Jump Drive Counter / Gravity Well

Warlord shared this feedback 37 days ago
Not Enough Votes

For PVP purposes, there needs to be a way to counter someone who is trying to warp out of combat.

I've suggested in the past for SE 1 that a block be added that has a radius/aura in the same way a gravity generator works. Any jump drives in that radius (including friendly ones for balance) are disabled until they either move out of the radius or the counter block is disabled/destroyed. The radius would have to be larger then gravity generator (at least more then 2km to put it out of range of the longest range weapons).

For balance purposes the block should be both expensive to build and operate and very large in size and thereby favoring specially designed should built around that purpose.

These kind of things exist in the sci fi world. For instance in Star Wars there is a special ship called a Interdictor-class Star Destroyer that has a gravity well projector that prevents any warp drives near it from working.


Replies (5)


The previous image isn't working for some reason. This is what I am talking about, the big lumps on the ship are the gravity wells.


Oh absolutely not. Blocks like this are nothing but a griefer's dream and will do nothing but be used to force unwanted pvp on others. Using a jump drive is a valid form of combat maneuver and if you're that much better than your opponent, you won't need a gimmick block like this anyways. Blocks like this have no place in the game where they can harm another's build purely by exising with no counter, and are nothing but people wanting an "I win" button when they can't finish off their opponent any other way. No person is so important in this game that they get to pull the "fight me or else" card. Being able to turn off another's jump drives and harm their grid with no counter purely by existing is an automatic no. Folks wanting something like this is no different than people who complained about flying in World of Warcraft "ruining world pvp." What it really meant was they want to gank and flight prevents that, so they're whining.


Conceptually interdiction is cool, practically the ability to lock someone down like that and force them in to a fight where they are punching up is terrible for balance.

If we want to properly balance something like this we would instead need to find a way to force it to only be operated by very small ships (that isn't a subgrid on a larger ship) operating inside turret range so that we don't just end up with someone either playing the interdiction-troll or leveraging the fact that larger ships in SE can outmaneuver and out-accelerate smaller ones.


Why would you join a PVP server if your a PVE player and then complain about getting shot at? This kind of block is obviously geared towards the PVP side of the game. In PVE it would obviously have no effect in the same way shooting someone in PVE would have no effect.

For gameplay reasons, everything in the game should have a valid counter. Currently there is none for the jump drive other then an extremely small window of time in which a player has to blow up a good chunk of their ship and hopefully take out their jump drive in the process.


The pve players have no interest in balance. They want to be able to shoot npc pirates while still having the option to jump out if things go south, and are concerned with being unable to run from pvp players that find them on servers with damage enabled. As for me, I recognize that jump-drives have no counter in SE1 but could probably use one, but that ship-mounted interdiction itself would be a powerful enough tool to create its own issues.

-To start, someone using an interdiction-field-emitter logically still has the ability to turn said emitter off if they themselves decide to jump out, creating an imbalance in favor of the person mounting the field-emitter.

-On top of that even if it had warmups and cooldowns and other features to keep people from just switching it on and off at will it would still absolutely become the tool of innumerable griefers who's only interest would be in finding people well before they have any hope of even providing a challenge and repeatedly kicking them all the way back to stone and hand-tools.

-As such we would need either something that nullifies the effect (which would likely tip the balance back toward jump drives while simultaneously raising the question why have interdiction at all since everyone would fit the counter), or something that puts the interdictor at a disadvantage. As a general rule E-war equipment is a force-multiplier, and as the goal is balance that means we shouldn't be mounting it to things that already have the advantage. To that end I would propose it be balanced by allowing its use only on small craft (or fixed structures), perhaps by setting its power-draw to something like "(power in wats) = 1MW + (total grid mass) x (total grid pcu) x (effect radius in meters) x 0.1" with some lore-hand-waving about the interdiction-generator having to compensate for the ship its attached to.

Any thoughts?


Maybe it could be an electromagnetic beam weapon where you manually aim it at a ship within range and that ship can't jump until it shakes you off. For balance it would need to be maintained a few seconds before the effect builds up. That way evading it is possible.


@Warlord: There's a difference between pvp and straight up griefing people which you should know full well. If you have 2 people of as equal resources and skill as possible fighting, that's an actual pvp fight. However you know as well as I do that's not what that block would be used for and is purely for people who want helpless victims. Blocks like this are nothing but a griefer's wet dream and no feature should ever exist that can harm another's build purely by existing. If one's pvp build is good enough you will be able to knock out their jump drives before they jump out. Otherwise as much as I hate to say it, this is one of the instances where "get good" applies. It's the same concept as people who whine about "but flying ruins world pvp and shouldn't be allowed" in world of warcraft. If a cheat block like this is the only way you can win, then the problem is you. There's pvp where you have move and countermove, then this garbage where it's an "I win" someone can push anytime to give themselves a handicap which is not real pvp.

