Scroll Wheel and Blocks Glitching Between Variations

Willy .William shared this bug 5 years ago
Won't Fix

Hi, I have an issue with the Scroll Wheel. It gets stuck at the bottom of the scrollable area and I can't get back to the top. Also, I think this is relevant, but when I choose a block with different variations it glitches between variations. Such as a Light Armor Block and Light Armor Slope.

I use a track pad on a laptop.

Replies (11)


I'm hitting the same bug and I've noticed quite a few people complaining about the same bug online. A video on steam community depicts the exact problem I am having (see the first few seconds of the video):

The bug makes any scroll menu unusable and makes variation blocks impossible to use. As you might imagine this kills the playability of an otherwise wonderful game.

I forgot to mention: I am running into this bug with version 1.190


I also encounter this bug using AutoHotKey to simulate/remap mousewheel functionality.

On Windows 10, SE version 1.191.023 (and many earlier versions)

Replication Steps:

1) Install AutoHotKey ( )

2) Create a text/script file named like "MouseWheel.ahk" and give it the contents:


3) Double-left-click on the file in Explorer to start the script running (it will be a green square with a white H icon in the Notifications portion of the Taskbar).

4) Start Space Engineers and navigate to a scroll bar (New Game > Workshop tab works pretty well).

5) Check that the mouse can be used to drag the scroll bar normally.

6) Press the PageDown key once

7) See that the scrollbar has been scrolled all the way to the very bottom and the mouse cannot be used to drag the scrollbar back up. Clicking in the scroll area above the scrollbar momentarily jumps the bar up before it returns to the very bottom again.


Hello, Engineer!

Thank you for your feedback! Your topic has been added between considered issues.

Please keep voting for the issue as it will help us to identify the most serious bugs.

We really appreciate your patience.

Kind Regards

Keen Software House: QA Department


Any news on this? It makes game unplayable and it happens every time I don't have mouse attached (gamepad+keyboard for searching)


Hello, Piotr!

I've been trying to reproduce this issue and wondered if you could give a little more information. I've tried to boot up the game with the mouse disabled and a controller plugged in. The game doesn't appear to have trouble in a any way. Is it, for instance, scrolling through the menus or something similar? Is this at the menu or does it happen actually in-game? Any help would be great :)

Kind Regards

Laura, QA Department


Hi Laura,

This mostly happens when I'm playing on gamepad and occasionally use laptop's keyboard and touchpad in inventory. I will let you know if I can find sure way to reproduce it - right now it's pretty random, sometimes it doesn't happen during play through, sometimes it happens frequently every time I open the game (this issue makes game unplayable, so I have to restart).

I suspect the touchpad being culprit.



Hello, Piotr!

Thank you very much for the further information. That would be great if you manage to find a reliable way to reproduce the issue. I will await your findings :)

Kind Regards

Laura, QA Department


Hi Laura,

I think the easiest way to reproduce the issue is.... just try doing anything just with touchpad. The game will bug out within 1 minute after launching.

Put two fingers on touchpad and move them down to imitate scroll up/down and it will bug the hell out of the game. Try playing, switching block variations, scrolling up/down through inventory and control panel with touch pad alone.



Anytime on a laptop. Period. Up-to-date, any DLC, no DLC, any version of the game (behind on updates).

The only time you get full use of scroll, is if on desktop computer, otherwise, you should not bother thinking about scrolling, because you most likely will miss whatever you need, if you do not search for its specific name so it shows up without actually scrolling to it. For example, if the screen only shows 10 items at a time in list, you need number 11 item, you will never be able to use it, unless you use search feature if that even lets you access whatever you need. So, when I do not feel like being on my awesome desktop computer, I lay in bed on my gaming laptop in frustraition that I can not access all the features I want to use. Even if computer OS is updated, Steam is updated, various computer drivers are updated, the game is get the point that no reason it should not work.

You all have made an AWESOME game, which is why I only play when I am off work, and not before I go to work or anything important. It is way too fun, and easy to loose track of time. I average 6 hours minimum, 16+ on my days I am off work. This issues, has been present since the past 1 - 2 years since playing the game for first time on laptop. (I made this post 11/29/2021)


Hi your game seems looks great but it’s unplayable it seems to be stuck scrolling through block variations, I use a track ball I don’t even have a scroll wheel. I’d love to build that destroyer but it seems until this is resolved I can’t play the game.


just bought the game and have been struggling with the exact same bugg and it's really pissing me off...


