Ship not moving

Jason shared this bug 11 months ago

We just built a ship from a blueprint its hydrogen based and has enough hydrogen to fly a short distance (we assume) we cut its connections but it will not move and all thrusters are firing , it took a whole week to build please help 🙏 also some of its modules are greyed out in control panel? See pic

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Replies (7)



Thank you for contacting us. Since this is a bug report, I'm moving your ticket to our support page, where our QA team will take care of you.

Kind Regards

Keen Software House


Hello, Engineer!

Could you please tell us if the ship is Large, Small grid or a combination of both? Could you please check if it's in the Ship mode and not in a Station mode? You can check that in the Info tab of the Terminal.

Regarding the greyed out items in the Terminal, please check if they have "Show block in terminal" setting enabled.

Kind Regards

Keen Software House


Large grid, no option to change to or from station mode, an admin came on from discord and after much thumbling around the hydrogen ran out before he released the ship which then meant i could only control it by 4 large atmospheric thrusters which eventually led me to crash and destroy it , it took a whole week to build i will not try and rebuild it i just quit the game


Large grid, no option to change to or from station mode, an admin came on from discord and after much thumbling around the hydrogen ran out before he released the ship which then meant i could only control it by 4 large atmospheric thrusters which eventually led me to crash and destroy it , it took a whole week to build i will not try and rebuild it i just quit the game


Hello, Engineer!

We're sorry to hear you had that experience. Is there any way we can help you in this situation? Since the issue was on an official server, we could paste a starter ship for you, for example.

To address the original issue, could you tell us if the ship was in the station mode? Or was it released in any other way by the admin?

Kind Regards

Keen Software House


It was not in station mode and could not even see an option for it, i have no idea what method the admin used to release it but he was using hacking methods ? The ship was the bastet would you be able to replace it possibly?


Hello Engineer,

Official Keen Software House servers are hosted by Keen and maintained by community members. These volunteers provide day-to-day support to our community.

If you have encountered an issue on an official Space Engineers server, please take the following steps:

~Please contact a server Administrator on your server.

~Join our official Discord server

~Contact a server Administrator in the #Help-for-official-servers Discord channel

We have warned admins that you might contact them. Thank you for your patience.

Kind regards,

Keen Software House

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Hello Engineer,

As there has been no reply to this thread in some time, we will close it. We hope the issue got resolved by pasting a new ship.

Kind regards,

Keen Software House: QA Department

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