@Tael: If my pointing out this will be nothing but a griefing tool is "pve players not caring about balance and wanting to shoot NPCs and run from them or pvp players if things go south" then this block is nothing but pvp players demanding an "I win" button because they're not good enough otherwise and they want helpless victims. So they demand unconterable trash like this. If you care about pvp balance as much as you say you do, then you know as well as I do what this block would be used for and will NEVER be used in a fair fight, only to gank. Like it or not someone using a jump drive is a valid combat maneuver and if that alone is causing you to lose, then you deserve to lose.

I'm so tired of the ignorant gaslight of "you just don't care about balance" when every time something comes up, be it this, shields or something else, it's always the pvp types whining about "but balance" and demanding everyone else sacrifice for their gameplay while never being willing to show that same sacrifice for anyone else. If you're going to say shields are bad because they can't be balanced as you did elsewhere, then a feature like this sure as heck can't. Any feature that can harm another's grid purely by existing and especially with no counter is a bad idea and goes against the spirit of the game Keen has set since 2013. They've never allowed anything block wise that harms the grid of another purely by existing, nor should they start now.


@captainbladej52 You should pay more attention when you read, this has all of 4 votes after more than two weeks so it probably wont happen, and I already pointed out the griefer thing.

-As for balance, I'm fairly certain that you don't care about balance, and if we were to debate balance then you'd throw out fallacies, false equivalences, and insults/accusations again to try and argue your point, and we'd be wasting time doing exactly what I was warning Warbird away from doing over something that isn't going to happen regardless.

The rest of this thread isn't about making it happen, because it probably wont regardless of what gets said here, its about discussing how people might try to balance this mechanic and possibly getting inspired with good ideas for other stuff.


@Tael: I read everything and I stand by what I said above. Blocks like this are nothing but a griefer's wet dream and have no place in the game.

As for "fallacies and false equivalencies" and insults/accusations, talk about the pot calling the kettle black. You pop onto my comment then start with the immediate gaslight of "pve players don't care about balance" then want to act like you're innocent of throwing shade on people. You need to learn a few things because you think you know more than you actually do. First off, simply because someone disagrees with it doesn't automatically make them a "pve player who doesn't care about balance." You said several times in our previous engagements "people are allowed to disagree" yet you want to pretend disagreeing is automatically wrong "people just not caring about balance." Funny how that works. Second, a counter to jump drives already exists which is destroying them before they can be used, or knocking out the power systems of a grid. You can have balance with a feature that doesn't hurt people purely by existing, but there is no balancing a feature like this that can harm another's grid purely by existing. Its very nature is to give an automatic "I win" handicap to the opponent.

I'm glad you recognize that it gives an unfair advantage to the person who presses the button. That's at least some progress. I'm also glad you recognize that Keen would not add a block like this nor do they need to. Stuff like Jump Inhibitors is definitely the domain of mods just like stuff that gives free resources purely for existing. As for "discussing how people might try to balance this mechanic and possibly getting inspired with good ideas for other stuff", there is no good that come of blocks that are meant purely for griefing, but you do you dude. Otherwise I stand by everything I said above.


So, now that we have (hopefully) concluded the obligatory pve comment on a pvp mechanic...

@Denninja You think a manually aimed beam-weapon instead of a field would be a good idea, I assume you mean as a fixed-weapon like SE1's railgun?

-Would it have ammo? Or is it purely run on a ship's power?

-How big would it be?

-What would the range be?

-How would it interact with subgrids? (if it hits a small ship docked to a carrier or a custom-turret what happens? can it be built in to a custom-turret? ect...)

-What are the reasons behind these decisions?

And, does anyone else have an idea about how to balance interdiction? Or thoughts on other people's ideas?


Tael in terms of my balance my thoughts are as follows:

  • The block itself should be huge. Like really big 10x10x10 or more. This would essentially force the users of the block into a designing a ship around the block ie a specialist ship.
  • It should be expensive.
  • It should weigh a lot.
  • It should be draw a huge amount of power when on. This again would force a unique design.
  • Turning the block on and off should have an appropriate cooldown time. 1 minute or more.
  • The block should affect the ship itself ie the ship with the grav well cannot themselves use the jump drive while its active.

The reason why this block is needed in PVP is two fold. One is obviously to counter jump drives (currently there isn't any real counter.).

The second though is the idea of capturing a ship. Currently the only way to really have a chance at stopping a ship jumping is essentially to blow it to smithereens. With a gravity well such a ship could instead be captured mostly intact.


@Warlord 10^3 large grid is big to be sure, and indeed bigger than I tend to build, but by most standards I've seen in pvp my stuff is small. I can see what you're trying to do with the size/power/cost, but late game I find those are rarely an issue even if I'm the only one mining in a small group. Are you expecting other restrictions that would hinder larger ships?


