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Cannot create block groups in vehicles

Alex Hicks shared this bug 4 years ago
Not a Bug

(xbox one beta) It does not seem possible to create a block group of more than one as the select button cannot be held. So each time I have tried to create a block group it results in a single block being selected and saved

Replies (1)


Hold LB then moving up and down with directional buttons, not sticks, to highlight in white. then move cursor over to far right window, rename group, and select "save" button below. I forgot to select save once or twice and it only saved the single selection. I have been able to create groups i.e. wheels, lights, etc. without any problem.


Interesting... Thanks man but it seems like holding A button would be a better option than that. Because none of that was in the HUD or the help instructions as far as I could tell


Thanks a lot!


This could use a tool help in the game interface so folk understand how to do this. There are a lot of controls in this game and Keen did a great job of mapping them all to the controller, but there is a lot of controls that are note terribly intuitive that would benefit from some info on screen to help. Maybe even make this a setting the user could disable after learning all the console button combinations.

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