possible hacker and bugs

Mr Mattatude shared this bug 2 months ago

hi there, just letting you know. i did a repair contract, ws figureing out why i couldnt finish welding it up, hand welded it up and it didnt let me finsih welding. i then reset the game thinking oh i might of been desynced. i log back on and still same thing, even rebooted my router and still, same thing. i then claimed the grid and it let me welfd the rest of it up to finsh the repair contract. also witht he same thing with acqusition contracts, i had my miner ship with made that i hand welded up which was in my name. went to doa contract to sell gravity components. i couldnt finish the contract because it didnt let me see the carge that i had and only the character inventory, yes again i had my own ship i made my self by hand. still wouldn't let me finish the acqusition contract.

possible hacker

there has been a guy on Eos us server 11 who we 100% thnk is a hacker when hes on, maybe using a different secret account, dont know. but hes been harrassing a peaceful server. i n any case, when my friend said her power flickered on and off, with loads of uranium in her reactor and one ship docked, i came on and inspected everythng to make sure her grids werent hacked or anything out of the ordinary. her safezone was up and had plenty of zonechips as i sold her some with her store block she had which is safe and secure.

i've also heard a notification sound in my game form time to time, i look around if its a unidentified signal which was the same oen, also checked alliances and meassges, nothing.

i think the game is bugged and needs to be looked at for possible coding errors and such. as for this hacker that also advertised his youtube chnnel in chat, greifing other players in their hydrogen tanks being empty then full, deleteing ships when powered and just be annoying, needs to end and get fixed.

i enjoy this game, always have. i just want something done with trolls/hackers/ greifers. i even bought alll dlcs when they came out to enjoy the fun of different blocks/ colors and such to enjoy the game even further.

hope this helps with something


Mr mattaude on eos us Server 11, Faction: The Fallen Angels

Replies (1)


Hello Engineer!

We're sorry to hear you're experiencing issues.

We're aware of the issue with contracts and we will add your report to our internal system.

Regarding the griefing player, please contact server administrators. Official Keen Software House servers are hosted by Keen and maintained by community members. These volunteers provide day-to-day support to our community.

If you have encountered an issue on an official Space Engineers server, please take the following steps:

~Please contact a server Administrator on your server.

~Join our official Discord server https://discord.gg/keenswh

~Contact a server Administrator in the #Help-for-official-servers Discord channel

Kind Regards

Keen Software House

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