platforms that Proton runs there would not be much incentive (by other developers) to add DotNet compatibility to Proton which in itself would not be an easy task


My brain is too smooth to understand this information so i opt for SPEAKING LOUDER TO SEEM MORE CORRECT! heh, nah, it does go over my head but i just genuinely want this game to be able to run with most distros with very little changes needed to be made to the system that'll probably be a patch work of getting certain drivers that are borderline abandoned again. I just want me game and me distro maaayn 🥺


i just genuinely want this game to be able to run with most distros
Then just ask for this, no aggresion intended, but I just can't come up with better words, but for best result just ask for the things you want like "I want the game to be playable on [your favorite platform here]", the how to do it: "let the devs cook"

Also a previous comment (by Stinky Waffles), that I didn't read until now, states that the game is already working in at least one version of proton in at least one version of Fedora


I've bought all the DLCs for SE1, and got over 1500 hours played. The last 4 years exclusively on Proton/Linux.

Keens unofficial support, as well as the community support, to get SE1 running on Proton has been wonderful.

Getting SE1 running on Proton took years. SE2 is early alpha and there are already reports of some Proton-systems successfully running SE2, so the future looks bright.

Having said that, Official Proton support would be very welcome.

Consider also the growing market of handhelds: Asus ROG Ally and Lenovo Legion Go are now getting SteamOS(Linux)


Which distro are you running?


Sorry for the late reply. I was running Kubuntu 22.04 , with Nvidia 535 drivers, on X11.

I recently upgraded to Kubuntu 24.04 and Nvidia 550 drivers, still on X11.

After those upgrades SE was stuck on the splash screen, but changing Proton version from Proton-GE8-32 to Proton-GE9-25 (latest current GE version) fixed it. Valves latest stable Proton 9.0-4 did not work.


By the way, SE2 is running virtually flawlessly on Proton Experimental, Kubuntu 24.04.2 , Nvidia 550 drivers.

Graphics are set to max, framerate is smooth and the game looks georgeous! (It does stutter on major collissions, like red ship vs blue ship at max speed, but recovers quickly.)

On first launch, the game gave error about "graphics card does not have enough RAM", because it detected the laptop's integrated AMD graphics instead of the dedicated Nvidia card. Fixed by adding steam launch option:


Then once the game launched there was a popup warning about not meeting minimum required speccs, but performance have been stellar.

Unfortunately raytracing is not working (grayed out), which seems to be a common issue on Proton for SE2 ,


SE2 runs great on proton-ge on arch, it will depend on your system though, i had to do a complete reinstall before the game would even launch so mileage will vary.


Created an account just to vote for this. Linux support native or through proton would be fantastic.


People use Linux for gaming? This seems like a very niche request for 0.0001% of the gaming population.


People do use the Steam Deck for gaming


you come into my post and take a dookie on my rug? get outta here


More people than you think. It's only going to grow, especially with how windows is going.

Ubuntu etc "just works" and you can play basically every game on it now with minimal fuss, except for those that deliberately block Linux because of "reasons" such as Warframe, Tarkov and Destiny (all of which actually work, they just ban you because you use Linux).

The work put in by Proton, Wine and Steam have made linux gaming very feasible nowadays. I play SE on Linux already, and it has more fps and stability than windows on the same system.


The writing is on the wall for Windows, although the percentage may be small, the percentage of devs and creatives on Linux as a preferred platform is quite high IMO.

Linux makes up 1.5% Win10 53% Win11 44% Mac <1% on Steam.

Win11 has anti-gamer bloat.

If you wish to own what you create Linux appears to be the better option.

Lets see what happens after October.


I litterally only had a windows machine for years, because I NEEDED it to play games. I've not booted up into that OS for years now, because of proton, and hope not to have to (although I think Windows 10 is going to die soon anyway, so I won't be able to). I wonder how many people use windows because they have to, not because they want to. Choice is good, except for the last few years you've had to be a masochist to try to play games on linux. Moving forward, I'd hope that to be less of the case. I'd suspect is more like 0.01 than 0.0001, if it isn't 0.1 already. But if you want to get all statistical, would you advocate Keen focusing entirely on XBox support, which is probably more commercially sensible for them. I'd hope not.


Honestly I've been gaming exclusively on linux for over 10 years now. Good bit of that time with space engineers. I guess I never had a problem.

Yes, proton support would be preferred....but it isn't like they went out of their way to break it at any time. It just plain works.

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