Server is laggy and choppy after the last update

Robert Libhart shared this bug 10 months ago

Can't move without lag

Replies (6)


Hello, Engineer!

Could you please let us know more about the server you're playing on? Is it one of the official servers? A custom community server? Or are you running it yourself, and if yes, is it via the Dedicated Server Manager or a third-party hosting solution?

Are there any mods on the server? How many players are present? What's your ping to the server?

Kind Regards

Keen Software House


I sent 2 attachments. I hope that helps


Hello, Engineer!

We can see a number of mods be present on the server. Unfortunately we don't normally offer any support for mods, as they're developed by the community.

We can tell you however that there are some fixes planned for future hotfixes that should address some of the mod issues.

Let's wait for the hotfix and check if the issue is still present for you. Unfortunately if it remains present, we'd need you to check if it's present on an unmodded server with the same settings.

We will leave this ticket as Need More Info, please let us know about the issue after the hotfix.

Kind Regards

Keen Software House


Why am I getting this message in Xbox? I want to make sure before doing a reinstall


Hello, Engineer.

We are aware of this issue, it is caused by Xbox update not being out yet. We're working hard with Microsoft to release it as soon as possible. We will update this ticket when the update is available on Xbox

Kind Regards

Keen Software House


Hello, Engineer.

We're happy to let you know that the latest hotfix is out, please update your game.

Kind Regards

Keen Software House

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