My event controllers are dropping the blocks they are looking at.

JAYSON ROBBINS shared this bug 15 months ago

My event controllers are not keeping the selected blocks in the watch list. I’ve tested it extensively over the last couple days. I was super confused why my patrol drones were dropping out of the sky. Noticed the event controller had stopped watching the batteries. I reassigned the batteries then proceeded with another task. Couple hours later I check on the same drone and he’s sitting on the recharge pad. Go look at the event controller monitoring the batteries and they are blank. Now this is a large grid event controller on a poi. So I started thinking maybe it was a connect and disconnect issue but it’s not. All of my weapon event controllers that were supposed to be monitoring ammo on my drones are blank. They stopped looking at the weapons. Now I know it’s not a connection issue because the last drone I tested it on hadn’t docked. So I remained flying around with the presets in it, until I don’t know when. I can’t figure out when it’s happening but every time I load my game I have to redo all the event controllers on all my drones and their respected bases.

Replies (8)


Hello Engineer!

Would it be possible to upload a save to to a world with those issues and share a link in this thread?

Kind Regards

Keen Software House


Good Morning, here is a link with the save that this bug is affecting, or effecting…. I can never tell. Anyways this save has drones moving from the auto mining rigs to a refinery as well as a missile base. Those drones are being watched by Event controllers on the Auto Rigs. The EC is set to monitor battery power and launch the drone when adequate stored power has been achieved. Upon loading this save I noticed the drones weren’t moving. I went and checked the rig EC and it’s blank. My settings are still there but it isn’t monitoring the drone batteries anymore. Upon further investigation it seems like the EC on other drones and bases have wiped as well. Here’s the link. I tried several different things like blueprint copying and I tried renaming things. I tried making a new drone and naming it the exact same thing. Nothing made the EC wipe but when I loaded back in they were blank. I think it’s tied to the saving system inside the EC but I’m not anything close to a programmer. I wish you luck on your hunt.


Hello Engineer!

We noticed that the event controller is located on the rig instead of the drone. It is expected to lose connection to the battery when drone disconnects from the grid on which Event Controller is located. Could you try placing an event controller on the Drone?

Kind Regards

Keen Software House


If you go look at the Alpha Radscorpion the ECs on there are still good so I know it works on the same grid.

So the EC will work while I’m logged in and forever literally if I just don’t leave the game. But as soon as I do it wipes them. So is this an intended feature? Or is the stable solution for now, is to only use EC on same grid monitoring?

I’m ok with both but I’d like to tell the community so we can build our drones more efficiently and not have rework. Nobody likes rework.


Ok so I set up 2 EC to monitor power on the drone itself. The EC turn on and off with timers on launch from whatever grid they are on. I have confirmed that when the rig EC drop the batteries, the EC on the drone still have the batteries and all other presets. Is this intentional then? I have confirmed it works as you have said it will.


Hello Engineer!

At the moment it is intended that Event Controller only tracks blocks on the same grid or attached sub-grids.

We've reported the behavior you've described to our internal system. We will update this thread when we know more.

Kind Regards

Keen Software House


Awesome!!!! This is all I needed to know to engineer a workaround. No problems at all. Thanks for the info.


Hey I went and looked at the missile base and the ECs that are on the attached su grid have all dropped the storage they were looking at. I think there’s 8-9 of them that have all stopped looking at the things they need to look at.

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