Add Head Tracking Support

balsamiq shared this feedback 44 days ago
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Could you add support for head tracking devices?

It’d make free-look in cockpits and first-person feel natural and immersive, similar to how many games handle it. In SE1, this was achievable through a plugin, but it’d be great to have the feature natively supported this some point down the line.

Being able to look around with head movements would make piloting ships/rovers and navigating interiors so much smoother and more engaging.

Hope you’ll consider it!

Best Answer

It would be a nice addition if SE2 would have Headtracking support to look more easily around. Many flight/space sims have support for it like for example Elite Dangerous and even Star Citizen has it since years. Would make dog fights in SE2 more interesting.

You could also control rotors/motors with it to target enemies through a camera, but maybe that would be a too big advantage in PvP, so it should be then toggle able by the host / server owner.

But when used, use a more open interface so all kind of devices like Tobii EyeTracker (also great for headtracking alone), TrackIR, free DiY solutions and even a good simple camera can be used for it. Alone camera tracking got a lot better over the last years thanks to better AI algorithms.

P.S. copied the text from my own ticket because I find it has some good additional arguments. Sorry that I missed this topic. :D

Replies (5)


I concur. Having an official TrackIR support would improve the immersion by a great deal for me.


Minerwars had trackir, I really wish se1 would have it but I'll wait for se2 to have it.


Head tracking would be an absolutely amazing feature!

Especially since the game already looks this good! It'd boost the experience so much!


It would be a nice addition if SE2 would have Headtracking support to look more easily around. Many flight/space sims have support for it like for example Elite Dangerous and even Star Citizen has it since years. Would make dog fights in SE2 more interesting.

You could also control rotors/motors with it to target enemies through a camera, but maybe that would be a too big advantage in PvP, so it should be then toggle able by the host / server owner.

But when used, use a more open interface so all kind of devices like Tobii EyeTracker (also great for headtracking alone), TrackIR, free DiY solutions and even a good simple camera can be used for it. Alone camera tracking got a lot better over the last years thanks to better AI algorithms.

P.S. copied the text from my own ticket because I find it has some good additional arguments. Sorry that I missed this topic. :D


offer rubbish. less than one percent of players have these devices


I know smaller indie devs who didn't have a problem with adding TrackIR support into their games. It's not like it would take tremendous effort to implement, I suppose the SDK is quite straightforward and can be added & tested at a relatively low cost, especially if the game already has free view cameras which SE does.


Nice try. So lets see... less than 1% players. So when a game has 1.000.000 players, that would be under 10.000 players. Try it again.

Btw. do you have a webcam? Then you can do headtracking.

@Hyperion: but not TrackIR, we need a more open interface than that.

This should be supported. Opentrack supports near all kind of headtracking devices


It's the conundrum of no one has the device because games don't include it and games don't include it because no one has the device. Can we just get head tracking already, i don't care what method, service or device, I'll get it either way. I've been waiting for se to get head tracking for almost a decade. It's obviously built for it.


10000 is a negligible amount to add a function interesting for two people


@Jolly Joel: yeah, as much as for HOTAS/Joystick support. We should have both.

@Колясик: 10.000 ARE the players who are interested in it. But anyway, you are not in the position here at all to decide that, that will do Keen themselves. And with your wrong arguments you will anyway not reach anything. You can not even give a source that proof your numbers.


Head Tracking is a very basic feature of a space game and is desperately needed in SE2. Tobi eye tracker!

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