Please remove the 60FPS physics engine Lock

GT500 shared this feedback 46 days ago

Hi There,

In SE1 we are aware the where a 60FPS lock on the physics engine and that is fine now that that game is a decade old.

With the new effort with your new VRAGE 3 engine can you consider not having this same limitation in SE2 now that we have a chance at a clean slate.

Even with vsync disabled and with a RTX 4090 running 200 FPS the game still has a lot of latency as if SE2 game engine is capped at 60 as the SE1 engine was.

If this is the case, can your team look into addressing this early on so we are not stuck with this limitation into the future.

A decoupling of the physics and rendering or a higher cap would be appreciated

Replies (12)


I totally agree with this statement and upvoted it :)


Its 2025 come on, most of us are above 60hz monitors at this point. I expected a game that would actually use my hardware


Realistically I assume you may not be able to outright remove the physics engine cap, but can you considering bumping it up to 120+ UPS. This way if you code the new physics engine cap to 120 UPS, then at least the rendering engine will not have the latency of 60 losing responsiveness.


its gotta be possible to split the frame rendering from the physics right?

if not huge loss


Increasing the physics engine tick rate is unfeasible, as it would destroy server performance. 60 ticks/s is already quite high for a game with complex physics simulation. This is somewhat tricky to solve - the best approach would probably be to do something similar to Minecraft to at least try to address mouse input lag.


Yeah something should be done to somehow uncouple the UPS of the physics engine with the rendering system to remove the latency of lag along with repeating the same rendered frame when waiting for another UPS tick.

We are at the start of the journey of SE2 and now is the time to address this so that we are not stuck with it like we were with SE1.

I can only speak for myself on this next line, I do not mind the latency as much when flying ships around... but it is really bothersome with being a character trying to build and move around.


In SE2, this issue seems even worse, and it also appears that there's another problem with mouse tracking. When I move the mouse quickly, it seems like the camera gets stuck or hitches at times, moving less than it should.


They addressed this on stream. They are looking into it. Many players do not have this cap, try turning off VSync


This is whit VSync is off, the game runs 200+ FPS (no vsync on a RTX 4090) but the UPS physic feels like it is 60 as there is the latency due to the locked physics engine.

200 FPS is not much use if it feels like 60.


okay hold up lets get something straight I get 200fps in game but its being presented to me at 60 that make more sense?


@JustZac if you disable VSync in the game settings then you should not be capped at 60 FPS, but with the engine UPS still capped at 60 it will feel like you are running at 60 FPS latency.


Completely agree. This needs to get unlocked. It's not a nuber 1 priority but like come on, we are in 2025.


It is actually a bug with VSync, turning it off fixes the issue.

EDIT: I see what they mean now, other than the VSync issue. Not sure of that is a limit in Havok or in VRAGE.


I know the game is locked to 60 updates per second, but could the developers at least interpolate MOUSE and CAMERA movements like most other games do?

Take Minecraft for example: it only runs at 20 updates per second, but the camera motion is buttery smooth, even at frame rates above 1000 FPS. Without interpolation, allowing frame rates over 60 FPS in Space Engineers 2 seems pointless, as it just renders the same frame multiple times. This not only wastes GPU resources and power but also misses an opportunity to make the game feel smooth and responsive.

I love the improvements and the new graphics, and I really want to play and enjoy the game more, but this issue significantly detracts from the experience. I do believe that the game could have way more success just by fixing this, in 2025 every player wants to play way above 60fps!


indeed it does spend my first hour trying to fix it. Eventually found out it cant be fixed at least not with out frame generation


Check out Steam Software, "Lossless Scaling", be warned it does cost like $7 USD. Picked it up a few days ago, tried it out with Space Engineers 1 & 2 and see that it works. Even with the game arguably locked to 60 fps, I can enable Frame Gen, and get *Smooth* 120 FPS that feels like it. The software is kinda incredible for what it is, and didn't expect it to work as well as it does, but its a perfect bandaid fix for 2, and it works B-E-A-Utifully for the first. Godspeed and goodluck.

*Edit: Forgot to mention, input lag is Honestly negligible insofar as I don't notice it, and I am particularly sensitive to feeling hitches, or delays. Not to say it doesn't add ANY, but it really is a very small amount.


This is actually a bug with VSync and is not a intentional feature. If you disable VSync, you will no longer be stuck at 60 FPS.

EDIT: I see what they mean now, other than the VSync issue. Not sure of that is a limit in Havok or in VRAGE.


Made an account just to say I agree that the whole, I have more than 60 fps but it always feels like 60 fps needs to go. I have a nice chunk of time invested in the first one when they changed it then, and I stopped playing. I will refund this one unfortunately, which really sucks since I've had some real blasts in the original, and had plans for this one, but sucks when I can't personally get past the cap. I haven't been locked to 60 fps in over a decade, and I don't plan on going back now.


This is genuinely the most pressing issue for me. The game feels unpleasant to play due to the significant amount input lag and judder.


DEVS, I hope the issue posted here is not confused with the bug where vsync enabled in game was capping the FPS to 60 (and is not capped when VSync is not on).

It is the deeper issue with the 60 UPS cap causing latency even with VSync off and you are showing 200 FPS but feels like 60 due to some kind of coupling with the UPS.

I just wanted to comment as it is great to see this is marked as 'In Progress' but hope it was not thought to be just fixing how the VSync setting works :)


Its strange that this is a problem for nvidia based cards. I'm running at around 100fps on extreme settings with a 6900 xt and I haven't notice much latency. even with my overlay it's only reading at 11ms of latency and that's not much at all. It might have more to do with dlss than with VSync.


Hi James,

Press F11 and look at the frame counter. If you run look at the frame number and set a stopwatch for 60 seconds I will expect that number to increase by +3600 (60 new frames per second * 60 seconds)

So you are getting in Space Engineers 2 (the same issue was in Space Engineers 1) is only 60 new Frames per second, and some of them are actually the same frame generated twice at 100 fps.

Normally you want 100 unique frames for fluidity that are not repeating the same frame when moving. So in SE 2 it will have the same latency at 60 and 100 FPS where 99% of the games out there you will have much smoother and lower latency when the game is rendering 100 vs 60 FPS

If you lock the game to 60 FPS and pan your camera quickly you will see the jerkiness in the frames, unlock it to your 100FPS and you will have a similar feeling game at 100FPS when you really should have a much smoother experience.


Fellow Radeon user, the game feel terrible at 200fps on my 7900xtx. This isnt a NVIDIA only thing


after testing all 3 settings for vsync i got just over 60fps on each one. so it is possible its locked to 60fps, but it might not be counting FRS based frames and if that's the case it likely isn't counting from from DLSS either. because running side by side with the AMD adrenaline i am still getting around 90-100fps on average.

if it is locked then I suspect that is so its easier to test performance. I know they stated the are targeting 60fps on the red ship using recommended hardware.


Im not fan to removing the fps limiter, refresh and FPS are rwo different things.

Im happy with 60 FPS for stabile game play


Hi Maurice,

That might be fine for you, but not for other players who want a smoother experience. Plus, if someone prefers a 60 FPS cap, they can just enable V-Sync or an FPS limiter themselves.

Refresh rate and FPS are two different things—just because the game updates at 60Hz doesn’t mean it has to feel sluggish. Proper interpolation would make higher frame rates actually useful instead of just wasting GPU power rendering duplicate frames.


tldr; frame interpolation

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