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Frequently crashing trying to load saves & backup save files (xbox x)

Kris Mellis shared this bug 4 years ago

So me and my friends are playing survival on earth on xbox beta being hosted by an xbox x and every day is a struggle to find a save that doesnt crash me (the host) back to the xbox home screen. Sometimes we need to go threw 10+ back up saves to find one that will not dashboard us.

Every person I have played with on the xbox x has this worse than the first gen console.

Replies (6)


I've been unable to join MP games between my friends. I've had much more success having the host turn off autorespawn. Seems to help the game by not loading everything in all at once. It might not be your issue if the host can't load it since it'll always spawn the host where they logged off but maybe it'll help?


Well we all stopped playing until they sort it.. very game breaking losing 1-2 hours of progress every time I log out.

FYI today's update has done nothing to help crashing loading in


Same thing here its at the point i load it up 3x and then call quits on that save i lost 1 whole weekend bc of the save problem /load issue


Same here. Vehicles moving while a save occurs seems to be the issue but I can't confirm. If all vehicles are stationary when a save occurs the file seems to be more stable to me at least


I know for sure that we have tried saving with just me the host on server stood still


Credit where credit is due, it's clear to see the Dev team is trying to sort this issue but unfortunately today's update stopped the crashing but the game just loads and loads and loads it's been 20 minutes loading.


**UPDATE** Other than the first save I tried to load after the update every single attempt at loading my latest saves have worked perfectly so well done Devs 😊.

PROBLEM SOLVED for now haha

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