[Xbox Series S] Frezzes every 5-10 sec

gybyaby1023 shared this bug 11 months ago
Won't Fix

For the past 2 years, my game has frezzed every 5-10 seconds (approximately).

It started after the Warfare 2 dlc (or maybe a bit before), I only started playing again after the Warfare 2 dlc, because I got my Xbox Series S at that time. I've reformatted my console several times, I've deleted my Xbox cloud saves, I've tried on a new Xbox.... account nothing works!

I had the game on Xbox One and never had this problem, never, despite the Xbox One hardware it worked perfectly well! Now I have the Xbox Series S and I have this problem? There's probably an update involved.

It's not the Warfare2 dlc that's the problem, because I have a video that proves this problem exists (it's recorded without a dlc) !

I also sent a report (via the game's help menu), I sent my email address. Where can I give the video (safe) please ?

Report date 2:07 Friday 03/29/2024

Replies (5)



A quick note : yesterday in the report I gave the wrong email address, so I made a second one 2 minutes later, but the time and date are correct.

Tell me where I can send my good email address and my video, securely, as a private message ?


Hello, Engineer!

Sorry to hear you're experiencing issues.

Could you please tell us if the issue is present in Single Player or Multiplayer? Are freezes present in the main menu? Are you using any mods?

Kind Regards

Keen Software House



SOLO CAMPAING (no multiplayer)

HOME SYSTEM (but the game still freezes, even in a completely empty world)

NO MOD (I play without)

My savegame is new (deleted from Xbox live cloud)

The game's menu is fine (maybe some slowdowns?). Without an FPS meter I can't tell)

I wonder if the sun or the light is responsible.. it's just a guess I'm not sure.

I've got a video if you want ? I'm going to make another report now in the game, with the right email address, and make two more videos.

Where can I send you the videos, please? Privately, because there's my Gamertag on the videos...


Hello Engineer,

Could you please trying to reinstall the game? It's not necessary to provide a video at this moment.

Kind regards,

Keen Software House: QA Department


The game has been reinstalled 10 times, the last time being 1 week ago..

Saves deleted, game reinstalled, offline and online save, everything done...

IMPORTANT ; I can confirm the game freezes every 10 secondes, like in game when I modify my character via the game MENU (main menu) ! Why ?


Yes, Frezze when I modify my character in main menu. Not just the world but the game i think..


Hello Engineer,

Could you please tell us if you're experiencing any freezes in any other games?

Kind regards,

Keen Software House: QA Department


I have 20 games installed and none of them do this... I have Ark you know I think, the console platform is the worst before PC and yet Ark Ascended and it works fine (with some problems, but that's general, and they don't bother). I've also got Fallout 76, and today it's running very well, with a fps boost.... So why is Space Engineers doing this? I'm sure it works, it's fluid when that frezze doesn't appear, if there wasn't that unbearable mini frezze it would be super fluid!!!

I had Space engineers on Xbox one and it worked very well (despite the Xbox one hardware).

I feel that something in the game is spinning in the background, it's not the sun or the light, because it frezzes even in the game menu (I don't easily perceive the frezze in the menu, even though I'm convinced it does so in the cinematic, you have to go to the character menu to perceive the frezze).....

So the world has no impact, because it's also in the menu.

Translated with DeepL.com (free version)


Oh sorry, Hello to you !! :-D


Hello Engineer,

Let's try do the following steps to reinstall the game:

  • In the Dashboard select the game, press Options and select Manage Game and Add-ons
  • Select Saved Data
  • Select your username
  • Select Delete Everywhere
  • Then press Delete All
  • In the Manage Space Engineers screen select Game installed on Internal Storage
  • Select the game and all addons
  • Press Save Changes
  • Reboot the console
  • Install the game without addons
  • Launch the game and observe if there's freeze in the Main Menu or any Custom Game
  • If not, proceed with installing addons

Kind regards,

Keen Software House: QA Department



I did exactly as described, without dlc, delete everywhere.. It's always the same !


Hello Engineer,

Let's get that video. Please upload it to Google Drive and share a link in this thread.

Kind regards,

Keen Software House: QA Department



For some reason the frezze has become less important in custom mode (but it'll come back stronger, as it's already done that after a reinstall). I had to go to Triton's scenario, because it's more noticeable. But it's exactly this unbearable frezze I'm talking about that's got me all over single-player, multiplayer and menu!

So I made two videos to be sure.




Hello Engineer,

Thank you for the video, we have successfully received it. May we ask you record one more video, but this time first attach a keyboard to the console and press Shift+F11? It would help us greatly.

Kind regards,

Keen Software House: QA Department



So, I'm no expert, but I know that 60 FPS is very good. Here, I have almost no FPS loss, but I have this problem.. argghhh

For the other figures.. I'll leave it to you, because I don't understand, ha ha !!



If you need another video, I can do it again..


Hello, I'm the author, I lost my google password after reformatting my phone. So I'm reposting the video on a new account !

New upload video ;



Hello, I've received your request on Drive, I hope I've authorized it correctly..


Hello Engineer,

Thank you for the new video, we have successfully received it. We will get back to you after investigating the provided information.

Kind regards,

Keen Software House: QA Department


Hello Engineer,

We have reviewed the videos you've sent. Unfortunately we haven't observed any issues in any of the videos. Simulation speed and FPS remains consistent in the last video you've sent as well.

Could you please provide a video with the visible issue with statistics enabled?

Kind regards,

Keen Software House: QA Department


This is the Xbox capture video, I can't do better than that..

Statistics enabled ? Can you explain to me what these statistics are, please ?


It is more visible on the xbox live, but when I copy it from the console to the usb key it is less visible.. I can't do anything unfortunately.

It's not my television, I'm sure.


Hello Engineer,

Statistics are the overlay you enabled by Shift+F11. We're primarily interested in Sim Speed specifically. If that statistic remains around 1, there are no performance issues on the side of the game. You could be experiencing issues with hardware output like television or input like gamepad, however. Have you tried a different tv/monitor or gamepad?

Kind regards,

Keen Software House: QA Department


If it were television it wouldn't appear in the recording..

As for the gamepad, it's already done.

I don't think this problem can be corrected, unfortunatly.

Have a good day


Hello, Engineer!

Unfortunately it does indeed look like we cannot do anything for this issue. We are sorry that you had a negative experience.

We will close this ticket. Please feel free to create new tickets for any issues you encounter, we'll be happy to address them.

Kind Regards

Keen Software House

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