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Drill Sound Issue (Xbox 1.194.053Retail)

BushKillFalls shared this bug 4 years ago

I saw other Similar issues posted for PC over 5-12 months ago but in the latest Xbox Beta version (Xbox 1.194.053Retail) the Drill Looping Sound, and Location Specific sound spikes are happening similar to what had been described before. All that has to be done in Star System map Specifically is start a world, land with the drop pod, and start drilling down for a bit before stopping. The sound will keep looping sometimes. It will spike randomly according to location with some areas being louder, and some being quieter.

The temp fix seems to be entering a menu, or inventory or other tool, and the new sound file seems to override the looping sound so it can go back to normal. It doesn't seem to stop all the time on it's own if you just let it keep looping.

Update: My system is a Xbox One X

Replies (3)


More testing seems to be you have to enter a device like a survival kit inventory to force it to stop and moving the left stick to move in any direction increases the sound while pushed.


We are working on it. :)

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