Same bug here. It makes the game almost unplayable. I tried it with 1.196 and 1.197.


I fixed it for me. The bug only occurs, when there is no mouse plugged in, when the game starts.


Same bug here when I try to play on trackpad. Game bugs out instantly.

Sometimes I have the same bug on xbox controller as well.


Hello, Engineers!

Just to let you know that this has been successfully reproduced by my colleague and reported internally.

Kind Regards

Laura, QA Department


This bug is STILL happening for me! Any time for a proper fix?


Please fix it Keenswh


I'm having this issue still. I try and use a wired mouse and not touch the laptop touch pad. But if I do touch the laptop touch pad I have to restart my computer to keep it from scrolling by itself. Very frustrating 😢


Why hasn't this got fixed in 3 years??


Maybe they don't think laptops can handle SE? Mine handles it fine other than this bug.


I use laptop for Grand Theft Auto V, it surely handles well. I've also got one with intel i7 and 16gb Ram. Hopefully Keenswh doesn't underestimate laptops :D


Everything runs smooth, but this bug has stopped me from advancing in the game. I cant place anything down.

also if i can play literally any game on track pad, this should be able to run as well.

Specs: 32gb Ram, RTX 3050ti, AMD 9 on a laptop.


I still have this issue as well. Exactly what is shown in the video is happening. I use my laptop on my lap. What a strange idea for a laptop. No place to use a mouse. It usually occurs after a minute of playing the game. It happens in the menus as it shows in the video.

I am a software engineer, and I will be happy to help provide details to remove this bug for good. It has been there forever. Initially, the laptop's finger scroll never worked, and I had to use AutoHotKey to simulate the scroll. With later versions, it started working, but it only worked for a couple of minutes, and then it displayed the issues from the video. This was my favorite game of all time, but now it makes it very difficult to use. For example, I can't place a standard square block because it doesn't show up on the list. It only has a + by it, so it constantly scrolls through every block.

Please make this issue go away!


I actually wonder, it's possible to make game changing mods, would it be possible to build a mod which fixed this bug?

Keen seem to not be interested in this


I looked, and the buggy code is in the low-level Mouse code. It isn't overridable from the mod side that I can see. The code must be in libraries not written in C#. I can't find the root code that actually processes the event message.

I do have a very unsatisfactory workaround. Disable touchpad gesture scrolling. The menus won't peg at the top and bottom anymore, and you can scroll through large lists with ease. You can use the first block of a multi-block item, but there is no way to choose any other block. This bug has been around for a while. For older versions of the code, the gesture scroll was completely ignored. On newer code, it is expecting a specific value returned, and laptops change that up.

Just provide me with the low-level mouse message handler code, and I can rewrite it for you that works correctly.

Here is a snippet of code in c# that works perfectly for physical mouse and laptop gesture code.

        // Respond to the mouse wheel.
        private void picImage_MouseWheel(object sender, MouseEventArgs e)
            // The amount by which we adjust scale per wheel click.
            const float scale_per_delta = 0.1f / 120;

            // Update the drawing based upon the mouse wheel scrolling.
            ImageScale += e.Delta * scale_per_delta;
            if (ImageScale < 0) ImageScale = 0;

            // Size the image.
            picImage.Size = new Size(
                (int)(ImageWidth * ImageScale),
                (int)(ImageHeight * ImageScale));

            // Display the new scale.
            lblScale.Text = ImageScale.ToString("p0");
I noticed with a real mouse the scroll values went by 10% increments. So 10% to 20%, etc. With the laptop gesture, the values went by 1% increments. Much finer control. I haven't tested what the values do when using AutoHotKey, but if those results are needed I can perform that test. Give me the code, I will write a simple test app to exercise that scroll wheel logic, and then I post the fix.

Let's make this go away!


I found this use case in which it also fails. If you remote desktop into the computer and run the game, and the computer you are using has a traditional 3-button mouse, it also shows the same scroll wheel issue. I know the values from remote desktop are unusual, but this might be an easier way to simulate the problem.


Hello, engineers!

After discussing internally, we have concluded that we don't support touchpads/trackpads and unfortunately we currently have no plans to do so in the future.

So we are not moving forward with fixing the reported issue and will be closing this thread for now.

Kind Regards,

Keen Software House: QA Department

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