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Grinding issues on xbox private server

Aaron Rumfitt shared this bug 3 years ago

So a friend and I decided to rent a private server for this game, and for the most part; we're really enjoying it.

We are playing on series x and until recently we have had little to no issues.

So at first we had our server set up with vanilla settings, built multiple landing pads etc, until we encountered a problem trying to grind down misplaced armour pieces. Basically the animation for grinding played out as usual, but the armour pieces remained (yet we are able to walk right through them like they dont exist).

As you can imagine; this be amequite a hinderance as we could no longer tell which armour pieces are real and which we will fall through.

Anyway, we took a gamble and reset the save on the server, altering a few settings in the process... and here we are, same issue.

We really want to enjoy this game but this is literally preventing us from building our base properly.

Replies (2)


Hello Engineer!

We are aware of desync issues on servers and our developers are working on it.

We will update the thread once the fix is live.

Thank you.

Kind regards,

Keen Software House: QA Department



this should be fixed in 198.

Thank you.

Kind regards,

Keen Software House: QA Department

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