Public Test Feedback June 2nd - June 5th 2020

Evan Purl shared this feedback 4 years ago
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I am very impressed so far as performance gains serverside. However, I wanted to list the current issues that I have experienced during this test.

1. Long "loading" phases during a player spawn on a server, sometimes crashes the game.

2. Much better, but still varying performance on official servers. The loading times listed above are much worse there than on a private server.

3. (Ongoing) Unable to publish to the steam workshop, steam cloud not saving blueprints.

4. Bad periods of rubberbanding, causes ships to stop functioning/ crashing.

5. Server mismatch error upon server restart, staying on the "Server host has left the game" screen after the server closes.

6. Production block load time changes interfere with the productivity of the block. From what I have seen, this issue prevents assemblers from building components, air vents filling a sealed room with oxygen, o2, and h2 tanks not being filled by a generator that has ice.

7. Cargo containers not accepting any resources/ components. This so far has one happened with medium cargo containers on small grids.

8. Subgrid build planner does not bring components to your inventory. When a large ship is docked to a station via connectors, using the build planner shows that the components aren't able to be withdrawn.

9. Walking on a large grid with your magnet boots is not smooth, as if you were walking over small hills rather than a smooth surface.

10. Disconnecting a ship that was attached to a ship with a connector and piston causes you to lose control of the ship, not able to slow down or stop, only rotate.

11. Asteroids and planets not rendering when you're in a pilot seat when you start in space. Getting out and back in seems to fix the issue.

Despite these issues, I am incredibly happy with the better server performance. I will continue to update this post with any other issues I come across.

Replies (3)


12. GPS signals not saving their names or colors on official servers when you leave and come back. (Not tested on a private server)



Can you please elaborate on point number 6?

There were no changes on how gas generator is generating gas. There is an issue with gas tanks (reported) not correctly calculating gas. Production blocks (all of them) have the same timers so nothing can't prevent one or the other from producing something.

Can you give me specific example of what you are describing please? If you can create testing world in public test version.

Thanks for the feedback


I have only seen this issue on the official server I am playing on. It seems like the production blocks at times don't start assembling or refining. I can't give any information on that, it could be related to players joining/ leaving that causes it to stutter. As far as the gas, the issue happens on the same server. The generators, even when they're next to the tanks and full of ice, don't push the gas into their respective tanks. That's as detailed as I can get. However, the issues on point #6, as I said above, do seem to happen more frequently when a large number of players are leaving and joining.


I had the same issue with assembler.

production seemed to stop on motors (might be just coincidence). I cleared out all stuff from assembler and tried it again. it doesn't got the iron automatically (use conveyors was ON )but when I moved iron in manually , steel plates were produced but second in queue were motors and it stuck again. I tried power off on grid , assembler clear queue but it seemed to be still stuck. it was making noise like assembling but nothing was made.

grid is on Test #3 EU server and is named "!BUG! - refinery"...


Glad I'm not the only one! The issue is super strange and I'm not sure why it happens. It's very interesting as well that it stopped on motors for you. I did notice another issue today where the assembler shows that it's producing the items, but they don't show up in the inventory, they do take the resources. Found this out when I was making the components for a jump drive. Lots of gold mining wasted.


I think both is related to one of the reported issues with sound and assembler/refineries and some of the changes, which we did for this public test version. We will release patch for public test and let's see if that issue is still there.

Thanks for the info


Happy to help! When the patch comes out I will likely make a new feedback post about what I have noticed.



I noticed that crashing of the game in Multiplayer was not listed. (Other then during the loading screen)

My son and I have been playing the game in multiplayer and we have been experiencing connection issues with multiplayer and crashing of the game with just 2 players in the same game world. Sometimes his game will crash and which will also cause me to also be dumped from the server, and sometimes I will need to reload the game in order to reset the game so that he can join me in the same world.

The reason why I am posting is not because I am upset with the game. I actually enjoy it, but to help the developer make the game more stable and easier to play multiplayer.


I have yet to experience these issues on my own when I play, so I did not list them here. The only crashes/ connection issues I have are when a large grid renders, I smash a large ship into a voxel very fast, or when large numbers of players are leaving or joining.


Perhaps you have not experienced the multiplayer crashing, but I would not have told you if it was not freezing, dumping, crashing, and entering & exiting during our multiplayer game experience. I had hoped you would have been interested in hearing back from your fans about their experiences, but I understand if getting feedback from yourself is easier to handle.

This is my last post... good luck


Hey Patrick, I am not a Keen Developer or at all related to them, I simply made this post to help Keen in the future. The issues you have told me would be better suited in their own feedback page.

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