Armour block collision issue

Darren W. Pearce (Dwolfyone) shared this bug 15 months ago

Hey there, so I was able to make a sliding door (as of Sparks of the Future) without too many issues, in fact I did a video on the Dwolfyone channel for it (here: but I've noticed of late there's been a change in the way collision appears to work when you're building.

Now I'm not sure if I got a fluke with the piston driven door system, where I could build around the piston to fully enclose it, and the door gap. But at the moment, it doesn't seem as easy as before and the piston creates some odd gaps here and there.

I've linked two more videos to illustrate what I mean done with the latest version of the game.

Video 1: placing a block directly onto the piston head used to be possible, it would ignore the collision with the blocks below or around it as of Sparks.

Video 2: Making a sliding door rig (as the blue door) is a lot harder now, again, there seems to be some odd interactions with the piston and the surrounding blocks, as well as the sliding door itself from time to time.

It is still possible, but quite fiddly.

I'm wondering if it would be possible to alter the collision of blocks, around the piston, so that it's possible to fully enclose sliding door mechanisms like this without having to retract and extend the piston every time.


Replies (2)


Hello, Engineer!

We have managed to reproduce the issue you've described. It's been reported to our internal system. We will update the ticket when we have more information.

As a temporary solution, we can recommend attempting to rotate the piston along it's axis, we have observed those issues only on two sides of the four possible when testing the piston lying on a flat grid.

Kind Regards

Keen Software House: QA Department


Ah, that's great news. Looking forward to a resolution, and I'll be trying that fix too. Cheers!

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