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Crossplay Players reporting missing Blueprints after Update 1.203.6

Nezrec Earthsong shared this bug 14 months ago

Dear Keen

MODS is an old server hailing from the mining wars days and have been on SE since crossplay dropped and love your game just as much as you all do! It shows in your intro that we all hum as we watch your team build your own logo. A lot of love and effort was put into SE!

We have been with you through every bump, every season ending patch, and everything in-between.

10 + Players from MODS Official Crossplay server are reporting missing blueprints after the marketplace update. Many in the community have held off on even updating the game,

as of the time of this post It seems to only be affecting PC and XBL players as PSN players have reported no issues. Server owner is on PC, XBL, and PSN and has had no loss of data but is concerned for the time, ships, and memories they carry & is powerless to help them as the server itself should not be the issue as it also uses blueprints that are still in use.

The irony is your gift with the message in the update was very well received but this bug effects the older players the hardest.

One of which being a builder whose designs are highly used on across multiple platforms and servers.

We will have the affected players add to the post.

Keep up the good work and ty for 11 years of hard work and is letting MODS enjoy her 8th birthday this year because of yer awesome game!

o7 Keen


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Replies (1)


Hello, Engineers,

As the first step please make sure that Enable Cloud setting is set in Options/Game. It is possible that the update had affected it, if it's disabled, please re-enable it and check if blueprints are present.

Thank you for your patience.

Kind regards,

Keen Software House: QA Department


I had the community Toggle their sync options and it brought their old BP's back. Some lost them for a long period of time but after about 7-14 days they returned. I myself left my old Xbox offline As there are BP's I cannot lose on that machine as the person who made them is not with us anymore.

I'd like to bring it to yer collative attention that this ONLY effected PC and XBL users. PSN players had no issues with BP's during or after this event. We have a strong population of PSN players as we have optimized the games settings to let them play along side the XBL and PC players w/o the loss of frames they see in other servers.

The Hotfix patches after this have done some hard setting changes to our (and our Clients) Sandbox files too.... So a heads up via any of yer discord announcement channels, that a hot-patch will default yer main sandbox file, would be much appreciated.


Hello, Engineers,

Thank you for letting us know.

We will pass your feedback to the release team.

Thank you for your patience.

Kind regards,

Keen Software House: QA Department

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