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[Public Test] Treat Medical Components as Ammo per Spawn

Inigmatus shared this feedback 6 years ago

Had this thought: treat medical components as ammo for spawns. This should open up balance opportunities between Medical Room and Survival Kit and any other spawn point (or whatever you choose to name it eventually).

Replies (6)


Perhaps a different ammo if the use of silver is still needed to build the respawn block. Being colorblind, I have an extremely hard time finding the visual indicator that there's an ore vein underground.


I think having a color blind ore color would be great idea. Make a separate suggestion for it! My dad is colorblind and faces the same when playing this game, so I can empathize.


Silver is extremely expensive in the early game and could lead to a situation where you cant respawn at your base and have to restart, which would be extremely annoying. I think it would be an interesting game mechanic to need a resource to respawn, however it needs to be cheap enough to be made early on in the game.


The best restart is simply reloading from a save. This is true for most single player games that has no immediate respawn option. For multiplayer, there are always nearby respawn ships. Players aren't disabled entirely by this feedback suggestion, just made to worry a bit more and hopefully add in some realism to trying to stay alive. Right now, death has no real cost in survival.


With ammo cases I think you can fire a few rounds before consuming the entire case, so maybe we could instead have a few respawns per medical component? (though more work to implement if the code can't be reused).

And since the normal medical room takes 15 I think, that could be quite a few respawns. Indication of the fill level for medical rooms would be very important since it would be extremely easy to neglect a medical room and lose access to it.


An alternative "ammo" cost for spawns could be oxygen - a boatload of it. This would mean free respawns on Earthlike, but force a heavy reliance on stored tanks and Oxygen Farms in space and on other planets. Even with a hefty oxygen supply, it'd give you a reason to worry about damage to your ship beyond just the medbay...


The game currently has an "organic" component type that is not used anywhere in game but is visible in the conveyor sorter menu. Perhaps this could be the "ammo" required to re-spawn/clone your character. It would be collected by cutting down trees. Which would mean players would absolutely need to periodically visit a life giving planet.


If you are looking for a bio component, you can tie the oft overlooked and semi-pointless Oxygen Farm into the equation. It grows organics if you look at the model closely so maybe you could have a secondary by-product, medical algae (whatever) packs. You can conveyor up the medbay to replenish, manually load it if needed, or even take some packs with you as a sort of Med Kit.


Hello, Engineers.

We think this is a really cool idea and we will considerate it for future projects.


The Space Engineers Team

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