Inventory Management

Edward Tuholske shared this feedback 57 days ago
Under Consideration

We need an inventory management system built into the game. (i.e. Isy's Inventory management system, but better)

We need to be able to:

Set the amount of each item we want on hand and have the assembler(s) auto build them if we have the resources.

Set an overage amount so anything over a set % is disassembled. We have 1000 with an overage of 10% so everything over 1100 is disassembled.

be able to set an item wanted quantity to 0 so that any of them in a container are auto disassembled. (such as the basic tools once you have better. I am tired of flying outside my base to drop tools on the ground and stopped disassembling them long ago)

Have the refineries know what ingots are needed and switch to what is needed, not to just go by what is first in the stack of ores.

Icons should be in color to assist in quickly telling them apart.

We should be able to set what each cargo container should hold, have check boxes for Components, Ingot/Ore, ammo, tools, etc. so that we can manage where things go without having to move EVERYTHING BY HAND ALL OF THE TIME. This would let you dump a driller or Grinder ship inventory without having to move it to the correct cargo container.

Be able to set an inventory for a ship that is filled or emptied every time. i.e. a specific ammount of ammo into a cargo container, extra parachutes, or empty all ore (but not the ice out of my O2/HY generators)

Replies (9)


Isys Inventory is a must on every game I start. An in built version would be amazing. Perhaps tie it to a logistics computer block that takes a bit to get up and running.


i like your idee of a L.C.B and have to build 1 per grid and have to build upgrade's on to it (like refinery and assemblers have in se1) or have to build more L.C.B.'s and gif them a pacific task...... in order to make things move faster. if it das not become part of the game it self i could work as i mod i think.


Yep Isys Inventory is a basic mod in every game.

Also, assembler production quota, Whiplash radar, rotating skybox, MES, Weaponcore ... and several others that should be in the core of the game.

Oh almost forgot: camera livefeed display on LCD... (plugin on SE1, would be cool on SE2)


Isy's is great, i use it also in nearly every save, but it re-scans the grid too often, which is a massive waste of cpu every tick. Think of it: how often does a grid change vs how often iim runs? Maybe what we need is a 'grid changed' time & date stamp, so scripts can check and compare to when they last rescanned the grid.


I would be very happy if refineries and assemblers would stop storing their products in connectors, rather than cargo containers.

In SE1 i get all my connectors filled first, even if there are tens of large cargo containers free.


YES all of the yes. This would make it alot easier to restock and reload on various ships. Just park, tell it which load to apply to the ship and roll.


And it is exactly that "alot easier" that directly let me think about it. Managing your inventory can be also a part of the game. Automating too much can also quickly come at the expense of the fun of the game, because then you lose another aspect that you have to deal with from time to time. Some players may have fun and lean back and watch how the game play itself, I'm not so much an fan of that.

That didn't mean that I'm against it, but it need to be handled very careful to find the right balance.


A few ideas for Inventory management:

Inventory Management System

  • Refinery,

Order of operations, Ore Priority

Productivity profile, Yield, Power, Speed,

Emissive Indicator (The ore currently processing)

Emissive Indicator (Power consumption)

Emissive Indicator (Rate of production, per ore)

Push to assigned cargo containers (option)

Storage assignment/allocation (blacklist/whitelist)

  • Assembler,

Order of operations, (Parts Priority List sort function)

Productivity profile, Yield, Power, Speed,

Production Quota (List function)

Blueprint production, (Missing Parts Indicator, Ore required)

Push to assigned cargo containers (option)

Storage assignment/allocation (blacklist/whitelist)

  • Cargo,

Storage assignment/allocation (blacklist/whitelist)

Ore, Ingot, Parts, etc.

Emissive Fill Indicator

  • Gas refinery,

H2, O2, upgrade modules

  • Sorters,

Multi-directional ports sorting,

Straight, T-shape, Cross,

  • Drill

Push to assigned cargo containers (Option)

  • Grinder

Push to assigned cargo containers (Option)

  • Welder

Pull from assigned cargo containers (Option)


I defo use isy! however i think to build it into the game i think it needs to only work as an upgrade module. It would give the player something to work towards. gives the player a decision like " Speed Module" or " management Module" providing they go with that concept in SE2


I agree. It should be a specialized block that provides the functionality, or a module added to another block. Almost think we need a mainframe block that once placed allows modules to be placed adding features to your grid. Another idea I might need to flesh out and recommend.


Honestly Isy's Inventory Manager is almost perfect in what it does. If the setup process was simpler because it was natively implemented in the game it would be literally perfect.


ISY's got one aspect that bothers me: it rescans the grid too much, looking for new components. This is a very costly step. Isy's runs every 10 ticks and during that run it scans every block on every attached grid, including the ones connected *through* connected grids, and then every item in every cargo block it finds. Even if a human is changing the grid a lot, compared to the update frequency just how often is the grid actually changing? Imo, it'd be better if we had to issue a 'rebuild' or 'rescan' command when the grid has actually changed. Also, some defaults ought to be different. Currently, it defaults to auto-renaming cargos, which it will do to grids you connect to. So if you forget and dock to your faction-mate's grid suddenly stuff is being shifted all over, things renamed, cats and dogs living together, mass hysteria.


Isy's is a product of the way mods function with the game engine, it is by no means a perfect solution but the base functionality is what we are looking for. An inbuilt inventory system would/should be implemented in a way that is less overhead-intensive while being more flexible.


No like from me. I'm for a better system, yes, but that goes way to far for me and removes a aspect of the game because it automates too much.


Why not have the ability to display inventory by subgrid? This would involve adding up all the elements of each real inventory of these.


It's all pretty easy to do with a programmable block. Assembling/disassembling/disposing/moving items - all of the above. Plus visualization of the process and statistics on the screens.

Even automatically launch a self-completing driller to replenish resources derived from stone.


I would like a sort by tab on the inventory view so that containers could show the items inside sorted in the follow ways:

Sort by



Type : Ores, ingots, components, tools

Name : a-z

Note : This only changes the way that you would view the items in the container.

I am not sure if a view by priority is needed as well, for ore processing.

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