Holo LCD has inverted artificial horizon app display when bottom mounted and rotated 180 degrees.

Spencil Splodge shared this bug 3 months ago

As the title suggests, when using a Holo LCD with the standard artificial horizon app and mounting it on its bottom rather than hanging it from a top, then when you rotate the display 180 degrees to compensate for it being "upside down", although the text and numbers display correctly, the horizon "ladder" is inverted and moves the opposite way to what it should, as does the velocity vector indicator even though it's pointing the same direction as the grid. If it's mounted on a ceiling/top without display rotation, it works fine.

Replies (2)


Hello, Engineer.

Thank you for reaching our forum with this issue.

We've successfully reproduced this issue. We have added your report to our internal ticket for it.

We will update this thread when we have more information.

Kind Regards

Keen Software House

QA Department


Thank you for the swift response 😊 I look forward to any updates!

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