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Suggestion: Add Frostbite DLC to SE

Darren W. Pearce (Dwolfyone) shared this feedback 4 years ago

As Keen suggested, I have opened up a separate ticket for this one... I would really love to see the Frostbite DLC come to Xbox One SE. I have been watching Splitsie playing this on YT and it looks really cool!

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Replies (9)


We plan to release the Frostbite DLC for Xbox in coming months.

Thank you for your feedback!


Are the wolf and spiders gonna be added into the Xbox version


If the Frostbite DLC is released, do you have to buy it seperatly if you have the ultimate edition or is it free?


It’s my understanding that the Frostbite “Update” has arrived with the small Hydrogen tanks, but the purchaseable DLC with things like the gate block and the offset door isn’t available in the store? Is that what you’re asking about?


yes the frosbite dlc not the update !


I’m afraid I know as little as you. I found a post somewhere two days ago that said it was five days off but I haven’t been able to find the post since. I have no idea if it was even accurate.


Mhhh the small block xbox builds. Searching for info on this to no avail :'( Maybe we should ask with a pretty please may we have these updates if they can be made available to the box of xness


I think keen needs to get it done along with servers. Of course there being like wild card and not caring. Keen open your eyes you have a great game but pputting consel on the back burn this game wont survive.


Trevor it takes time for them to code and make the updates and DLCs for Xbox because it isn't a pc and the small updates are helping the game get better by removing the bugs and glitches that ruin the game and the game play and they have the voting system in place so they know what people want and don't want and keen is doing the best they can during the covid-19 pandemic so don't give keen a hard time just because their best isn't good enough for you.


1 bug report comes in -> marked "In Progress"

A whole page of problems stemming from limited pcu count comes in -> "Keep voting!"

Lol I actually rediscovered ark due to my loss of steam for this game, loss of hope that servers will be stood up anytime soon. I now mess around in ark cause at least its constantly living and open for connections


I mean at least a status update? We have nothing to go off of besides "Planned" and "being considered", two separate statuses about the same thing lol


Smaller Updates are much more efficient. Keen Software House Team know what they are doing. Please hold steady everyone. Highly negative bashing would only make me tell someone to kickrox. KSH Did not have to make this available to the Xbox, so be grateful for a game that was presented as less than half price of what most games that provide less enjoyment are. THANK YOU KSH TEAM!!!!


I was grateful when I gave them the same amount of money as a completed PC copy. And it's not that I'm suddenly ungrateful now. Merely explaining why I and many others seem to be giving up and moving on to other games - lack of INFO (not much development required to simply tell us if they've started? Stuck in a hang-up with Microsoft about licensing or something? Etc.)


No Keen didnot have to offer it to xbox. i agree to that but there is a major point once again that you wanted to dive into consel. so be ready for a different demographic of players that are tired of the same thing we get from big game devlopers. This is a big chance for Keen to shine brightly more than EA Activison and all the others.

I was sayying it is a great game but you listen to one side the pc side and they get it all. Us on consel get crapped on when an xbox now is computer more now then back in 360 and og xbox.


We are working on that very hard. We did not want to release DLC until the stability of the game is good. We released plenty of hotfixes and the game is getting stabilized now. One more hotfix and we will be ready for something bigger.

Stay tuned and patient!


Keep up the good work, I absolutely love playing this game !!


We are working on that very hard. We did not want to release DLC until the stability of the game is good. We released plenty of hotfixes and the game is getting stabilized now. One more hotfix and we will be ready for something bigger.

Stay tuned and patient!


Hi guys,

in case you've missed it, we released Frostbite DLC last week.

I hope you will enjoy it!

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