Gyroscope bug with merge blocks, and also by Decoupling Merge blocks, Ship got new name (annoying)

SiHO colus shared this bug 4 years ago

I built few Weeks ago for Testing a Dock station where you can Enter or Leave Ships to a Space Station (or Another Ship), where the Docking area is Completely Airtight. So you can Breath the Air of the Station/Ship, and don't need your Space Suit.

So now I discovered 2 Bugs, the First one:

If you dock your ship at a station and then disconnect it again, the ship has severely limited maneuverability. the ship turns, tilts and rolls much more sluggishly than before. reloading the world, or cutting / copying the ship and reinserting the game error disappears.

I also Made a Video what shows this issue:

The Second Bug:

The ship, which previously had a name, is suddenly renamed. from "Example Class Battleship" it becomes "Static Grid 6723" - I would like to be able to keep my ship named as it should. AND NO, I don't want to use this antenna's Hud name! Even if I save the ship again, for example by changing the blueprint menu, it takes the changed name instead of the one I gave the Sxhiff when it was first saved in the blueprint menu. this has to be patched urgently!

Replies (2)



I wasn't able to reproduce bug #1, after connecting and disconnecting from station, the ship behaved the same as before. Does it still happen to you? If yes, can you upload the world, where it happens with exact steps to reproduce?

For the bug #2, it is not a bug. This is result of how merge blocks work. Merge block does not just connect two grids, it merges them into one solid grid, it means that after disconnecting it recreates connected grid. It can not remember previous name because it does not have to be the same grid. I would suggest to use connectors instead of merge blocks.

Thank you!


Yes, I agree on #2....

What if there can be a option added to the merge block to keep the name of the grid it's attached originally attached to...? This option would be especially helpful if your temporarily merging for docking ships together..(Which I do a lot and likely others also... )


It sounds more like a new feature than a bug. I would suggest to create a new Feedback topic or search if there isn't already existing one. If it gets enough votes there it might help it to get implemented in the future.



So i Uploaded a Video on YouTube what shows the Bug on a Ship. The Barrel Roll Meneuver is much more Difficult after the Ship was Attached on the Docking Station. (Static Grid)

I demonstrated it on Video with the Tilt on the Ship (sorry for my Bad English)

Also I Uploaded the Ship of the Video, and another Merge Block Compatible Ship what are Enable to dock on my Test Station.

And I Uploaded the World.

Ship 1:

Ship 2:


Video on YouTube:

P.s: I Playing on Xbox One X, Experimental Mode.


I was able to reproduce it with the attached world. Thank you. The issue was forwarded to the dev team for investigation.

Thank you!

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