Small Grid Wheeled Vehicle Bad physics behavior

K Oakes shared this bug 4 years ago

I'm still trying to isolate this one for you guys, but I think it has to do with the hydrogen engine on a small grid wheeled vehicle but it could be related to the parts combo I'm using.....

Issue: Basically the vehicle launches in the air randomly and then lands, usually crashing and exploding. The hydrogen engine is on fire at that point.

How it has happened: It has happened to me 3x, which is frustrating because I'm on survival and have to rebuild. First, I build a landing gear, activate it, and start building the vehicle frame. Next, I'll attach 4, 3x3 wheels, two left on the left side, 2 right on the right side. After that, I put in a battery, flesh out the framework, put a command chair, a conveyor block, and a piston facing up like a forklift on it. Then I attach conveyor blocks in a shape and put a drill on them because it's a simple forklift type machine that drills rock. I'll put a conveyer line in from where the piston is attached to the vehicle to a large container. Then I saw off the landing gear so that the wheels are on the ground. At this point the vehicle drives just fine and I can run the drill and the piston no issues, so I don't think the bug happens here.

Next, I put a hydrogen engine on the vehicle and things start to get wonky. The first time it happened I think I bumped it and it did a rapid frontflip and took out some of my base---I don't have notes at this point because it was the first time it happened. The second time it happened I was able to weld an H2O2 generator before it suddenly blew up and flipped on its side. The third time, I got an h2o2 generator on it and a small hydrogen tank before it blew up.

--Guys, I know that working with Hydrogen can be dangerous, but I never imagined it would be this dangerous! --Kidding!

I'll try to build my vehicle one more time and if it happens again I'll have some better info...

Replies (2)



it is hard to say what exactly is happening just from the description. Could you please upload a video and blueprint of the vehicle so I can see what's happening and try to reproduce it myself?

According to the description, I would guess there is a collision of the hydrogen engine with a subgrid on the piston, which causes the problem, but to be sure, I would really need to see it.

Thank you.

Kind Regards

Keen Software House: QA Department


After further investigation I believe you are correct: it is related to a collision between the grid on the piston head and the piston body.

I will attempt to get a video or two. Oddly this has only happened for me on grids where there is a hydrogen engine present. Something similar will occur on any wheeled grid with a piston and drill, but that appears to be more predictable--these may be two separate issues is what I'm saying. The piston-drill issue is related to the weight change that occurs whilr the drill picks up stone causing the piston head to tip. Putting the vehicle on park break and then shutting off the engine will prevent the bad physics from taking over.

The hydrogen engine issue happens (as far as I am aware) without any weight gain, merely from having the engine on


Here are 2 videos of what I am calling the piston-drill issue. You can see at the start of the first video I'm barely moving at all, then it does an uncontrolled spin. At the end of the clip I have the park break on and I'm just raising and lowering the drills. There is nothing in the drill or large container at this point, though I do have ice in the H2O2 generator.

In the second video,, same rig just repaired the drills. picked up some ore then started drilling more I then took the break off and immediately lost control--I didn't back up on purpose, it just did that.

Video 1:

Video 2:

Edit: I'm not sure how to upload the blueprint but would some screenshots of the side top and bottom work?


I've played around with it a bit and determined it is a collision between the conveyor block and the industrial cockpit.

I would say you could close this, but that's up to you. Personally, I think if there are going to be collisions like this, the physics behavior should override and force some spark animations and possibly disable function of the rest of the pistons, but I can also see how the physics engine thinks that it is generating momentum in all sorts of direction when the blocks snag on one another.



I was able to reproduce the issue according to one of your videos.

This issue used to have almost all square blocks and we are continuously updating their physical shapes to reduce this behavior. I created a ticket specifically for this block and it should be eventually fixed.

I actually thought I already answered in this thread after your last answer, so thank you for refreshing the thread again. :)

We will update the thread once we have more information.

Kind Regards

Keen Software House: QA Departmentf

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