Headtracking support

Balmung shared this feedback 41 days ago
Not Enough Votes

It would be a nice addition if SE2 would have Headtracking support to look more easily around. Many flight/space sims have support for it like for example Elite Dangerous and even Star Citizen has it since years. Would make dog fights in SE2 more interesting.

You could also control rotors/motors with it to target enemies through a camera, but maybe that would be a too big advantage in PvP, so it should be then toggle able by the host / server owner.

But when used, use a more open interface so all kind of devices like Tobii EyeTracker (also great for headtracking alone), TrackIR, free DiY solutions and even a good simple camera can be used for it. Alone camera tracking got a lot better over the last years thanks to better AI algorithms.

Is it important now?

Not yet, but later when it comes closer to release it would be a nice to have feature.

So why I should vote now?

Because such a feature gets anyway not that much votes, but so it can collect votes over time more easily. If we start later to collect votes for it, the change we don't reach enough votes is much higher.

Best Answer

Hello there!

We’ve got another petition for head tracking support with some votes. Maybe we can join forces? :D

Here’s the link; SE2 | Add Head Tracking Support

Replies (4)


i would only use while seated in a ship i tried mine once for walking around and oooo man that was a trip i turned it off real quick for fps lol


Yeah, true, definitely nothing for walking. :D

But switching it on/off when you sit down / go up or switching in/out into a camera shouldn't really be a issue at all for a capable developer as Keen.


Hello there!

We’ve got another petition for head tracking support with some votes. Maybe we can join forces? :D

Here’s the link; SE2 | Add Head Tracking Support


Totally missed that, thanks for pointing me on it. Pinned your answer so its easier to see.


No worries pal, hopefully they consider it! :)


offer rubbish. less than one percent of players have these devices


1.000.000 players.... 1% = 10.000 players. Yeah, that are nothing.

And give me source that show numbers how many percent have a head-tracking capable device. Hint: even a solid webcam can do headtracking.


Was head tracking promised for part 1?

This game would be one of the ultimate flight games if head tracking and full controller/joystick/hotas support was offered!

And the only reason players don't use trackir is because they don't necessarily understand how it would change the experience. It wouldn't just be for flying! I used it in Arma when I played it, as an example and without it I would feel blind.


I don't have a source. I base my words on the fact that this is a highly specialized device used primarily in simulators.

Типа, чел, это бесполезная функция, для очень редко используемого устройства, которая заменяется просто компьютерной мышкой. Игра в настолько ранней стадии, что твоя идея просто замусоривает предложку.


Yeah, a webcam is a really highly specialized device. And I have sources for that:



@Michael: No, it was a other time, head tracking back then was a much smaller niche than today where a lot more solutions exist and you even can now use a webcam setup for it (if you have the right lighting it works good). So it was not promised there, but there is a community made plugin that builds headtracking into SE1 over opentrack (if I remember correct) which supports all kind of tracking hardware (even some more strange one like a WiiMote). Above is also a link with a webcam setup which also should work with the SE1 plugin because it uses opentrack as well.

I missed SE1 plugins completely, so all that stuff is also new to me. I have a Tobii EyeTracker which also support Head Tracking beside Eye Tracking and is supported by opentrack, so I want to try it out with SE1 as well now. Used it for StarCitizen and Elite Dangerous in the past which have bot native support for Tobii. Never used opentrack myself before.

If would need to describe head tracking to someone, I would say it extend your monitor, your field of view. And it feels much more naturally as looking around with your mouse. And SE has already a free look feature when you sit in your cockpit when you hold the Alt key. So there is not much left to bind that to headtracking.


if you have no source you have no facts only your feelings , and it isnt just used in sims it is also used in


  • Flight simulators
    Head tracking allows pilots to control the aircraft by turning their heads, similar to a real cockpit.

  • Racing games Head tracking gives drivers a natural sense of perspective when navigating the track

  • First-person shooters Head tracking allows players to scan their surroundings with their heads, enhancing immersion.

  • Spatial audio Head tracking enhances the sense of immersion by allowing users to experience sound in three dimensions.
    Unfortunately, there's no definitive data on the exact percentage of gamers who use head tracking. It's a niche peripheral, primarily popular among enthusiasts of specific genres.The amount of people using headtracking is growing however ,and can be done with many webcams and free software like aitrack ,opentrack ,face noir , For most users, OpenTrack combined with AITrack is likely the best free option. It provides accurate tracking, is highly customizable, and has a supportive community.


I agree. Rubbish offer. Why not VR right away for First person mode? :)

VR is more popular with users than Head tracking.


Why not both? Both is good. ;)

And yeah, I as technique nerd have beside a Tobii Eye Tracker of course also VR headset inclusive a Lighthouse Setup and a lot of other gadgets (Tundra trackers, Kinect 2.0, WiiMote etc).


Wouldn't VR already require 6DoF head-tracking by default anyway?

Supporting head-tracking seems like a natural step toward VR, or at the very least, a simpler implementation of it.

Since VR already requires 6DoF tracking, implementing the protocols already necessary for major VR headsets—like OpenVR/SteamVR (which, by the way, DelanClip can also use)—means that adding a couple of extra protocols for head-tracking, like FreeTrack or TrackIR API, would be minimal effort in comparison.

If anything, adding head-tracking first is easier than full VR, and it future-proofs the game for potential VR integration down the line.


I wont neg any suggestion. More features, particularly those well established like track ir or vr is a positive, not a negative.

Vr is impractical right now for keyboard games. Because you cant see it! Friends of mine use it and when they build their sim pits they have to situate it in a way where they can use the controls without seeing them(sometimes replicating their favorite plane).

Webcam, face tracker and track ir would suite a keyboard game.

And it shouldnt matter how many votes it gets either. Particularly for those who never tried trackir before.

Is se2 going to be a pilot game or not?

Pilot games have trackir support. And full controller/joystick support!


Well, SE1 has full controller support and the VR controllers are not much different from a normal controller. So that is not really the issue here.

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