Mass Based Speed Limits

Wes Nero shared this feedback 44 days ago
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Concept: Implement a speed limit range based on overall mass of ships.

Example: A ship with a mass of 10 Million Kg cannot physically exceed a speed of (X)

... As well, more thrusters does not mean that the speed ceiling can be breached.

Reasoning: To facilitate a better ship classification system (similar to Link:

To me I find it ridiculous that several blueprints call themselves this or that type of ship when in reality it is far much more different. Like calling something with more mass than a continent a corvette class.

Anyways, just a thought I had rolling around my big empty head...

Best Answer

Perhaps a better system would be to expand the options for modding so that server admins could add their own unique ship classes with various restrictions/benefits.

I have made a suggestion of this idea here:

Replies (7)




Doesn't really make sense. ACCELERATION changes based on mass, but not VELOCITY.


While I can appreciate the desire to replicate your favorite scenes from science fiction, I'm not sure that this would be a good change for the default game, which (imho) is more focuses on being a realistic physics-based simulator.

Large ships (high mass) already have the disadvantage of requiring significantly more thrusters in order to achieve acceleration comparable to much smaller ships. Additionally, larger ships have the added disadvantage of being much more expensive than smaller ships, and thus are more likely to include heavy armor, requiring even more thrusters to keep up with their smaller/lighter/cheaper brethren.

In a perfect world, devoid of limitations, there would be no need for a speed limit at all, and the acceleration difference between small and large ships would always be relevant. Unfortunately, the real-world limitation of computing power makes calculating the effects of high-speed collisions exponentially more complicated as the speed increases, and thus Keen has implemented a hard speed limit for performance reasons.

While I'm not opposed to this idea as a moddable option (a mass based max-speed tier list), I don't think it should be included as a default. SE1 had the "advantage" of the small vs large grid distinction for existing speed-variant mods to utilize, but with the new universal grid, Keen would have to include a specialized configuration system specifically to group ships by mass and limit their speed. I'm not sure how high a priority that should be (at least relative to all the other things currently on the Road Map).


There were some modded servers that did this in SE1, like the Expanse server. But for these the speed limit was like 3,000 m/s rather than 300. 300 m/s is still really slow if you've done much playing on modded servers and I have no interest in seeing this go down. And as another user stated it doesn't make sense as acceleration would be impacted by mass, not max velocity.


Perhaps a better system would be to expand the options for modding so that server admins could add their own unique ship classes with various restrictions/benefits.

I have made a suggestion of this idea here:


I think the trending consensus here is it would better be served as a niche mod.

I had thought of the mass / velocity difference. Slap an ion engine on the moon IRL and eventually you will start thrusting in a direction.

I suppose in a Star Wars esque sci fi role, there is plot related measurements to account for as well as inertial compensators [which explain a lot about anti grav capabilities{space magic}]


Hard pass as stuff like this stinks of wanting to punish people for not building and playing "correctly". Even if you may not intend it to come off that way, that's how it comes off to me. What individual servers do is their own business, but something like this is an automatic heck no from me.

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