Xbox cant connect online server one again

Kamil Jagoda shared this bug 53 days ago
Not a Bug

Once again it is impossible to connect to the official servers, a month ago there was a downtime of over a week, now another one for four days. On discord, people defend the company and talk about the volunteers who maintain the game and patch bugs. If this is true, what does Keen get paid for? In a normal company, whatever problems arise, they are solved within 24 hours, here it is a mockery of the community and others. Shame

Replies (3)


Hello Engineer,

We've been informed that currently there are some issues with joining official servers. We're investigating it with our partners that provide official server hosting. We will update this ticket when we have more information.

Official Keen Software House servers are hosted by Keen and maintained by community members. These volunteers provide day-to-day support to our community.

If you have encountered an issue on an official Space Engineers server, please take the following steps:

~Please contact a server Administrator on your server.

~Join our official Discord server

~Contact a server Administrator in the #Help-for-official-servers Discord channel

Kind regards,

Keen Software House: QA Department


Hello Engineer,

We've been informed by players that the issue was resolved after one of the server restarts. Could you please check if this is true on your side?

Kind regards,

Keen Software House: QA Department


Hello, Engineer.

As there's been no response to this ticket, we will close it. If you're still experiencing it, please create a new ticket.

Kind Regards

Keen Software House: QA Department

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