Well for instance you pair this idea with my idea for a ship class system (https://support.keenswh.com/spaceengineers2/pc/topic/46193-ship-class-system) to really fine tune and encourage variation in ship design.

I know what you are saying though that at late game on a PVP server, resources tend to be plentiful however my idea would at least force such a ship to be extra clunky and vulnerable. Perhaps for instance this gravity well device could also be very explosive when damaged..


The ship-class system thing is probably a no-go for the very realistic reason that an SE server has a significant manpower shortage and an overwhelming resource surplus, so nothing will fit in to nice little boxes like that...

...So, large, expensive, and explosive would make for some solid steps in the right direction, but given how often people respond to a problem with "MORE!!!" I doubt it would be enough if they weren't risking bumping in to server caps or the like building that big.


"Natural" and "artificial" gravity should be forces of the same nature.

The gravitational field is always spherical. This should always be true, including the implication that the "floor" of some rooms will be actually a side wall or ceiling.

Gravitational force is always attractive, never repulsive.

The strength of the gravitational field decreases with the square of the distance - this is unfortunately unusable in the game, the decrease must be considerably faster (with the third or fourth power?). The intensity of the gravity fields from several generators is vector summed.

A gravitational field generator is a relatively large object - the intensity of the gravitational field is defined on its surface, towards the interior and centre of the block it increases according to the same rules as it decreases with distance from the block.

The power of the gravitational field generator should be limited by the logical consequences of its operation - a strong gravitational field, say above 3-4G intensely injures the crew outside the safety seats and makes it impossible to move and use the jetpack, and a gravitational field above 8-10G also injures the crew in the seats (including the medbay death chain...).

Starting up and shutting down the grav field generator is gradual and slow (~+1G in 15-60 seconds), so it takes quite a while to start up to full power.

In SE1, the rule was that you could only use a jump engine in a sufficiently weak gravity field.

Then a strong enough gravity generator could act as a jump inhibitor - a strong enough gravity field would act up to a certain distance around the ship. Of course, the gravitational field also blocks the jump of the ship on which the generator is placed.

The operation of the gravity generator should greatly influence the operation of the weapons. It should degrade the accuracy and dispersion of the self weapons, also the impact energy of the projectiles fired ("rising" against the gravitational field).

Conversely, the operation of the gravity generator should increase the velocity of the incoming projectiles, because gravity "attracts" projectiles to the surface of the ship and also attracts projectiles that would have missed the ship on their original trajectory, unaffected by the gravity field.

Related: the launching of the jump engine is not visually visible to an outside observer - only the ship's crew can see the effects.


... An interesting concept... Aside from eye-balling some math for crude "+/- damage" figures I don't know that I could make a solid guess on how well that would work to balance interdiction without a lot of actual testing.


This might be absolute lies, or may just be missing for no reason, but I heard there is no mention of Jump Drives in the game files. I think this would make sense, as the 310M/S is fast enough for you to get places if you decrease distances between planets slightly. I was unable to verify this as I don't have SE2.


The game is currently extremely early in alpha, most of what's there (hidden or otherwise) represents the stuff Keen's been trying to show off more than what we'll have in full release.

As for slight decreases in planet distance and a bump in speed... If I recall correctly Earthlike -> Mars takes a bit under 4hrs with conventional flight in SE1. Tripling the speed limit and moving things slightly closer would still mean we're looking at roughly an hour of drifting while we have to sit and watch to make sure we don't hit a rock. The game doesn't need to stick with jump-drives if Keen wants a different type of fast-travel, but turning interplanetary travel in to the least engaging version of long-haul simulator you can get without doing hauling missions in DU isn't going to go well with the player-base.


I prefer Super Cruise!


As someone who played quite a bit of EVE Online, I like this idea because I find the whole thing pretty balanced if you provide the target ship with some sort of visual feedback on who is running the warp disruptor. That way, the target ship can attempt to get out of the influence and warp off. Though for this, I think it's critical that the disruptor range requires the jamming ship to be within weapon range of the target.

And this is where things get interesting. If you place the jammer on a large and heavy ship, the jamming will be hard to stop but you will also find that any faster, more nimble targets will easily get away from you with their superior acceleration and turning speed so you most likely won't catch anything. On the other hand, if you put the jammer on a small and fast ship (a dedicated tackler) that is intended to pin the target down so that larger ships can shoot on it, you will catch your prey but that tackle ship will be light and vulnerable so the target can relatively easily shoot it and break free.

So yeah, I think it's pretty balanced. And yes, I realize that tackle drones would be a thing but I assume we will also have point-defense capabilities.


In EVE large ships are slow, in SE they can easily be as fast or faster than small grids thanks to gravity drives. Tis why I'd try to limit them to small ships to rely on the "small-tackle" balance.

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