Rovers / Wheels / Suspension needs to be re-thought in SE2

Neytz shared this feedback 40 days ago
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Most of us would agree that SE1 (Space Engineers 1) rovers are impractical but very cool and awesome to build. The terrain wasn't made for them. And we only had 1 actual type (yes various sizes, 2 grid sizes and 2 different looks from Wasteland DLC). But other than that they were pretty plain.

And when we get Vertical Slice 2 (Planets and Survival update) we will probably get rovers as well...

So we need to get this to Keen As soon as possible.

I believe that there would need to be an absolute overhaul of the wheels in SE2:

Before we start: I refer to block sizes as large (2.5m), medium (0.5m) and small/decor (0.25m).

  1. Grid sizes of Suspension
  • There should be at least 2 variant of suspension for Large(2.5m) and medium(0.5m) grid sizes
  • For example 1x1 block size and a 2x2 block (for medium grid 2x2 would be 1mx1m size), maybe even a 3x3

2. Different types of suspensions

  • So not only that there should be various grid sizes for a unified grid. But different types, some for rovers, some for offroad vehicles, Aircraft/Spaceship suspension and some for like "asphalt roads" (armour block roads)(unless they add concrete blocks (that would be cool))
  • Some would be stiff, sporty, having a good height clearance, small payload and large payload suspension.

3. Various tyres

  • I believe if we put all of that in the g-menu we would search for a long time to find the right suspension and wheels. On that point, instead of having "Add wheel" button have a mini menu under wheels that shows different wheels/tyres we could pop on the suspension. Like we have on LCDs for us to choose what they display.
  • For example, normal road tyres, airless tyres, combat, offroad and exoplanet tyres to mount on and we could choose their size, traction, if they steer, give power etc.
  • To reduce G-menu search time we could even set if the suspension and tyres are on the left or the right side of the vehicle, right in the suspension tab (before we apply which tyres we chose)

4. Ability to have different vehicle types

  • Tanks, please Keen give us Tank tracks
  • Trains, train wheels and tracks would be amazing.

I hope they re-do the wheels in this game even if not as I said it.

You are welcome to criticize, comment, or recommend what could they change. But let's at least get their attention that we want change :)

Also, these wheels look amazing and there is a little robot so small ddd0f7753886341e887af66fe6e2c271 I want to build something like that :)

Note: Pictures were taken from official concept art from Keen in the Pioneer edition DLC in this video from Zer0's Legion; Video:

Example of Aircraft/S suspension


Replies (3)


I also want to see cononical train wheels for use in all sorts of rail related contraptions. Not just trains, but cranes, garage doors, or the like


That would be awesome, yeah

Would really love to see some sort of rails


In every sandbox ship construction game I've played, eventually people want trains.


I also want to see better support for custom suspensions like the ones on Quantum Chief videos, currently they are only viable if you use a script to control them, it would be nice that vanilla SE would offer some support for wheels on subgrids like adding a "Wheel Controller" block to the subgrid that can be piloted from a cockpit.


An example of custom suspensions:

Subgrid Wheel Control Script:


Subgrid script really changed my perspective on building rovers I really love making custom suspension it is so tedious and time consuming but satisfying.

Would really love to have diffrent tyres for diffrent terrain and like airless tyres that could not get puncured or destroyed by small arms armament


Here here


Great ideas here. Especially interesting considering the voxel material qualities they've been talking about. Specifically how the voxels will deform differently based on the material. So maybe the voxel types could also have performance impacts on wheel performance. For instance, hard tyres would get stuck in sand but large soft tyres wouldn't, that sort of thing.


Uu yes that would actually be a great addition, would love to see that yes.

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