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Additional Action options on blocks. [Rotors/Hinges/Thrusters/Lights]

John Dawson shared this feedback 16 months ago
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With the release and slight updates/ additions to the Automaton update that gave us a small glimpse into some script less functionality of our builds, we are still lacking allot of options that would at least start to bridge the gap of Script to Vanilla programming.

My suggestion is to add some extra options within certain blocks that will improve functionality through programming and give some blocks like rotors and hinges even more uses within builds without the use of scripts.



1) Thrusters:

currently the number of actions you can make thrusters do is very limited but even with this limit to do something as simple as maxing the override you have to either manually drag the bar to full or setup 2 timer like blocks with all 9 pages increasing thrust override.

The suggestion for thrusters is to add:

  • [Max Thrust Override] = Which would instantly set the thruster to max override.
  • [Disable Thrust Override] = which would remove the override giving back thrust control.

into the actions panel therefor making slaving thrusters for sub grid thrusters through the Event controller and setting up missiles so much easier and ultimately reducing the needed timer like blocks to create such things.

another additional setting that would be nice would be:

  • [Set Thrust Override ?%] = this would bring up a separate prompt like when selecting a bar to set how much you want it to override.


(Image used as an example)

e.g. you set one timer to 25% that will increase the thruster to 25% override but then have an additional timer set to 75% which will allow variable speed through timers and will open up numerous options for speed as it can be set to different amounts.

2) Hinges/ Rotors:

Similar in some ways to the suggestion for the thrusters the addition options would be to open up more functionality to the Hinges and Rotor blocks by simply adding a single new action to them to accomplish this result.


  • [Set Rotor Angle ?°] = again like the thruster suggestion, bringing up a small window or prompt to set a degree to go too when selecting it in a select action or timer screen.


(Image used to show prompt that can be used to set the [Set Rotor Angle ?°] in this case it would be [Set Rotor Angle -90°] making the Hinge or Rotor head to that degree upon receiving a signal)

This would allow a rotor or hinge to be set to numerous angles more than the 2 set positive and negative angles. an example would be to have a turret return to a rest position when it no longer detects targets by setting it to 0° making the turret move back to this position even though the limits on the rotor are set to 360, this making something only possible via script or extensive timers possible with a single action.

3) Lights

Ive mentioned this during a live stream and only slightly in feedback but having the option of a secondary colour within all light type blocks with that secondary colour having its own individual settings like delay etc would also help to reduce unnecessary block counts by giving lights additional uses and reducing the number of lights in your build.

This alongside with these action options would greatly assist in vanilla programming:

  • [Switch Light Colour] = would switch between the 2 set colours within the light block
  • [Switch to Primary] = would switch to the primary or first set colour
  • [Switch to Secondary] = would switch to the secondary or second set colour

these options would allow for a reduction in light placement as it would allow you to have for example the primary be the interior default light then the secondary set up to be a locked, emergency, or battle stations type of light without needing a second light down that would be turned on when the default is turned off saving on PCU, Performance, and build space.

Key: [ ] = what could be a new function like the example below but maybe worded differently from the suggested titles.



Ultimately there are far better ways to make the programming in SE more enjoyable understandable and just simply more functional that ive suggested previously but with these suggestions that require little retooling to the system they could turn a fair bit of the vanilla programming from an unbearable annoying mess to an, at least gratifying more bearable process with way more variety.

Now as per any feedback or suggestions made any of these suggestions would be a godsend and 2 or even 1 would be a missive help especially to the Xbox community with our lack of script counterparts.

Even if the Devs take this into consideration for future updates or titles this would be amazing.

Thankyou for reading and maybe hopefully we will se something like this in the future.

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