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PCU limit

jack ladwig shared this feedback 4 years ago

I know there alot of peaple saying this but give us the option for unlimited pcu and let us deal with the consequences.

Replies (6)


We will consider this feature. Keep voting.

Thank you for your feedback!


Its not possible as the xbox can only support a few amounts a pcu


It is possible have you ever seen how massive environments can get in Age Of Conan I have played on massive servers on the Xbox and people have entire kingdoms built


It isnt possible🤦‍♀ as you would need a high end graphics card to handle that or even a hard drive


Conan's walls aren't lined with conveyor systems managing massive inventories. You cant adjust the max pressure of a giant spider's legs. SE is a completely different beast than most online survival games. A lot of PCs struggle to handle larger worlds. What it needs is to truly be online - with dedicated servers. PCU problem solved AND way more fun. Win win.

I have a scorpio running on experimental mode and it gets jittery when I'm running drills with over 30k PCU unused. Removing the limit itself doesn't fix the real issue.


To be more specific to help you understand.

When building a ship, you can only have a maximum ship size of 50k blocks... this is too low since you doubled the PCU.

So if its possible ( it has to, since I can take 2 50k ships and merge them together ) I'm just stating it to be doubled as well as that is what I was told to do on the beta discord


Hi guys,

Unlimited PCU support was released in the recent 197 update using Dedicated Servers.

Also, our Beta program have open PCU limit in experimental mode.

We hope you enjoy it!

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