Stone 01 texture purple

RearmostCord32 shared this bug 16 months ago

I'm on Xbox series X, and my Stone 01 Texture has been broken and purple for a little over two weeks, I have tried restarting my Xbox and reinstalling the game multiple times. So I'm stumped and asking for any kind of help to fix my problem.

Replies (3)



Thank you for contacting us. Since this is a bug report, I'm moving your ticket to our support page, where our QA team will take care of you.

Kind Regards

Keen Software House


Hello, Engineer!

We are aware of the issue and hope to resolve it in a future update. We will add your report to our internal ticket.

We will update this thread when we know more.

Kind Regards

Keen Software House: QA Department


Hello, Engineer,

happy to inform you that this problem is now fixed in v204.

Will close this thread now.

If you are experiencing any other problem with the game, please let us know by opening new thread here on the forum.

Happy Engineering!

Kind Regards

Keen Software House: QA Department

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